Wing Maidens

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Stoick POV

It couldn't be possible. The voice he had longed to hear. He couldn't speak as the masked rider took off her spiked mask. There the green eyes and light auburn hair. The pale skin and light freckles.

"I know what you are going to say Stoick. How could I have left you and our son. I thought it was for the best and I was wrong I see that now. Please Stoick stop being so stoic. Shout, scream, say something!"

"You are as beautiful as the day I lost you."

Night POV

He watched as Stoick gently kissed Dragon Seeker. The entire village was stunned. Gobber ran up and hugged the pair.

"Valka! You are alive! That gives me hope for Hiccup."

"Gobber what are you talking about?"

Stoick looked at Valka tears in his eyes. He took a deep breath then pulled her closer to him.

"He has been missing. He disappeared the night before he was to face the Nightmare. We don't know what happened to him."

"How could you!? You lost our only son!"

Night felt an odd twinge in his chest as he watched Valka collapse into tears at Stoick's feet. Cloud jumper sensing his rider's distress nudged her and gave a soft croon. Stoick had tears falling from his face as he picked Valka up and walked to his house above the village.

Time skip

It had been three weeks and Valka still had not fully recovered from hearing her son was missing. Night thought little on it as he and the riders were busy setting up for dragon racing. Night had worked with Snotlout to make a launcher for the sheep to make the event interesting. Banners were flying in various colors.

"Night I know you don't have family or colors but we would be honored if you and Toothless wore the Haddok family color in today's race."

"Sir it would be a pleasure. I have a question though. Why? Why would you let me a complete stranger ware the colors of your family?"

"For our son. I.." Stoick sighed as he looked at the stands where Valka sat dejectedly waiting for the race to start. "I hope it will give Valka hope and we have no son and you have no family. From what we have seen of you this past month we want you to know that there are those that care about you. We want to adopt you as our son. Will you accept?"

Night was stunned. Toothless warbled happily as Gobber walked up with a smile. He nodded to Night to indicate it was real.

"Yes. I greatly accept...father."

Stoick smiled and passed the red paint to Night. Once everyone was ready the race started with great flourish. Going into the last lap Snotlout had three, Astrid had five, Fishlegs had two and the twins had managed to get six. Night had seven and was ready as the last sheep. A black sheep worth ten points was launched. Astrid reached the sheep first. Snotlout managed to steal the sheep as he angled up from below. Night and Toothless swept over Snotlout and snatched the sheep and dropped it into their bin.

"And Night takes the game with Seventeen! Congratulations to all and a good race."

They all started to walk away from the plaza where they landed when a scout called out.

"Wings incoming!"

Night turned pulling out a spyglass to see who was arriving.

"It is alright! It is Atali and the wing maidens. They are allies do not attack."

Atali and her wing maidens landed on the docks.

"Night I bring grave news. Dragon raiders have been spotted. Dragons can not get close without being attacked and those that are not have problems flying over the fleet. We don't know what they want or where they came from but they are headed this way."

"Thank you Atali you and your maidens are welcome to rest for a time before you head back. I know how hard long journeys are on their wings."

Atali and her maidens nodded as they went to greet the chief and Valka.

"Night do you know what they are talking about?"

"Yes, and I need to think see you later Astrid."

Night went into the forge. He started to work with the gronkle iron with no real plan. He worked for hours. He could hear the gossip about the wing maidens and how they had already beaten Snotlout to a pulp for saying some unflattering statements. He was still working when Valka walked in looking for Gobber.

"Oh, Night I am sorry for disturbing you. I was just looking for Gobber."

"He is up at the hall talking to Atali. He is trying to see if he can start a trade agreement for razorwhip metal."

"Thank you."

"No problem and if it helps. I think your son is still alive as well."

Valka gave him a confused look. She of course couldn't see his face as he had yet to take his helmet off in front of her. She could not see the kind look or the gentle smile he wore.

"From what I have seen of his work he would be able to survive easily. Not unlike me. I had to have Toothless with me or I would have died within a week."

"Thank you that means a lot to me Night. I hope you get your memory back. Astrid told me."

Night nodded as she left. He then thought back to the knife he had found. He pulled it out and began to clean it. He sharpened the blade and rewrapped the hilt in soft leather. The last thing he cleaned was the pommel. As he was cleaning it he could faintly make out and inscription. He finally had it fully restored and took the blade over to the fire to see if he could make out the inscription.


"What an odd thing to place on a blade."

Night shrugged and placed the blade in a hilt on his side and went back to working on a new tail for Toothless.

Unknown POV

"So the Dragon master and the Dragon Seeker are on Berk."

"Yes, they were seen there just a week ago when they held a race."

"Good. We make for Berk. We will destroy the riders and take over the archipelago."

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