Tall Tales

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Hiccup POV

"Wait if you have your memories back then do you know how you lost them in the first place?"

"Well Fishlegs it is a bit of a long story."

"Don't worry son we have time and I am curious as well."

Hiccup nodded at Stoick and led everyone to the great hall. Others gathered around as word slowly spread that Hiccup was alive. Stoick stood at the head of the hall and called everyone to order.

"Quiet down now everyone. This young man has a grand story to tell and we are obliged to listen."

Hiccup stood took a deep breath and began.

"I lived for most of my life in a small village where my size was looked down on. I spent years trying to prove myself by inventing instead of using my lack of brawn to earn recognition. I failed most of the time, often causing more destruction than help. One night I used one of my inventions to bring down a Night fury. Yes, I shot down my own dragon."

Hiccup paused as he remembered the large Nightmare chasing him shortly after that lucky shot. He laughed a little as he looked at his father.

"The next day I went looking and found him. When I found him however, I couldn't kill him. He was just as frightened as I was. I looked at him and saw myself. So I cut him loose. He jumped on me and roared in my face before trying to fly off. This confused me and the next day I sought him out again. I found him trapped in a large depression I liked to call the cove."

A large smile filled Hiccup's face as he continued his tale.

"I spent days bonding with Toothless in the cove after the dragon training my village had for young adults. I learned things from Toothless that I used in the ring to prevent injuries to both human and dragon life. It worked but brought me the wrong attention. During that time I made my first tail for Toothless and nearly died during a test flight when my harness became unclipped."

Everyone gasped horrified to hear how he had nearly died. Hiccup just laughed it off and went on.

"When I was named the winner of the class I gathered my things. Flew Toothless to the ring, freed and tamed the dragons, and left. We were drawn to the nest and eventually made a small cave our home. We then decided to free all dragons from the tyranny of the Red Death."

Hiccup paused for effect. Looking at all the expectant faces of the crowd. In front was Dagur, Heather, Mala, and Atali. Behind them were leaders of other tribes. The gang stood to the side of the hall all listening closely.

"The Red Death was a large dragon that lived in the volcano of dragon island. It was a cruel ruler that would eat her subjects if they didn't bring back enough food. I could do nothing as she swallowed a gronkle whole. We drew her from her hole and began our attack. Toothless and I raced around directing the other dragons in the attack. Once the others had run out of fire we tricked her into the air. Toothless and I got her to chase us into some dense clouds."

Everyone was on edge to hear how the red death fell. Dagur was shaking with anticipation.

"We blasted her wings in repeated diving sneak attacks. In rage she blasted fire wildly. It caught on Toothless's tail. Out of time we dove with the red death on our tail. Just as she was about to breath fire we turned and Toothless let out one last blast. She began to burn up from the inside out. She crashed to the ground with in a fiery blaze. As Toothless and I were trying to escape the flames. The last of the tail burned off, we lost control and hit the red death's tail. I blacked out."

The crowd gasped. Dagur screamed when Mala and Heather grabbed him in fright.

"I woke in the cave that had become my home with Toothless by my side. When I tried to move on my own I discovered my missing leg. Toothless helped me walk to the cave mouth to see the dragons we had freed. They were all playing and flying free. Some even were caring for their own families. I had no memory of who I was or where I had come from. None of the supplies that were in the cave told me who I was. When I looked out of the cave again I could see the remains of the Red Death from the entrance."

Hiccup looked down at the prosthetic he now had in place of his leg. He turned back to where Gobber, Stoick, and Valka sat.

"As many of you know I made a name for myself as the dragon master. It has taken a long time for me to regain what I had lost. Now I can finally say my real name for the first time in over five years. I am Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, Dragon Master, and friend to all who care about dragons."

The entire hall erupted into cheers. Stoick stepped to where Hiccup stood.

"This calls for celebration! My son and Heir has returned home at last!"

Vikings cheered again as food and Ale were brought from the kitchens. Vikings began gathering at tables to talk and party. Astrid and the Gang walked slowly over to where Hiccup stood with Toothless.

"Hiccup... We want to apologize for the way we treated you. It was wrong and we know that now."

"It's okay guys. You were just being yourselves. I found out who I was when I lost my memories. Thanks for apologizing though."

They nodded and started walking away. Astrid lingered behind as Hiccup turned back to Toothless.

"Even without my memory I fell in love with you M'lady. That hasn't changed with the return of my memory."

Astrid rushed to Hiccup and hugged him. Hiccup laughed and hugged her tightly.

"It was because of you and the others that I was able to regain my memory. The small things you did or said brought more of my memory back."

Hiccup looked down at Astrid and began to lean down. Their lips barely brushed when the doors to the hall burst open. Eret stumbled in covered in blood.

"Eret what happened?!"

"Drago figured out what I was doing. He tortured me, killed Thresher. He is coming, he even hired Grimmel to hunt Toothless. I was only able to escape thanks to a Light fury that Drago managed to capture."

Hiccup looked to where Stoick and Valka stood worried. He turned and looked at all the gathered vikings.

"We need to leave. We are not safe here and we are not ready to face Drago. We will go to dragon island. Mom can you get the alpha to the island?"

"Yes, don't worry son. We will be ready when Drago gets here."

Hey everyone sorry it took me so long to update. Had to think of how I would connect all the series together. I think I finally know how I want this to end. So please stay tuned!

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