Chapter 20 Douxie's Chance

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Douxie's POV:
(Written by @Kodbro)

"Douxie. Come on. I need your help," Jim called out once the Gruesome  attack was over.

So you can fight a bunch of Gruesomes without my help, but now just because I told you I'm a wizard, you need my help with Morgouse? I guess this was what Jim had been preparing us for in the first place.

When Jim realised that I was falling behind, he turned around, irritated for a second. "Douxie," he said.

"And here I thought you were the patient one," I said back. My pace quickened.

"Well with Morgouse, there's no time for patience. She's planning to resurrect her sister. We can not let that happen," he explained.

I will admit. Jim had surprised even me out there with the Gruesomes. And for a second, had even frightened me. While I had never seen human Jim in action, Troll Jim was a sight that would never cease to amaze us, I could tell that now.

We finally all arrived at the bridge.
Me, Fair Lady Claire, Mary (oh it was Mary who I had eyes for ever since I had saved her and Darci from the Gum Gums during the battle of the Eternal Night after the Battle of the Bands.), Toby, Jim, Steve, the short skinny one Eli, Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!!, Strickler, Merlin, Jim's mom, Aja, Krel, Vervatos, Eli, Mary and Darci's parents. Like I said... all of us were here.

"Good. We're all here," Jim said. "It's finally here everyone. Claire, Toby, Douxie, mom, Strickler, Aja, Mary, Merlin and Steve, you're all coming with me to the Janus Order."

I winked at Mary as Jim said her name. "Don't worry," I told her parents. "She will be perfectly safe with me. You're all right there, lovely?"

I couldn't actually tell what she was thinking when her dreamy eyes looked back at mine. At least, I assumed they looked dreamy. I was feeling the same.

"As for the rest of you," Jim resumed. "If Detective Scott can prepare Arcadia for Morgouse's invasion along with everyone else's parents while Blinky and AAARRRGGHH! stay down in Trollmarket until the sun goes down completely. We need forces everywhere. Vervatos, Krel, Eli and Darci, I would like you to all hold the fight up here. Does anyone have any objections?"

I certainly didn't. Jim was a good leader. He looked like he had a lot of experience. In the end, no one objected which was a good thing.

"Good. Let's go and put a stop to Morgouse then while we still can," he said.

Jim's POV:

As much as I didn't want my mom and Claire to come with me, at the same time, I would at least be able to know if they were okay or not since they were here.

With her new Shadow Staff, Claire opened a portal which took us directly into the tunnels of the Janus Order. "What? The Teen Centre?" Aja suddenly asked which made me smile.

Still looking pretty much how we had left it with its troll's remains, I summoned Midnight and began to walk forward with everyone else around me.

"Be careful please, Jim," my mom said. I was happy Strickler was with us, as he would do anything to protect her.

"I will try," I said. "But with knowing what's coming, I can't guarantee. Not what you expected, hey?" I then said to Aja who smirked back at me.

"Trollhunters," I then heard her say.

Suddenly I felt Merlin come up next to me. "This was always your charge, Trollhunter," he said as we walked side by side with our swords out and at the ready.

"You mean my metal?" I asked, a bit confused.

"I mean your ability. Your purpose," he explained. "I will fight by your side. I will fight with you until all evil has been banished from the face of the earth."

"As much as that sounds like paradise right now, there will always be something evil out there," I said.

"Do you realise how vast the universe is?" Aja suddenly asked, overhearing us. Then again, it was unnaturally quiet in this long blue corridor that we were walking through.

It made me think. Did we really have the element of surprise with Morgouse this time? She has sent us back in time before. What was there to stop her from doing it again if she felt threatened? Was there a traitor amongst us?

No. There couldn't possibly be. Unless you counted the exception of Douxie. I was still confused about that guy.
"Hey, you there," a gruff voice suddenly asked from around the corner, clearly referring to us.

That's when I noticed that it was our shadows that had given our presence away. "Damn it," I hissed, stopping all of a sudden.

"What is it?" Mary asked.


"Leave that to me," Douxie said before I could finish.

Then before I could even stop him, he suddenly raced past us and around the corner, summoning his magic as he did before blasting it at his opponent. It was the guard's cry and Douxie's blast of green magic that told us his hit had been successful.

I turned the corner with everyone behind me to see Douxie standing above the guard who he had knocked out with his magic.

Okay. So maybe I had underestimated him.

"Still think that I'm not on your side?" He asked me.

"Don't be smug," Mary said.

What? How? Was something going on between them that I didn't know about? We already had a Staja.

Jim. Stop getting distracted, I snapped at myself before Steve could say, "Well. At least we know we have the upper hand in this. That guard seemed surprised when he saw Douxie."

"Indeed he did," Strickler agreed.

"Is that what you think?" A new voice called, stopping me in my tracks.

"Dad?" Steve asked.

"My son," he answered from the other end of the corridor. "Now friends with the Trollhunter-"

"Trollhunters," I said, putting empathise on the S.

That's when he looked back at me. "As you wish, Jim Lake Junior. My my though, what a sight you all are in your armour. Morgouse is going to be very pleased indeed," he said.

So she knew we were coming then all along?


"Jim!" My mom called out when I felt hands suddenly grip mine and pin them behind my back. As I struggled to get free, I could hear my friends struggling behind me as well.

Then we were being forced forward. I held my mom's eyes as we were. A door opened before us and then I saw her.

With long brown hair that ran past her shoulders, adjourned in an armour of silver like her sister's, she couldn't be mistaken.

"Trollhunters," she exclaimed, almost happily... as if. My glare only hardened on her since she was staring directly at me, no a doubt blaming me for the death of her sister. Which didn't make sense if she was planning to resurrect her anyway. "I've been expecting you."

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