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Night POV

Drago had been spotted sailing past outcast island. He was on a direct heading for Berk. Valka had returned to Sanctuary and retrieved all the dragons including the bewilderbeast. They were now on an island made entirely of ice just off Berk's shores. The tribes were gathering for the battle.

Night had been having trouble sleeping. He could not stop thinking about the battle to come. Stoick was keeping peace between all the tribes as Night worked to calm the dragons. Thanks to Valka he had discovered new abilities in many of the dragons including Toothless. Toothless could now split the spines on his back to aid in stability.

They were now scouting the fleet. He could see the armored dragons and chains leading into the water. Something in the water was pulling the ships at a fast pace. He was about to turn back when a bola wrapped around them. They dropped heavily on the deck of a ship. Toothless was bound and Night was dragged before Drago.

"So this is the great Dagon Master. What a shame."

"You are Drago I presume."

"The one and true dragon master."

"Why are you doing this? All of this and for what? Dragons are magnificent gentle creatures that bring people together."

"Or tear them apart. I have seen the horrors of what dragons can do. I decided to prevent what happened to me from happening to others. The only thing standing in my way is you and Berk."

"Then why a dragon army why not talk and come to a peaceful solution?"

"You need dragons to control dragons and why should I talk to those that are weaker than myself. Take them below. We can use them to get information."

Night and Toothless were dragged below deck and separated. Night was stripped of his armor and chained to a wall. Korgan came in with an assortment of items. He looked at Night with a laugh.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this."

"I see Drago let you live Korgan."

"No thanks to you. Now I will break you and get the information we want. How many dragons on Berk?"

"Burn in Helheim."

"Wrong answer."

Korgan placed a red hot iron along the inside of Night's arm. He screamed as the flesh began to burn. He slumped as Korgan backed up and replaced the iron in the fire next to him.

"How many dragons on Berk?"

Night spat at Korgan and gritted his teeth as Korgan pulled out a blade that had been resting in the fire. Korgan dragged the blade slowly across Night's stomach. It went on for hours. Korgan asking questions and Night refusing to answer. He finally stopped when explosions rocked the ship. Korgan and the guard ran out only to be knocked out by a blue and gold nadder.

Astrid rushed in and gasped. Blood had pooled under Night. Toothless pushed his way in and blasted the chains. Astrid barely caught Night before he fell. She dragged him over to Stormfly and pulled him up on her back. Toothless followed them as they ran out on deck. Snotlout shot out behind them with Night's armor. Cloud jumper picked up Toothless as Stormfly took off.

Stoick POV

"He is a complete and total mad man. He kills without reason and can not be reasoned with."

"Stoick! We got Night! He was tortured and Gothi is looking at him now. Eret is scouting the fleet. They were really surprised when we attacked."

"Odin's beard Drago must not have been expecting the attack. We need more information. Send a terror see if Eret can provide us with further information about what he is doing now that Drago has lost the element of surprise."

Hoark nodded and rushed out of the hall as the chiefs looked at each other. They started planning in earnest the plan of attack. It was a few hours later when Stoick was able to return home to find Valka sitting by the fire. He went and gave her a gentle hug.

"They burned and cut him. They broke his right leg and he has so many bruises on his face and body."

"He will be alright. He washed up here hurt and was up and walking within a few hours."

"It was just so horrible to see."

"We're vikings it is an occupational hazard. We all know we don't live forever and when the time comes we hope to die with our weapon in hand so we may enter Valhalla."

Valka sighed as she turned away from the fire. Stoick smiled softly as he got an idea.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drown'n and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me. No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me your heart and love..."

"And love me for eternity. My dearest one my darling dear your mighty words astound me, but I have no use for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me!"

They began to dance and sing around the house. As the song ended they hugged and kissed.

"I thought we would have to be in Valhalla before we got that dance."

"No need for drastic measures."

They both turned in surprise when Gobber burst in.

"Night says that Drago has an alpha. He could see it rising out of the ocean when he was rescued. He noticed that Toothless was unaffected while the other dragons were having problems."

"It could be an advantage. Where is Drago now?"

"Scouts place him south of the archipelago. Night thinks he may be going to get reinforcements. He lost a lot of men and dragons in the attack."

"That will give us time to build our army and for Night to heal from his injuries. How is he?"

"He is sleeping right now. Astrid is keeping an eye on him. I think the lass may be fond of him."

"Well that is not really surprising boys. He talks to her like she is just a normal person not a prize to be won and he listens. What girl wouldn't fall for that. It certainly helps that he is young and strong but humble as well."

Stoick and Gobber looked at Valka as she spoke. It was odd to hear her so animated after almost two months of grieving for Hiccup. Valka walked out with a gentle sigh and smile as she went down to the village to over see the dragons.

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