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Night POV

"So you trained these dragons?"

"Yes, other than Toothless these were among the first dragons I trained. They have been with me for many of my adventures."

"I remember when they came with you to our island. We were surprised by their dedication to you."

"Thank you queen Mala."

"Oh Night! Thank you again for helping me train Shattermaster and introducing me to Mala."

"No problem Dagur. It was a pleasure. Meeting Heather certainly made it interesting too."

"Thanks Night. We wouldn't be the family we are today without your help. So what is your plan now?"

"Well as the demonstration is only partially done and the team are the only dragons here right now who would like to train with a dragon?"

Astrid was the first to volunteer. Night nodded and led her into the arena. The first to come to them was Stormfly. Night grabbed Astrid's hand and placed it on Stormfly's nose. He then directed her in how to smooth down Stormfly's spines. By the time they were done Astrid was able to sit on Stormfly and walk her around the ring.

"Okay who is next. How about you big guy? Meatlug will probably like you."

" I don't know. Which one is Meatlug?"

"Meatlug is a gronkle. She is very docile. Come was your name again?"


"Okay Fishlegs lets get you on Meatlug."

Fishlegs took to Meatlug quickly and was soon hovering around the ring. Ruffnut and Tuffnut came next.

"We want a dragon that can create great explosions."

"What do you have N?"

Night guided them to the hideous zippleback and they proceeded to twist Barf and Belch into a knot. Lastly was Snotlout.

"I don't care what you say there is no way I am going to get on a dragon. Especially not with a fish bone like you having trained it already."

Night suddenly staggered against the arena. Images began to flash behind his eyes.

.....flash back....

"Welcome to dragon training."

"No turning back."

"I'm hoping for some serious burns."

"It's only fun if you get a scar out of it."

"Yeah, pain. Love it."

"Oh great who let him in?"

"Hiccup already killed a Night Fury does that disqualify him"

....end first flash back....

....flash back....

"When he does listen its with this disappointed scowl like some one skipped on the meat in his sandwich. Excuse me barmaid I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms extra guts and glory on the side this here... this is a talking fish bone."

....end flash back...

"Fine Snotlout then you can be the only viking to not get a dragon. Even Dagur and the girls have dragons. How pathetic does that make you?"

Snotlout stormed into the arena where Night was leaning. Hookfang the monsterous nightmare also walked up. Night guided Snotlout in how to bond with Hookfang before he had to leave the arena. Toothless caught him as he collapsed.

Astrid POV

Night looked odd in the ring when Snotlout made a comment. He got through teaching Snotlout before collapsing outside the ring. Heather rushed over to him as Astrid sat Night up. Night was sweating and panting. Astrid felt that his forehead was burning with fever.

"He pushed himself too hard. He is still injured from escaping those hunters we need to get him to Gothi fast."

"Windshear and I can help with that."

Heather whistled and gray dragon covered in silver metal all the way to her spiked tail landed in front of them.

"Is that a razor whip?"

"Yes, Fishlegs this is Windshear. Come on Astrid help me get Night on her back. You will have to hold him."

Once they were on Heather directed Windshear to fly to Gothi's hut. Gothi was ready with herbs and a bed. Toothless came running up as they placed Night on the bed.

"I've never seen Night like this before. What happened to him?"

"Gothi said he hit his head when they were escaping and it aggravated an old head injury. I think that is what caused his memory loss as well."

"That would explain a bit about why he is so good at crafting. He has some memory of crafting and he has all the designs hanging in his cave as well."

"How do you know that?"

"Well we trained together on Dragon Island two years ago. We can go once you are all flying on your dragons. I am still amazed he was willing to give up his team."

"They have been together a lot haven't they?"

"Yes. Now come on, I can pick up where Night left off for your training. I even have some spare saddles he sent me a while back."

"What about your brother?"

"By now he is probably pampering Shattermaster his green gronkle."

"How did Dagur the deranged leader of the berserkers end up with a gronkle of all dragons?"

Heather laughed "Night of course."

Astrid laughed and followed Heather to her ship. They pulled out the saddles and Heather proceeded with teaching the gang how to fly with their dragons.

Time skip

"Heather you are really good at flying."

"Oh I am nothing compared to Night he can fly circles around me. Doesn't matter what dragon he is flying with."

"Are there any dragons he can't train?" Heather turned to where Fishlegs was scratching Meatlug behind the ears.

"There are a few dragons that he can't but those are few and far between. He even trained a screaming death once."

"What is a screaming death?"

"Well Fishlegs it is like a whispering death but instead of being afraid of light they are attracted by it. They are also five times as large and have a roar that can disorient dragons and humans. Oh and they are white with bright red eyes."

"I need to add this to the book of dragons."

"I think Night brought his book. Lets go and check on him and see if it is in Toothless's saddle bags."

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