Dagger and Rider

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Night POV

He woke in the middle of the night. He was once again in Gothi's hut. He was getting tired of waking up in the healer's hut when he heard a coo. He turned to see Toothless looking at him with a concerned look.

"It's nothing bud. I just need to check something. Can you get us back to that cove?"

Toothless warbled and headed out the door. Night followed close behind to avoid tripping. When they reached the cove he ducked under the shield. He remembered it getting stuck when he tried to go through with it. He had already tossed a fish to see if that would cause the night fury to reveal itself.

Night smiled and turned to the lake. He reached in and grabbed the dagger. He brushed the worst of the mud off it. He could tell he would have to work hard to repair and refurbish the blade. He placed it in a pocket and walked back to Gothi's hut.

He was surprised to see someone sitting on a ledge just before the village. He walked up quietly and was surprised to see Astrid. She was looking out over the ocean and night sky.

"Bit of gold for your thoughts."

"Wha!! Oh Night don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry just wondering what you are thinking."

"Oh, he disappeared on a night like this. He ate in the hall with everyone around him celebrating. He just looked uncomfortable. He left early and that was the last anyone ever saw of Hiccup. I wonder what would have happened if I had stopped him. Would he still be here or would he be gone even sooner?"

"What do you mean?"

"He wasn't a dragon killer. All the stuff he did in the ring just knocked the dragons out without hurting them or anyone. I feared if he had faced the nightmare he would have died and then I couldn't hold onto the hope I have that he is still alive somewhere. Somewhere safe without dragons to nearly kill him."

Night reached his arm over and gave her a gentle hug. At first he feared she would hit him, then she leaned into the hug. They sat there for awhile watching the sky fire begin to swirl above them. They walked slowly back to the village as the night continued to march on to the next day.

Time skip

"Gothi says you are now cleared to take longer flights. No stunts but longer flights."

"Finally! Care to join me on a quick flight to check an island?"

"Sure where is it located?"

"Here. Eret spotted it when he was tracking a hunter ship. He says he saw a rider and dragon attack the ship and disappear in the ice."

Astrid looked at the map Night had spread out on the ground. The island was indicated by fresh charcoal on the parchment. She thought for a moment.

"Okay but only if we bring the gang. Stoick and Gobber would freak out if just the two of us disappeared."

Night nodded as he went to get Fishlegs and Snotlout. Astrid went after Ruffnut and Tuffnut. They flew toward the island. It was half a day before they could see the island. Large ice spikes thrust into the air. The group landed on one of the spikes where it looked like a cave system opening was. They walked slowly as they followed the winding turns. Suddenly the tunnel opened up to reveal a large cavern.

The group was stunned to see many dragons flying around or resting around a large clear pool. Sleeping inside the pool a large white dragon lay. Gleaming white tusks jutted from it's face and spikes covered it's back.

Before the group could take a step a storm cutter flew up to them. While being a rare dragon the more astounding sight was the rider standing on the dragon's back. The rider waved it's staff and dragons surrounded the group. Before the dragons could attack Toothless and the team rushed in to surround them. The rider stopped and stepped down from the storm cutter. Toothless growled as the rider walked up.

"Who are you?"

"I am Night and this is Toothless my friend. They are Astrid and Stormfly, Fishlegs and Meatlug, Snotlout and Hookfang, Tuffnut, Ruffnut and their dragon Barf and Belch. We mean you no harm we are just looking for the one who has been rescuing dragons."

"I am the Dragon Seeker. This is Cloud jumper. He brought me hear many years ago to the great bewilderbeast, king of all dragons. We have worked together to stop Drago Bludfist. He recently took out his competition the Grimmborns. I am unsure as to why he has not been able to stop Eret son of Eret."

Night chuckled as Dragon Seeker looked at the group.

"Eret has been working for me as a spy against dragon hunters and trappers. He and his timber jack Thresher have been very helpful."

"That would explain why I could not find him or his ships. Come you will stay with us for the night."

"Thank you but we must get back Stoick would get angry if we stayed away too long."

Dragon Seeker froze and turned to look at the group closely. Five of the group looked just as vikings were supposed to look. The other, Night looked very unlike a viking in his black armor, helmet, and night fury by his side.

"So Stoick the vast allows dragons on his island. If only it were true."

"He does and has a dragon of his own. A rumble horn named Skull crusher. Speaking of we should really get going rumble horns have a very good sense of smell. We don't want him aggravating all these gorgeous dragons."

"I will come with you. I want to see the changes for myself."

Night nodded as they mounted their dragons and took flight. They reached Berk just at sunset. The dragons walking alongside vikings could clearly be seen. Gobber was singing in the forge next to grump. Stoick was flying Skull crusher around as he directed the placement of a beam on a new dragon stable. They all landed as Stoick walked up with Skull crusher by his side.

"Ah Night good to see you back. Who is this? A friend of your's I presume."


Stoick froze as he heard a voice he had not heard in over twenty years.

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