Chapter 22 Jim MIA

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Toby's POV:
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

"Where did Jim go?! There was most definitely a Jim!" I cried.

"Alas, Tobias the Trollhunter is on his own right now. We have our own fights too. We cannot locate him right now, while he could be anywhere in the world now. He is in Morgouse's hands," Merlin stated.

"We can't just leave him! He's up agains Morgouse! The Morgouse! All alone!" Claire shouted at Merlin.

Barbara made her way into the conversation."Yeah!" I said.

Merlin sighed.
"I don't like it either," he said.

"Guys! Buttsnacks on your right!" Steve warned.

We all turned around. There were trolls that looked just like the ones we had fought during the Eternal Night, crowding there was in on us. Gum Gums.

Merlin activated his staff of Avalon while I activated my Warhammer. Merlin and Douxie used their magic to fend off most of the guards, turning them into trolls.

I ran up to them and began to smash them with my Warhammer. One by one the trolls went down in number. But the only thing that kept snagging my mind was Jim.

My best friend.

Jim's POV:

When I woke up, I felt energized all over again. I felt like I could try to take on another battle of Morgouse. I opened my eyes and looked around. Iron bars were strung everywhere. There was a metal wall behind me. I stood up and walked to the bars.

There was no one around. Just an empty stone hallway. Where the heck was I?! I grabbed the bars and tried to pry them open. With all my energy, I pulled. They moved a little bit with a loud creaking sound in between . But I soon realised that there was just no way I was going to be able to move four inches of solid iron so I could fit all the way through.

So I did the next thing I could think of. I summoned Midnight. The sword literally seemed to be on fire. I tried to slice the bars. That didn't work either. It only sparked and made a few indents. I growled in frustration before summoning my shield to pry the dang bars opened. Again they wouldn't budge. I tossed Midnight on the ground out of frustration. I looked around for any way out. Nothing. I was stuck here.

"Damn it!" I yelled.

I had to get back to my friends. The world could be up in flames right now all because of stupid...
Jim calm down! I told myself. Just see what happens.

I walked over to the corner and sat down. I began to fidget with my hands. That's when I heard a door open and close. I heard footsteps walking towards me. I looked up, when the footsteps stopped. There was a human standing right before me. On the other side of the cell of course. I stood up and growled quietly.

"We mean you no harm," the man spoke.

He wore an arm suit. Camouflaged mostly. He had white hair. He looked about... fifty give or take... I began to speak Trollish without even realizing.

"Get me out of here now," I said in Trollish.

"Don't speak English? That's alright."

"Oh I speak English as well as Spanish. Clearly you don't know anything about me," I said.

The man looked a little surprised.
"What are you?" He asked.

I stared him down.

"Give me one good reason why should I trust you," I snarled.

"Because the world depends on it." That was good enough for me.

He obviously wasn't a Changeling, because he clearly didn't even know what I was.

"I am a troll. And I can be your greatest enemy... or your greatest ally," I said darkly.
My voice echoed through the cell.

"I do not wish to make you my enemy. My boys saw what you're capable of. And that armor. What's it made out of? It's bullet proof and it can do incredible things."

"It's one of a kind," I instantly snapped back. "This was forged by magic itself."

He scoffed.
"Magic. Sure. Because Magic is totally real," he said sarcastically.

To prove it, I yanked the man's arm inside of the cell so quickly he didn't even have time to shout out. Then I summoned Midnight and pointed it at his heart.

"Magic," I repeated but with more frustration in my voice.

I let go of the man and he instantly backed up against the wall way out of my reach.

"I didn't come here to have you threaten me," he said sternly. I tilted my head. "I wanted to make a friendly... wager... if you know what that means."

I began to pace around the cell.
"Let me tell you something, old man. I don't appreciate being treated like a wild untamed animal. I know a lot more then you think I do. And for the record, I am not interested in any... wager you have. I was made this way to kill, so for your life, and the many others out there, you will let me go, and we will forget that this day ever happened. Do we have a deal?!"

Wow. That came out a lot more... saltier then I expected.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. See if you will work for me, then I in return will allow your freedom. We could use you in the army, since you were 'built to kill'," the man said, I scoffed.

"I guess I'll be stuck here then for the rest of my life. You'll be dead way before I die. Plus I can't go in sunlight."

"Or else?" He questioned.

"I die. Burn up. Turn to stone," I was able to walk in sunlight, but Merlin unfortunately had to remove the stone in order to create Midnight. I knew trolls could live for centuries to come, so I really could be here for the rest of my life. But I'm pretty sure I'll find a way out, or Claire will Shadow Travel to me. So really, there's nothing to be worried about.

"What's your name?" He asked kindly.

I hesitated and stopped pacing.
"Tell me yours first."

"General Hudson."

"James or Jim. I don't care. I am the Trollhunter. Protector of Humans, Wizards, Trolls, Aliens... you name it. Slayer of Morgana, Gunmar, Angor, and Bular," I said.

"Aliens... Trolls... Wizards.... and I thought I was going crazy when I saw you. You're a whole new species... Jim," he said.

I rolled my eyes.
"Where're not new. Trolls have been living on earth for centuries. Before the dinosaurs," I said.

"But to science... you're new." That made me even more frustrated.

"You took this land from them. And now trolls have had it. Which is why I need you to let me go because they won't stop till all humans are dead. Please you have to let me go," I pleaded.

It was the nicest way I had talked to him since we met.
"I'm sorry Jim but you're staying. We have weapons of our own. I'm sure we will be fine. It's your choice James. Join. Or stay," he said as he began to walk away

Oh great. Another choice. Just what I needed. I had a huge feeling that he wasn't just going to use me for the army though. He was going to use me to participate in wars which meant killing people. And I don't kill unless it's necessary.

"You're making a mistake!" I shouted. "You can't do this! You don't know how dangerous they are!"

Before I knew it, all my yelling and effort to bring him back was pointless. I wasn't getting out of here any time soon.

"I'm so sorry you guys," I whispered an apology to all my friends and their family risking there life because they trusted me.

And now I was a sitting duck in here. I began to scrape the ground with my thigh blades in hopes that I could escape this place sooner or later. If only I had my phone with me to text an SOS message to someone in our team.

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