The Storm

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The waves crashed hard against the statues guarding the harbor of Berk. A storm was not new to the people of Berk, they were vikings and considered storms part of the occupational hazard of their home. Still this storm was fiercer than most and had all the vikings staying up late into the night and early morning keeping an eye on their homes. The storm finally died shortly before dawn.

The storm had died just before dawn and Stoick had called everyone to go through the village and start to repair the damage. He and Gobber were on their way to the great hall when Fishlegs ran up. Astrid listened with interest as Fishlegs was out of breath and looked very frightened.

"Chief there is a boat crashed against the docks! It isn't one of ours and the crest on the sails is not one I recognize."

"Take me there Fishlegs. Gobber get Gothi there may be injured on board. Astrid, Snotlout you are with me and Fishlegs"

"Right O' Stoick!" Gobber ran toward Gothi's hut as Astrid and Snotlout followed closely behind Fishlegs and Stoick.

"Do you think it could be a raider ship that was tossed about in the storm Sir?"

"Don't know Astrid we will find out fast enough."

The four vikings arrived at the docks to see an odd ship partially on the dock. The dragon head had a sword through it. The crest on what was left of the sail was unrecognizable. The ship itself was odd because it had two masts for sails. The vikings drew weapons and climbed on board. At first there was nothing to see on deck when Snotlout called out.

"Chief we have a survivor! He is out cold but he could be hurt worse."

Astrid ran to help Snotlout lift the man out of the boat. He was slim and dressed in odd black armor. His left leg just below the knee was an odd prosthetic made of metal and wood. A black helmet covered the man's face. They carried the man to Gothi's hut where she proceeded to examine the unconscious man. She then turned to Gobber and started scratching in a sand tray with her staff.

"The boy has some strained muscles and a concussion but he should be fine in a few days. He should wake today."

"Thank you Gobber, Astrid I want you to stay and watch the man. When he wakes come get me. Do not let him out of your sight."

"Yes sir."

So Astrid sat as everyone returned to village life after the storm. Astrid started to think back to five years before. She was still puzzled by what had caused Hiccup to disappear. Even more confusing was that dragon raids had stopped shortly after his disappearance. Stoick had declared Hiccup dead a year after his disappearance. All had attended the funeral and Stoick had created a new holiday in remembrance of his son. Astrids thoughts were interrupted by a groan. She turned to see the man waking up.

Gothi had taken off the armor and helmet to tend to the man's injuries so Astrid could clearly see the multitude of scars crisscrossing his torso. She was also surprised at the many tattoos the man also had. She looked then at his face. He had light auburn hair that was shaggy and looked wind swept. The man blinked open his eyes to reveal their deep forest green color.


"Steady stranger you are on Berk. Your ship washed up during the storm last night. What were you doing out in that weather?" Astrid tried to push the man back into a lying position but he brushed her off standing unsteadily on his feet.

"Escaping. Where is my ship?"

"It is still at the docks. Is there something you need from it?" Why was he escaping and from who?

The man started to move toward the door as Gothi came in. She began to tap and scratch angrily as the man pushed past her and Astrid. He ran for the docks his left foot squeaking loudly. Gobber in the forge could see the man running and rushed after him along with Astrid. The man jumped onto the badly listing boat and went strait for the cargo hold.

"Toothless! Where are you bud? Agh! You no that doesn't wash out! Come on we need to get you looked at."

There was a sudden warbling sound and a shuffling sound could soon be heard as it came toward the cargo entrance. The boat started listing even further, sinking toward the inky black depths. The man rushed out of the cargo hold and jumped to the dock. Just before the ship went down a black shape darted out of the cargo hold to land on the man. The man gave a laugh as the beast started to lick him again.

Gobber and Astrid could only stare speechless as they watched the man play with the reptile. Some of the villagers hearing the commotion turned to see the beast step way from the man and grin a toothless grin. Gobber finally found his voice and screamed out.

"Night Fury!"

"The man and the Night Fury turned to Astrid and Gobber just as vikings started rushing to attack. Toothless growled and wrapped his tail around the man as he tried in vain to calm Toothless down.

"Drop you weapons please! He won't hurt you. He is just protecting me. He is friendly."

The man staggered as he took a step. Toothless caught the man as he passed out. Toothless gave a warble then started to walk through the village with the man on his back. Toothless fallowed the smell of herbs to Gothi's hut where she let them in. At first she was frightened until the dragon cooed at her then looked to the man. Stoick arrived shortly after Gothi finished checking the dragon's injuries.

"Why is this beast here? Why is it not dead?"

Stoick turned to Gobber and Astrid as Gothi began to write in the sand.

"This dragon is protecting the boy. He will not do anything if we do nothing to the boy. He should be ready to talk in a few hours. Leave it be for now the boy will answer when he wakes again."

"Sir I suggest we do as Gothi says but place warriors around her hut so they can't get away."

"That dragon can't get away look at it's tail. Its miss'n half O' it's guiding fin."

The dragon continued to look worriedly at the man as Stoick and the others left. Stoick posted the gang to watch the hut and to send for him the instant the man woke up.


Okay this is my first attempt at a fanfic so please don't be too harsh. Most of the ideas for this came from thinking of what I would have written as I was reading other fanfics so if there are an plagiarism calls sorry it was not intentional. As for the rest enjoy the story and look forward to further updates.

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