✘ FIVE: Not Worried ✘

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"Look who came out of her shell

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"Look who came out of her shell." Helia giggled. "See what I did there?"

Heather rolled her eyes at her friend's words, but agreed with her nonetheless.

"Uma!" Heather exclaimed, clasping her hands together. "Oh how we've missed you darling."

"You can put it that way." Helia said. "If you wanna be nice. But not to be a bitch or anything. But what are you doing here Uma?"

"I work here." Uma said, flipping her braids over her shoulder. "I should be asking what you are doing here?"

"Well I know you work here." Helia said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not fucking stupid. But you haven't showed your face in three months and you had us pretty worried. I'm not saying I was worried about you. I don't care what happens to you Shrimpy."

Uma didn't get angry for being called Shrimpy which Heather found rather strange. She was usually one to get angry when she heard the horrid nickname. This was a truly changed Uma. Months in the dark could change a person.

"If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here." Uma said. "And I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."

"Usually when people say their fine. They're not." Heather said. "And I know you're not okay. Otherwise you wouldn't have hid away for so long. Don't fucking lie to me Uma."

Uma pursed her lips together, wiping off a table with a rag, before finding the words she wanted to say to Heather. To finally get whatever she had been keeping to herself all these months.

"Mal's a bitch." Uma muttered, as she walked over to another table, picking up the abandoned trays.

"Tell us something we don't know." Helia said with a yawn. "She's been two faced since day one. They don't care about us over there. She doesn't need to now. We've been through this shit multiple times. Mal never keeps to her word."

"All those VKs." Heather said. "Don't give a fuck about us. They might act like they care, bring a couple of us over. Ten they'll stop. Then they'll abandon us like they always do. What's new Uma?"

"She can't always win!" Uma said. "It shouldn't be possible. Not everything revolves around her."

"It kind of does." Helia said. Uma shot her a glare, so she raised her hands up on defense. "No offense Uma."

Uma rolled her eyes, tossing the trays over to Cook who would wash it in the sink.

Uma clicked her tongue, seeming deep in thought. She snapped her fingers together when she seemed to realize something Heather had said.

"Did you say they were bringing more kids over?" Uma asked.

"Uma if you think they'd invite you." Heather said. "You're mistaken. Mal would rather lose her head then have you live in Auradon."

"I know." Uma said. "I'm not thinking about me. Who is going? Do you know?"

"Dizzy Tremaine." Heather said. "And that's all I heard. I haven't heard any other names. We'll find out soon enough."

"Tremaine is like the sister Evie never had. Even though Evie has a sister." Helia said, pulling at her gloves, letting a fire light up on her fingertips.

"That's funny." Heather said. "So why is it so important to you whose going Uma? It didn't seem like something you would care about."

"Just curious." Uma said with a shrug. "There's nothing wrong with being curious right?"

"Curiosity killed the cat." Helia said. "Where is our cat? Has anyone seen Chelsea? I'm kind of worried now."

"You're worried about her." Uma said. "But you weren't about me? That's fucking insulting Hel."

"Well we knew where you were." Heather said. "You were in the back of the Shoppe, hiding away. But we haven't seen Chelsea since the night Quinn left. I don't know if she was doing okay. She claimed she was fine. But I knew it was eating her up on the inside."

"Would it not hurt you?" Helia asked. "To have your best friend, your girlfriend, leave you behind and not look back? I feel bad for Chelsea. She got her heart broken by the Queen of breaking Hearts. That's all Quinn ever was."

"Quinn may have left and all." Uma said. "But it was partially my fault for leaving her."

"And it was partially your fault for walking away when you had them right where you wanted them." Helia scoffed. "I still don't understand why you did that. Does the cold heartless Uma, have a heart?" Helia places a hand over dramatically over her heart. "Oh how the tables have turned."

"I never said I don't have a heart." Uma said, at Helia. "I said I was cold hearted."

"So how's the world gonna know your name now Uma?" Helia asked with a smirk. "When will the world be ours?"

"Oh shut it Helia." Uma snapped. "We'll get our revenge on them soon enough. Oh just have to be patient."

"I don't like being patient." Helia said. "I've waited all my life. I shouldn't have to wait anymore."

"We've all been waiting all our lives." Heather said. "And we will get there eventually. We just have to wait a little longer. It won't hurt."

"Well it does hurt." Helia said. "It hurts a lot. I'm tired of waiting."

"We all are." Heather said. "But we aren't going to get anywhere thinking like that. We have to wait for the right time. And now just isn't."

"Where's Gil?" Uma asked. "I was sure I heard his voice."

"Him and HJ are stalking my brother." Helia said. "It's no big deal."

"Your brother left the Underworld?" Uma asked. "After two years. I think that's more important than me showing my face after a few months."

"We were just as surprised as you." Helia said. "It just happened so fast. He never did answer why he came. I didn't like that. I hope HJ and Gil find something for me. I need to know why dad wanted me."

Heather just hoped HJ wouldn't get caught, it wouldn't end very well.

[✔︎] 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS TWO ⁶Where stories live. Discover now