✖︎ TWENTY TWO: Peppy's Great ✖︎

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The next few days passed by rather quickly

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The next few days passed by rather quickly. The halls of Auradon Prep had become more barren as the students had gone home for the holidays. All that was left was Ben, his family and the VKs. HJ still didn't trust them like he used to but he was sure that would change eventually. They'd only been here for a couple of days. They'd been told they would spend the night at Beast Castle on Christmas Eve and had been encouraged with the news that they would be able to talk to their friends on Christmas.

HJ ignored the girls' constant squealing as they braided each others hair. Evie and the others had explained to them that there was something to celebrate. It wasn't like the Isle where Christmas was like every other day, just as miserable and gloomy as the last. In Auradon it was a positive thing where you got presents and decorate a tree. There were lights everywhere and they sung strange songs that HJ was glad he'd never heard before.

He stayed away from the rest of them, seeing how Dizzy and Sam had quickly gotten used to being here. HJ still wished he was home. He hadn't asked for his former friends to bring him here. If they brought him here they should've brought all of the people they abandoned. He had no idea what made him so special. Why they had chosen him over his sister. She was the only one missing after all. He wondered how she was doing, if she still thought of him. If she still was thinking of a way to get here. He didn't want to be the reason she had given up. They'd been working months to get here together. But he'd been whisked away and she was still locked behind the barrier. He didn't know when he would see her again. Tomorrow would be their first Christmas without each other. Then in a few months their first birthday.

He needed to see his sister soon enough. Sure at times she could be annoying and he'd wished she was less like that but without her he missed it. He would never admit it aloud but he was did miss her even if he didn't show it. He didn't have to show it. He was sure she knew. He hadn't left her on purpose. He was going to get her there. He didn't know how long it would take but he was sure she wouldn't wait. Heather never waited. She had to get things her way when she wanted it to be.

HJ jumped when he felt a hand tap his shoulder before releasing a breath he hadn't known he was holding when he realized it had only been Sam.

"Woah Hecky." Sam said. "My bad. I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're fine." HJ said. "What are you doing? The party's over there."

"Exactly." Sam said. "What are you doing? The party's over there."

"You've turned my words against me." HJ said.

"I have." Sam said, fiddling with the laptop in her hand. She clicked a few buttons and it began ringing. "I'm sure this will make you feel better,"

HJ sat up and stared at the screen waiting for it to change. It flickered a bit as a face came into view.

"Yes." Helia said. "I told you I could work this thing."

"None of us said you couldn't." Harry said. "You took it as a challenge."

"And I excelled at it." Helia stated. "Did I not?"

"Hooray you can work a computer." Gil said. "Even I can do that."

"Oh shut it Gil." Helia said.

"Is it just you three?" HJ asked. "Not that that is a bad thing or anything."

"Uma's run off somewhere. Chelsea's in hiding." Helia rattled off. "And Heather is off somewhere. I didn't ask where. But what more do you need?"

His sister. HJ needed his sister.

"That's great." HJ said. "I'll be right back."

"He's not coming back is he?" Helia asked as she filed her nails.

"Probably not." Sam said. "But that's fine. Because GIGI can talk to you while I find where he went."

The daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene stopped dead in her tracks, pointing to herself as Sam plastered a smile on her face. She sighed and took the laptop while Sam disappeared down the corridor.

"Hector." Sam called. "Where are you? Because I have no idea where the hell I'm going and you probably don't either."

"Boo." HJ said, appearing behind her.

"How the fu-. Where did you come from?" Sam said.

"Easy." HJ said. "I went the other way and I saw you coming this way so I followed you."

"Where were you planning on going?" Sam asked.

"I'll show you." HJ said, walking back the way he came.

HJ stood in front of a window that showed the Isle gleaming in the distance.

"I like coming here sometimes and imagining what Heath is doing without me." HJ said. "I know that sounds stupid."

"No not really." Sam said, poking him in the side. "You miss her. I knew you did."

"How do I stop?" HJ asked.

"You can't." Sam said. "You can't stop. But you have to move forward."

"You're actually really smart." HJ said.

"Did you think I was stupid?" Sam asked.

"No." HJ said. "You're just mean."

"Am not." Sam insisted. "You want to go back now."

"Yeah." HJ said. "I think I'm ready."

The two walked back to where they;d left Gigi.

"Bye Gigi." Gil was saying. "I love you."

"Love you too Gilly." Gigi said as she handed the laptop back to Sam.

"Well that was interesting." Helia said. "She's still so peppy."

"Peppy's great." Gil said sighing dreamily.

"Let's go Romeo." Helia said. "We were supposed to lock up the Shoppe hours ago."

HJ bid them farewell, leaving Sam and Harry to talk about things. He entered the room that he had been told he would be staying in, staring up at the ceiling as he fell asleep. He wondered what Heather was up to and if he should be worried about it. He knew he should be.

[✔︎] 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS TWO ⁶Where stories live. Discover now