✘ ONE: Deal with Him ✘

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Heather Barbossa entered Ursula's Fish and Chips with her crew in tow

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Heather Barbossa entered Ursula's Fish and Chips with her crew in tow. Well it really couldn't be considered one. She used to have Hanna, the daughter of Hans before she mysteriously decided to turn when the VKs returned three months ago.

But she still had her brother, Hector and Helia the daughter of Hades whenever she decided to show up and that was it.

But it didn't stop her from doing what she wanted. They might have been few people but they were still something.

They were apart of Uma crew technically but usually went off on their own. Uma was always in a sour mood whenever they showed up. Heather didn't know if it was directed towards them or if she was still mad about what had happened with Mal.

Maybe it was both. She never liked Heather. She'd only let her join her crew because of HJ. And HJ was only allowed to join the crew because of Sam. Helia had managed to join because Uma took a liking to her and used her temper for her benefit.

Heather sat at their usual table, looking around at the shop that was mysteriously empty. She'd taken a seat next to Gil who was scarfing down a few dozen eggs.

She poked him in the shoulder. He turned to look at her a smile on his face.

"Hi Heather!" Gil said after swallowing his food.

"Hey Gil." Heather said. "Where's everyone?"

Gil shrugged his shoulders.

"It's a slow day today." Gil said with a shrug. "So Uma's been in the back all day."

"So you've been sitting here all alone?" Helia asked. "You poor thing. Where's the rest of the crew?"

"On the ship." Gil said. "They didn't want to eat here today. I don't know why."

"Where's Sam?" HJ asked, looking around the Shoppe for his friend.

"She's at Captain Hook's shop." Gil said. "She's working her shift. Uma doesn't even make her work here anymore. It's been so slow this week. It's strange."

"Very strange." Helia agreed, propping her boots on the table. "Where's Harry?"

"He's on the ship I think." Gil said. "Watching the crew."

"So what does Uma do then?" Heather asked. "It doesn't sound like she does much."

"She does things." Gil said. "But she keeps to herself. Don't know why."

"So she doesn't sing her song everyday anymore?" HJ asked. Gil tilted his head in thought.

"She does." Gil said. "We still do."

"That's lovely." Helia said, flipping her brown locks over her shoulder. "So do you just sit here all day all alone?"

"No." Gil said. "I just sit and watch the TV until noon. Then I go to the ship."

"And that doesn't bother anyone?" Helia asked. "You know what never mind don't answer that."

"Why?" Gil asked with a frown.

"Don't think to hard about it." Heather said, patting him on the shoulder.

The son of Gaston shrugged, tossing his dirty trays into the sink for the Cook to wash.

She grumbled, taking the trays and setting them into the back.

"Has anyone seen Chelsea?" Heather asked, as they all shrugged.

"No." Gil said. "She hasn't come here. You know since Quinn and Hanna left and stayed in Auradon with Mal, Evie, Jay Carlos and-."

He stopped himself looking at the floor.

Poor Gil was still hung up on Gigi even though she was in Auradon living her best life.

She wasn't the daughter of a villain. She was the daughter of Rapunzel a hero.

Mother Gothel had taken her as her final act of revenge toward Rapunzel for leaving her. She wouldn't be sent to the Isle without messing with her life one more time.

Rapunzel hadn't told Gigi she was her mother because of a curse put upon her by the Enchantress. She and Mother Gothel has teamed up to keep away from getting captured for as long as possible. She'd placed a curse on Gigi that would be unlocked if they ever saw each other again.

If Rapunzel peeped the secret.

Mother Gothel had captured Gigi when she came and Rapunzel had come to save her. She'd spilled the secret and Gigi had gone into a sleep.

She'd only been able to wake up with true love's kiss.

It had been Gil, even if he'd only kissed her after other people failed, not ever spilling his feelings for Gigi when she had been on the Isle, acting like it was no big deal.

"It's okay Gil." Heather said. "You'll be okay. You'll see her again."

"I know." Gil said. "Sam said the same thing. But it's been a long time. Every time she leaves she only comes for other people not me."

"She will come back for you." Helia said. "She promised you that. And Gigi was never one to break promises. She's too much of a ray of sunshine to do that."

"You think?" Gil asked, looking up form where his head rested in his hands.

"I'm positive." Helia said. "You'll see her again."

"Thanks guys." Gil said, his usual peppy self blossoming out. "You made me feel better."

"We're glad we did buddy." Helia said, smiling slightly.

"Wonder if we can do that for Uma." Heather joked as Helia scoffed.

"As if." Helia said. "It's been three months and it's like she'd gone underground. No pun intended."

The doors of the Shoppe swung open, the room seemed to heat up a bit. Helia barely glanced over, looking over at her brother.

"Look who it is." Helia said. "Future King of the Underworld that dad likes more than me."

"You could have just said Helios." Helios said. "But I'll go with that. I'm sure everyone likes me more than they like you."

"Well maybe they would if you didn't fall off the map when we turned sixteen." Helia said.

"I have to practice being king according to dad." Helios said. "Because apparently he can't keep it up forever."

"Even if he lives forever?" Heather said.

"I mean we'll live forever too." Helios said.

"And deal with him forever." Helia shuddered. "I don't know if that's our punishment or his."

[✔︎] 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS TWO ⁶Where stories live. Discover now