Chapter 27 The Seven Amulets Of Daylight

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

I was the first to lay a strike on Morgouse. I climbed the roof and tried to get to her from where she was at in the sky. Trying to get me, she shot strings of magic. I dodged them. Since they led a trail right to her, I pulled the move Angor did when he was up against Morgana. I jumped up on her magic and began to run towards her. Noticing what I was doing she let go, and I fell. But it was way to late for her. I latched on to her feet as I fell, causing her to come down with me. We both hit the ground. Morgouse was the first to get up. I was too slow.

I tried to move my hands, but I couldn't. She had me pinned to the ground by her magic. She made her sword appear. As I struggled to get out she made her way towards me. I was going to die.

"I am done with your games," she said. "For too long I have waited for this day to arrive. The death of Merlin's most beloved Hunter." She used her sword to place a clean cut on my cheek. I yelled.

"I could have given you everything. I could have even turned you back into a human if you had just done one simple thing for me!" She raised her sword. "And now you will die!"

She was about to end my life right then and there, but something stopped her. She turned around as I opened my eyes.

"Hey you witch!" I heard.

What I saw was probably the most happiest thing of my life. There standing a few yards from me and Morgana were the citizens or Arcadia Oaks. But they were not running. They were fighting against her.

"You're not going to take over our world!" One yelled. The crowd cheered in agreement.

"What!" Morgouse cried. "You think you have any chance of survival?! Have you all lost your minds!"

Her accent was just like Morgana's, but her voice was full of fear. I realized that the people were distracting her. I looked up at my hands, and tried to move them. I could. She lost focus. I got up behind her.

"Her Morgouse!" She turned around. Using all my strength, with the help up Midnight, I punched her so hard . She flew back a few feet. Her helmet came off. The citizens cheered. Her long brown hair with streaks of silver covered her face.

"They're not crazy, Morgouse," I said as I made Midnight appear. "They just saved my life."

She turned around in enough time to block my attack. She was absolutely beautiful. Her eyes were as blue as daylight itself. She tried to get up but I pushed her back down. I raised Midnight.

"Wait! No! Stop! I can turn you back into human right now!" She cried. I hesitated. The conundrum or the crowd cheered me on.

"It's too late for that. I am who I am and I'm proud of it!" And at that very moment I stabbed Midnight straight through her chest. She screamed as she began to glow blue.

"NOO!" She cried as she burst into a bunch of blue glowing dust particles. Her voice echoed. For a minute there was silence. All the trolls that were in the army turned into stone and fell. Every one began to cheer. It was over. All these countless days of figuring out a way to stop her were not a waist. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Still frightened from the fight, I flipped around and held Midnight to the person's chest. It was Merlin.

"At ease James Lake," Merlin said.

I lowered it and apologized. Behind Merlin were my friends. All of them. Their parents, as well as my mom. Claire was there as well as James my dad and.... the general? But James wasn't in the Daylight armor. He was in his regular clothes.

"Jim, I believe this belongs to you. Not me. I do not deserve the responsibility of wielding this weapon."

He took the amulet from his pocket and handed it to me. And while I know that he has done a lot to harm my friends and family, he did save me from getting captured while risking his life for me. And now he was surrendering the amulet. I took it and placed it inside of my armor.

"James, after everything you have done to me and my mom, it will be difficult for us to allow you back into our live's. But I want you to know that you will always have a home down in Trollmarket." He smiled.

"Thank you... son," he said.

I smiled and made my way to the group. I couldn't find the words for them. They all made me so proud. Claire and Toby ran up and hugged me. I leaned down a bit to reach eye level.

"Jimbo how did you do it?" Toby cried. I laughed.

"Well Tobes lets just say, that it wasn't easy."

My mom walked up to me and hugged me as well. "But Jim your hurt," she said.

I shrugged. "I'll survive," I said. I stood up and began to talk to the group.

"Thank you all for your help. While we have created new friendships during these past few months, I just want to thank each of you personally for risking your life for me and for the world. You're all heroes and I hope that the world will remember that for years to come." Blinky, Merlin, AAARRRGGHH!!!, Claire, Toby, Eli, Steve, Mary, Darci, Numora, Douxie, Angor, Aja, Krel, Vervatos, Steven, and all the parents smiled.

"For your bravery I have created these seven amulets. You will guard them with your life. And no one will be able to wield them except for you all personally, me, and the Trollhunters. I give you the seven amulets of Daylight!" Merlin announced as he began to hand each amulet out to Claire, Toby, Eli, Steve, Mary, Darci, and Douxie. Their armor disappeared and formed into the amulet which read, For the Glory of the world, Daylight is mine to command.

"These amulets will grant you the ability of immorality," Merlin said. "Except when in battle. So use them well. The world needs you, Trollhunters."


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