Battles and Scars

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Stoick POV

Stoick woke to the sounds of terrible terrors singing. It had been a week since they came to Dragon Island and it was now time to return. He walked outside and watched as the chiefs with some of the dragons left in their boats. He then went looking for his own tribe members. He found Gobber and the gang sitting around a table in a cave above the village.

"So speed stingers can run on water?"

"Some can Fishlegs. I ran into a few of them and I think that is how they have spread through out the archipelago."

"Okay enough about that lets talk about the most awesome dragon. Nightmares are the best."

"Oh, yes nightmares are powerful Snotlout but you really need to be careful of the titan wing dragons. They are larger and have more firepower than a regular dragon. Ran into a titan wing nightmare once. Highly agressive. It was one of the few dragons I couldn't train and I have trained a skill."

"Hold up N. You're saying you trained a dragon that literally throws lightning?"

"Yeah. Named it Thor and he lives on an island to the east. He visits from time to time."

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to be headed back to Berk. You are welcome to join us Night."

"Thank you Stoick, but I have business to attend to. Eret has sent another notice and he needs my help to get the dragons free."

"O' come on Stoick. Let's 'elp the lad. What could it hurt?"

"Please chief we all have dragons and it would allow Night one last mission with his team."

"Alright but I am coming with."

"You don't have a dragon though."

"Well then Fishlegs, Night will have to help me get one."

Night POV

Night was stunned by Stoick. He had thought that Stoick would never take to a dragon. He thought for a moment then his face lit up.

"Come with me I know just the dragon for you. His name is Skull Crusher. He is a Rumble Horn and is great at tracking. He is also muscular and very intimidating with his three horns."

"Sounds perfect."

Stoick followed night to a clearing where a large green and red dragon was sleeping. Upon entering the clearing the dragon woke up and walked to Night. He petted the dragon then started to guide him to Stoick. At first the dragon was skeptical then it accepted Stoick. Night took them to the forge and started on a saddle for Skull crusher. Once it was done they saddle up and took flight.

Time skip

They landed on a small island far to the south. As they were dismounting a man and Timber Jack walked out of the woods.

"Well if it isn't our dear friend Night, and with guests I see. I hope they know what they are doing. These dragons are going to be riled up and angry at having been captured."

"Not to worry Eret. I went over the plan with them on the flight. So where are the Grimmborns?"

"They have an outpost on the far side of the island. Thresher and I checked it. We have guards along the perimeter and on the boats. There are ten cages of large dragons and I spotted at least seven small cages not sure if those are full."

"Perfect. Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs I want you to create a distraction. Remember to stay out of range of the dragon root arrows. Astrid, Gobber, Stoick and I will free the dragons. Eret you stay hidden we don't want the hunters to know you are a spy."

Everyone got into position and waited for the distraction. Shouts suddenly filled the air as Snotlout and the twins started blasting at the ships. Fishlegs was causing chaos as he and Meatlug crashed into hunter reinforcements. Night worked quickly to open the cages. Most of the dragons leapt out of the cages as they were freed some had to be chased out. Just as Night was getting to the last cage Veggo charged him.

"So you have friends now eh. Well you will all burn in Helheim when I am done with you."

Night and Veggo battled back and forth when Veggo struck Night's shoulder. He cried out as the blade sliced through his armor. Suddenly Stoick was there knocking Veggo back. Astrid lifted Night's arm over her shoulder as the riders and dragons fled the area. Toothless crooned when he saw Night in pain.

"Eret are you there?"

"Yeah, we need to get him medical treatment you take Night. Toothless will come with me. Do you know of a healer close by?"

"We have one back at our village."

"Lead the way Chief."

Time skip

Astrid POV

They landed back on Berk at dawn Spitelout looked dubiously at the dragons and their riders as Gobber helped carry Night to Gothi's hut again. Gothi scratched angrily at the dirt.

"I don't know if he knows what bed rest is Gothi. He lives his life fast paced. It is probably why he has so many scars."

"You would be right about that."

"Eret! Thank you for helping Toothless."

"No worries Lass. Done this a time or two. Most of the time we come away uninjured."

"Other times you are not so lucky."

"Yeah well Thresher and I should get back to our waters. We need to be ready when Ryker requests more dragons. Just do me a favor Astrid. Don't ask Night about his scars. He has a hard time sharing them or any memories for that matter. He is closed off for a reason."

"Thank's again Eret. Safe travels!"

Eret left as Gothi finished binding the wound. She turned to Astrid and started writing in the sand.

"Make sure he stays in bed for a while. The wound will scar but he needs to let his body heal."

Astrid nodded as Stoick and Gobber came in.

"How is he Lass?"

"Gothi says he will be fine he just needs to rest. I think we should try and keep him here a few days. Give him time to let his injuries heal."

"Perfect he can help me in the forge making saddles. We are going to need them if vikings are going to ride dragons. Don't worry nothing too taxing just working with the leather. I will work with the metal. I was able to get that Gronkle Iron recipe from him and I have Fishlegs gathering the supplies. Tell him when he wakes up okay."

Astrid nodded as they left. She once again looked at all the scars crisscrossing his muscled chest and arms. What kind of life is it when you have that many scars?

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