✖︎ EIGHTEEN: Water Under the Bridge ✖︎

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The brunette, whose name HJ hadn't bothered to learn stood in front of their table at the end where Ally sat, which made her closest to Mal at the moment

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The brunette, whose name HJ hadn't bothered to learn stood in front of their table at the end where Ally sat, which made her closest to Mal at the moment.

Mal pursed her lips together, straightening her shoulders as if to brace for what the girl had in store for her. The girl smiled a smile that to the teachers at this school would've taken for kindness. But HJ knew that smile. He'd seen it many times on the Isle and he knew the girl  was not having goodwill in her intentions.

The brunette smiled at them extending her hand out for Sam to shake. Sam blinked in surprise, not bothering to take hold of her hand. The girl's smile faltered as her hand dropped to her side.

"What do you want Audrey?" Maddie asked, voicing the question that they had all wanted to ask her.

"Nothing from you." Audrey spat. "I came to say hello to the new transfers if that isn't a problem."

"Hello and goodbye." Sam said, waving her hand dismissively at Audrey. "Bye bitch."

"Nobody talks to me that way." Audrey said, her hands resting on her hips. 

"I think she just did." Pandora said, offering a high five to Sam who took it.

"Shut up Pandora I wasn't talking to you." Audrey said, turning his attention back to Sam. "And I'm going to let that slide because you're new and don't know me and because of your situation."

"Well then." Sam said, gritting her teeth together. "I can see why they don't like you."

"I thought it was water under the bridge?" Audrey asked Mal with a pout. "What happened to that?"

"Tots." Mal said, as she and Audrey laughed a fake smile that faded into a sigh.

Mal and Audrey glared at each other, neither wanting to back down from the other. It was until Mal's eyes flashed green that Audrey looked away, taking a step away from Mal.

She turned to Dizzy who sat trying to avoid looking at her.

"Aren't you a cute little thing?" Audrey said, reaching out to pat Dizzy's cheek though her hand was swatted away by Sam.

"Don't touch her unless you know what's good for you." Sam said as Audrey scoffed, jutting out her chin.

"And what could you do to me?" Audrey asked with another scoff. "You're in no place to threaten me."

Sam smiled at her, pulling a black book with a familiar poisoned apple etched on the front out of her pocket, waving it in Audrey's face.

"You think I can't do anything to you?" Sam asked as Audrey's smile fell. "Try again bitch."

"No." Audrey said, backing away from Sam and turning her attention to HJ who had hoped she wouldn't have said anything to him. But of course that had been wishful thinking. She'd already spoken to Sam and Dizzy, though she hadn't been able to really get a response from Dizzy. It didn't make him any different.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Audrey asked innocently toward Sam who rolled her eyes at her.

"Ew no." Sam said. "He's like my brother."

"I feel insulted and honored at the same time." HJ said as Sam shrugged.

"You were my boyfriend a while back." Sam said. "I don't see you like that anymore."

"So where is your boyfriend?" Audrey asked. "Or do you not have one? Oh my gosh are those hickeys?"

Audrey pointed to Sam's neck as she shrugged.

"I don't know why you sound so horrified. I do have a boyfriend." Sam said. "And I remember you once called him hot which I won't kill you for because he is and he's mine."

"I like how you take a jab at me while you explain yourself." Pandora said. "But I don't take offense."

"Wasn't trying for you to." Sam said with a smile.

"So." Audrey began, redirecting her attention to HJ once more. "You're single?"

"Fuck off." Sam said. "He doesn't like you."

"Let the boy speak for himself." Audrey countered.

"She's right." HJ said. "I don't like you. You can go now."

"I can tell when I'm not wanted." Audrey huffed, holding her head up high. "Bye newbies. Bye other people."

When she'd walked far away enough, the group seemed to release a breath they hadn't known they'd been holding.

"I thought she'd never leave." Evie muttered.

"What the fuck was her problem?" Sam asked as she stuck her book back into the pocket of the jacket she wore, pulling up the collar slightly.

"Audrey." Jay offered, smirking at her.  "Daughter of Aurora."

"She was Ben's girlfriend before the VKs came." Talia added.

"Didn't work out." Crystal said. "He's dating Mal now."

"And she's really ticked that Mal will be queen and she won't be." Ally said. "Which is a foolish thing really."

"You guys are finishing each other's sentences." Maddie said, fixing the headband on her head. "It's really weird."

"Very." Ally agreed as they all burst into a fit of laughter for no apparent reason, silenced only when the bell tolled through the courtyard signalling that they should be heading to their next class. The group dividing themselves, going off to their classes until it left HJ, Sam and Ben. Sam leaned her head on HJ's shoulder as Ben broke their silence.

"Come on Sam." Ben said. "You're going to love this. And we'll drop you off at your class HJ."

"I feel this is just you wanting me to do some of your work for you." Sam said, lifting up her head and offering her hand instead to HJ who took it. "And if it is I feel you Benny Boo."

The three of them made their way around the courtyard, somehow ending up in front of the school. Reporters seemed to have been waiting for the opportunity to catch their king off guard, which happened to be now. Ben smiled at the camera, his face being broadcast to screens all over Auradon and on the Isle of the Lost, where HJ and Sam's friends would watch this.

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