Chapter 19 Gruesome Attack

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

"Hurry Jimbo! The town's going haywire!" Toby cried.

"I'm trying!" I said, rummaging through the cabinets trying to find flour.

Finally I found the flour and grabbed it. "This should get rid of the Gruesome. C'mon!" I said, running from our house.

"Claire just texted me she said that the groosem is on... 8763 miles south. Turn South Jim!"

I followed Toby's directions. We sprinted to the location. It was the town's mall.

"No wonder why everyone's going crazy! It's in the freaking mall!" I cried.

Eventually we reached the group. Toby was trying not to pass out from all the running. "Got it," Toby said.

"Let's get shopping then," Claire joked.

We ran into the mall. People were screaming and running from Gruesomes.

"Blinky I thought you said there was only one?!" I yelled over all the chaos.

"I think I slightly miss calculated," Blinky said innocently.

I groaned.
"Claire, I need you to go with Mary and Darci to gather as much flour as you can find."

"On it," Claire activated her staff and they jumped through.

"The rest of you, hold off these ugly slime balls until they get back."

We all ran into action. I looked around to see any Gruesome that was causing anyone any harm. Surely enough in the jewelery store they where stacking people trying to eat the jewels that they wore.

They desperately tried to escape, but they wouldn't let them. There was at least three. I ran over to them and as much force as I could, I leaped onto the wall and pranced off of it. Allowing my feet to go first, I slammed right into the Gruesome. I landed perfectly while the Gruesome, not so much...

"Hey uglies, I'm fresh stone come get me!"

They turned around and began to come after me. The humans... oh my gosh I'm definitely am talking now as if I never was human. Let me try this again... the people (there that's better) got up and ran.

"Master Jim! Don't let them touch your skin! There goe can instantly dissolve any sort of stone."

"Good to know!" I yelled back while dodging one of the Gruesome's attack. At that very second, I felt something that I never felt before. I found strength and before I knew it I was full force attacking the Gruesomes.

Steve's POV:

Jim looked so freaking cool! He was so fast. He would dogde a Gruesome's hit easily as well as place a strike on them ten times worse. Eventually he had all the Gruesomes on the ground. And we didn't even do anything to really help. I didn't know what he meant by he needed help in the invasion.

"So..." he said walking towards us.

A Gruesome attempted to get up but Jim, without looking behind him, swiftly threw his thigh blades at it. It fell forward. Then the blades ricocheted back into his hands.

"What's taking Claire so long?" He asked.

That's when a portal openened behind Jim. Claire, Mary, and Darci came through with a whole shopping cart of flour.

"We tried to hurry but we got held up by the store manager... what happened here?" Claire asked.

"Jim happened," I said.

"Hurry, they're rejuvenating," Jim said.

He grabbed a bag of flour. "Lesson two. Expect the unexpected," Jim said.

He threw the bag in the air to demonstrate and sliced it perfectly in half with Midnight. The flour trickled onto a few Gruesomes and instantly turned them into stone. Claire grabbed more and more bags and threw them for Jim to slice up. Eventually the whole place smelt like flour, and Jim and Claire were covered in it.

"Talk about a day," Toby said.

"Let's get out of here," Jim said. "We have a war to end in the morning. We all need our rest."

Jim's POV:

We were all down in Trollmarket. I gathered as much of the trolls with me from all parts of the world. How you ask? Claire's Shadow Staff... anyways.

Everybody, and I mean everybody was with me. Tobes, Claire, Blinky, AAARRGGHH!, Merlin, Mary, Darci, Douxi, Eli, Steve, (and all of their parents including my mom) Aja, Krell, there dog Luug, Stuart, and finally Vervatos.

"Tonight," I said, "is the night we stand our ground! We will tell our enemies that we will protect both worlds no matter the cost. Tonight we can finally end this war once and for all. After all these centuries it ends now. Morgouse has no idea we are coming, we will be unstoppable!"

Everyone cheered.

Later that night:
Morgouse's POV:

"My queen!" An impure ran up to me desperately and bowed.

"What?" I answered.

This better be important.
"They are here!"

No. That's impossible. NO!
"Who is here?!" I yelled.

"The Trollhunters."

How did he find out where we are?! No matter. I have a little something planned for him...

"Ready my troops. I will get my revenge if it's the last thing I ever do!" I cried.

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