✖︎ TWO: Sibling Rivalry ✖︎

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HJ watched Helios and Helia go back and forth about which one of them was better than the other

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HJ watched Helios and Helia go back and forth about which one of them was better than the other. It was entertaining to see the twins of hell try to best each other.

They both had the same abilities, though Helia had taken more after their mother than their father. She was a spitting image of Persephone, who only ever had to visit during the winter and fall months.

They were the only months she was obligated to show up. The other six months of the year she spent with her mother, Demeter.

Helia and Helios has been used to her being in an out of their lives. They'd take advantage of when she was there, allowing them to do things their father would normally say no to. The other months they tried their best to stay as far away from their father because he'd let his temper go out of control. He didn't have their mother to talk him down.

HJ couldn't imagine living forever. But his friends would. They would look exactly the way they did now, twenty, fifty, hundreds of years from now.

That was a strange thing to think about.

"HJ why are you so quiet today?" Helia asked, after she had finished arguing with her brother.

"Am I?" HJ asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes." Helia said. "Yes you are."

"I had no idea being quiet was a bad thing." HJ said. "When you guys tell Heather she talks too much."

"Heather does talk too much." Helia said. "She always did."

"I'm right here!" Heather said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We know." Helia and HJ said at the same time.

"She talks too much?" Helios asked. "She's not talking right now is she?"

"Whose side are you on?" Helia asked.

"None." Helios said. "I barely know any of these people. I haven't seen them in years. And I don't trust your judgement."

"How dare you." Helia said. "I'm your sister. That's whose side you are supposed to be on."

"Well I'm not." Helios said. "So deal with it."

"Why are you here anyway?" Helia asked.

"Why does it matter to you?" Helios retorted.

"Because brother of mine." Helia said. "You have not left the Underworld in two years. And now you decide it's a good idea to? That doesn't seem like something you'd do."

"I got tired of being around dad every day?" Helios offered, though it came out more as a question.

"Lies." Helia said. "Spill it."

"Dad told me to follow you." Helios said, before covering his hand over his mouth.

"Why would he want you to do that?" Helia asked. "I haven't done anything to make him look for me."

"You haven't been home in awhile." Helios said. "Not since your little friend turned on you."

"Why does dad care if my friend left me?" Helia asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "And why does he send you? Because I'm not coming home until mom comes back."

"But it's December." Helios said. "She is here."

"She left early remember? Well I'll be waiting here." Helia said. "And when she comes back. I'll come back."

"I feel this has nothing to do with your mom not being here." Heather said. "Why does it matter if she is and isn't?"

"Well unlike you." Helia said. "My mom isn't here year round."

"Unlike you," Heather said. "My mom isn't ever home."

"Unlike you." Helia said. "I care about my mom."

"I do care about my mom!" Heather said. "She just doesn't want me. She's busy with her witch school."

"Who is your mom?" Helios asked.

"Winifred Sanderson." HJ and Hearher said at the same time.

"Oh that lady." Helios said. "So you live with your dad? Who is..."

"Hector Barbossa." Hj said. "That's how I got my name."

"Your dad named you after himself?" Helios asked.

"My dad named both my brothers after him." Gil said, looking at the floor. "But not me."

"It's okay." Helia said. "I'm glad we don't have four Gastons running around. It makes you unique. Because you are unique."

"Thanks." Gil said, beaming. "I like being unique."

"You are very unique Gil." Heather said. "We're glad your not as much like your dad as your brothers. You're a different person. We like that."

"Now that we got this sorted out." Helia said. "I'm still asking why you are here Helios."

"Can I not just come to see my amazing, adorable little sister." Helios shuddered at his words. "Okay. I don't even believe that."

"Good." Helia said. "You have five minutes to tell me why you really are here. Now spill."

"Where is Chelsea?" Heather said. "She would've talked sense into you guys. No she wouldn't have. What am I even saying."

"None of us ever fully listen to what you say." HJ said. "You're always talking."

"You're always talking." Heather mocked.

"I don't sound like that." HJ said.

"You sound annoying that's what." Heather said.

"Can you two hush?" Helia said. "Helios is about to tell me why he's here."

"Sorry Hel." HJ said.

"I already told you why I'm here." Helios said. "Dad wants you back home. What more is to that?"

"Why would he send you after me?" Helia asked. "You said you were following me. Why?"

"Because I had to make sure you weren't-." Helios stopped himself.

"That I'm not what?" Helia asked, her voice staying leveled, though her hair started to flame up.

"He doesn't want your temper to be like his." Helios said. "He's afraid you're going to do something like burn it all down."

"I'm perfectly capable of keeping my fire in control." Helia said. "I've been practicing all my life."

"That's not what I mean." Helios said. "You're getting stronger and your not showing up to your practices."

"He's afraid I'll best him?" Helia asked. "I don't want to be Queen of the Underworld. You can be the king. I don't care. I'm not living there for the rest of my eternal life. Go tell him that."

Helia waved him off, mumbling things to herself. Helios sighed, exiting the shop. Heading to his father's shop. HJ didn't know what he was thinking. But he followed him, Gil by his side.

[✔︎] 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS TWO ⁶Where stories live. Discover now