✘ SEVENTEEN: Balanced ✘

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Heather balanced on the plank on Uma's ship, though the ship noticeably lacked its Captain

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Heather balanced on the plank on Uma's ship, though the ship noticeably lacked its Captain.

Harry ordered around the pirates, though he didn't seem invested in it. Gil swung on a rope, landing on the deck and doing it all over again. Heather spun on the plank, not fearing of falling into the water below. She could feel the other pirates watching her, ready to leap after her if she did indeed fall of the plank. She paid them no mind, continuing to spin around on the plank, having been used to this after years of practice. She knew where to put her feet so she didn't end up falling, even if it scared her friends half to death.

She felt a hand wrap around her wrist, trying to pull her away from the plank. She hadn't expected it and it sent both of them tumbling into the water below. Heather's head resurfaced first, before she pulled the culprit by their collar. Then she'd taken a good look at who it was and let go, swimming backward.

"Woah. woah." Jackson said. "I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry Heather."

"Sorry Heather?" Heather mocked, her tone bitter though Jackson had no idea why. "You scared me half to death. I was fine. I didn't need your help. I don't need anyone's help."

Heather hauled herself back onto the plank, shaking the water off herself as much as she could and walking away from the plank. She squeezed the water out of her hair, storming below the deck so she could change into something dry. She found Sam's room on the ship, where she had kept some of her clothes since Uma had offered them their own rooms but she and HJ had denied. They didn't want to sleep here even if Uma had tried her best to make them feel at home here and had tried to convince them to stay but they'd been fine with their hideout.

Sam's room looked just like it usually did but it was more bare. The closet only held Heather's clothes. The walls still had the pictures tacked onto them. The room just felt different and Heather didn't like it.

Heather quickly changed into a dry outfit, folding up her wet clothes and throwing them into the hamper that she would wash later. She sat on the bed, staring out at Auradon that was in perfect view from Sam's window.

She wondered if Sam ever sat and stared out the window herself before she'd left. Wondering why Evie had left her, just like Heather wondered why she'd left her. She wondered if Sam had been more angrier than she had let on. She wondered if Sam bottled up her feelings just like she was now. She wondered if Sam thought about how she had probably deserved Evie leaving her. Just like how Heather did.

The more she stared out the window, the sadder she became. The angrier she became. She didn't want to feel this way. She wanted to be happy for her friend but at the moment she couldn't at the moment. She would be soon, but just not today.

Heather was jolted out of her thoughts when someone knocked on the door. She ignored it, hoping the person would say who they were before she got up. She knew who it was. She didn't want to see him.

"Hey Heather?" Jackson asked. "Are you okay?"

"Go away!" Heather said. She was surprised to hear footsteps retreating from the door. No one ever left when she said that. They'd wait until she opened the door and let them in. she'd kind of hoped for him to do the same.

No she was supposed to be mad at him. She was supposed to hate him. He played with her feelings, led her on and had ended up dating her friend.

Another knock was heard at the door. Heather scowled at the door.

"I said go away." Heather said. "I don't know what was so hard about that."

"I don't think I am who you think I am." Harry said from the other side of the door.

Heather breathed a sigh of relief, walking over and peering out the door to make sure Harry wasn't hiding Jackson with him. When she was satisfied that he was in fact alone, she let him in.

Harry looked around taking in the room, before sitting on the old rocking chair that was in front of the window, looking out of for a second before staring at the wall, rocking back and forth on the chair.

The chair creaked due to its old age but that was all and it remained intact.

"You know Heather." Harry said. "He's not a bad guy."

"Yeah I know." Heather said. "He's the worst."

"Not what I meant." Harry said.

"I'll take it as what you meant." Heather said. "Even if you were trying to say he was a decent person which he is not. Neither are you by the way."

"I'm trying to be nice." Harry said. "And to help you. You don't have to insult me."

"Try harder." Heather said as Harry shrugged.

"I've tried hard enough." Harry said. "What happened to you getting Helia a present?"

"Oh shoot." Heather said. "It's her birthday today."

"I'm kidding." Harry said. "I picked up the thing you wanted to get because I knew you'd forget."

"Thank you." Heather said as Harry handed her the pouch that contained the hat she'd wanted to get for Helia.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Heather asked.

"I don't know." Harry said. "You're putting too much thought into it."

"You think so?" Heather asked as they exited the room, carefully shutting the door for no particular reason.

"If I didn't." Harry said. "I wouldn't have said it. Come on Gil!"

Said boy swung off the rope he'd been on, landing swiftly on the floor watching the two who went on bickering back and forth, making their way to the Chip Shoppe.

[✔︎] 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS TWO ⁶Where stories live. Discover now