✘ TWENTY THREE: My Little Heathen ✘

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Heather walked through the alleyways of the Isle, trying her best to stay in the shadows and not attract attention to herself

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Heather walked through the alleyways of the Isle, trying her best to stay in the shadows and not attract attention to herself. She had only been walking for five minutes when she was brought attention to.

"Hey Heather." Chelsea said. "Whatcha' doin'?"

Heather didn't reply, continuing to walk as if she hadn't heard her.

"Are you mad at me?" Chelsea asked. "Because if I were you I would be mad at me. But at the same time I wouldn't be."

"I have no idea what you just said." Heather said, pushing a strand of her hair from her eyes.

Heather could feel Chelsea's eyes on her as the girl fell into step with her. She didn't want to talk to her. She had nothing to say to her. Or maybe Chelsea was right and she was a tad bit angry with her. It wasn't her fault that she was angry. Chelsea had known very well that she had liked Jackson for as long as she could remember though if anyone asked her she would firmly deny it.

As far as he knew, she hated him and she wanted to keep it that way. They'd been each other's enemies for the longest time. It would be good if that changed now. Sure their fathers had stopped hating each other long ago. That wasn't going to stop either of them. Even if it had started because HJ didn't like him for reasons Heather had never known.   

Chelsea had been her friend before that but Heather was sure friends didn't stab each other in the back like that. Even if Sam had once when she dated Jackson. But that was beside the point. Heather was mad at Chelsea and it was going to stay that way.

"So you're mad at me? Or you're mad because Helia's mad at me? Or both?" Chelsea rattled on. "Because I'm mad at me and mad at you and mad at Helia. I'm mad at Quinn for being mad at Hanna and at Hanna for being mad at Quinn. So frankly Sam seems to be the only person I'm not mad at. Which is rather odd."

"Are you done yet?" Heather said, tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. "I still have no idea what you just said."

"That's fine." Chelsea said, with a Cheshire Cat like grin. "I don't know what I just said either."

"Do you ever know what you say?" Heather asked causing Chelsea to shrug.

"I don't know." Chelsea said. "I don't listen to what I say."

"That explains a lot." Heather said with a smile.

"So where are you going Heather?" Chelsea asked. "You missed the call from Sam and HJ. What's so important for you to do that?"

"None of your business." Heather said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Why did you miss it?"

"Because if I did talk to them." Chelsea said. "They'd ask why I didn't go with them."

"You were supposed to go and you didn't?!" Heather asked in shock. "Why?"

"I wanted to prove a point to Quinn." Chelsea said. "She can't go and start a new life and remember me three months later. She was supposed to remember me then."

"I had no idea you were one to hold grudges." Heather said.

"It's not a grudge." Chelsea said. "She broke a promise. She said she would come back."

"Well at least she thought of you." Heather said. "Hel and I didn't get invites."

"Well I don't want to be remembered by her." Chelsea said. "I'm over that."

"Whatever floats your boat." Heather said as they continued walking.

After a few minutes Chelsea could no longer bare the silence that lingered in the air.

"So where are you going?" Chelsea asked. "We've established that you are not mad at me."

"We never established that." Heather said. "And like I said it's none of your business."

"Well if it wasn't my business." Chelsea said. "You would've stopped me from following you by now."

Heather rolled her eyes, increasing her walking speed so that Chelsea had to jog to keep in step. Chelsea huffed in annoyance, blowing her hair from her face and fixing her 'ears'.

"So you are mad at me." Chelsea muttered. "Good to know. Good to know."

"Mad is an overstatement." Heather corrected. "I'm slightly annoyed by you."

"I'll take that." Chelsea said as they walked past the VKs old hideout. "We're on this side of town? Why?"

"Just 'cause." Heather said. "I have to meet someone over here. They need to answer a few questions."

"Who is this person we speak of?" Chelsea asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Three people to be exact." Heather said. "You'll see."

The alley grew more deserted as they strolled through the marketplace, past Maleficent's old castle. The old hag wasn't returning anytime soon. At least Heather hoped not. She hadn't quite enjoyed the woman's rule and the woman hadn't quite gotten along with her mother who thought she was the superior witch.

At least she hadn't been exiled for ten years like the Evil Queen and Evie had. Though Heather wasn't sure if she would be banished with her mother if she had been. She grew up with her father after all, her mother had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with her children. And Heather was fine with that. She didn't need her anyway. Though it wouldn't appear that way when she was at her doorstep right at this moment.

Heather reached up to knock the door which opened before her hand reached it. Her mother beamed at her from inside, a smirk on her face.

"Heather!" Winifred Sanderson said. "I've been expecting you my little heathen." she turned to Chelsea. "And you brought a friend! I quite enjoy cats, I used to love turning virgin boys into ones."

[✔︎] 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS TWO ⁶Where stories live. Discover now