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Night POV

The sounds of industry and loud yells woke him. Night looked out the window to see vikings everywhere repairing houses that had been damaged in the storm. Night checked his injuries which thankfully were few. Most had been from fighting the storm. The worst being his aching head that had a dull throb even after so much sleep.

Night looked over at Toothless asleep on the floor. He grinned and got up. Toothless would need a lot of sleep after having been chased by the hunters. Night dressed in his armor as he heard more shouts. These ones he recognized as ones of surprise. Night placed his helmet on his head as he walked out to see a familiar ship at harbor. He walked down and remained behind the crowd as Stoick greeted the man stepping of the traditional viking boat.

"Trader Johann what a pleasant surprise. We were not expecting you until after the chief summit tomorrow."

"I was ahead of schedule because one of my regulars did not show. He is a great man. I believe you asked him to attend the chief summit tomorrow as well because of his work with the dragons yes?"

"Yes, that is correct well anyway, what can we do for you?"

"I just came to trade my wares just as normal. Ah Master Spitelout those are already taken and you should not handle them they can be a little...volatile."

Spitelout had been reaching for a crate with odd markings on the side. Night could see they bore his night fury mark. Night stepped forward and made his presence known.

"Sorry, those would be apart of the order I made before my adventure delayed me."

"Ah! Master Night it is a pleasure to see you safe. I was worried when you did not show at your regular meeting site. I assume Toothless is in good health as well?"

"That he is Johann. I have a favor to ask can you head back and pick up one of the spares I have at this location and get it to me as soon as possible? I will compensate you of course for your troubles." Asked Night as he handed Johann a map with a location marked.

"Hmm. Two axes and a set of throwing knives and you have a deal."

"Agreed and you can leave my regular order there as well."

"Always a pleasure Master Night."

Stoick turned to face Night as he and Johann completed their conversation. He was about to speak when Snotlout spoke up.

"What kind of name is Night? Did your parents have something against viking names or are you just weird?"

"Snotlout you were supposed to come and get me as soon as he woke up. Why are you down here by the docks?"

"Uhh...I was just coming to tell you that is why."

"There was no one but Toothless with me when I woke up. I heard the commotion and decided to do a little business with my friend Johann here before heading back to feed Toothless. Speaking of which is there any way I can purchase a large basket of fish from one of your tribe?"

"And why would you need fish?"

"Toothless needs to eat something doesn't he."

"That dragon!? They are beasts that should be hunted."

"Don't you dare say that! Toothless has been the only thing keeping me alive these past five years. If you will not help me I will find fish on my own."

Night walked away as Astrid and the gang stared in disbelief that someone would defend a dragon. Night walked back to the hut to find Toothless still asleep. Night chuckled as he started scratching Toothless on the head. Toothless jolted awake and tackled Night covering him in dragon saliva as Gothi came in with Gobber. Gothi began writing as Gobber translated.

"You certainly surprised us lad what is yer name?"

"Night, my name is Night and this is Toothless." He patted Toothless who gave a gentle coo. "What can I do for you two?"

"Gothi needs to check yer injuries again. You took a nasty hit to the head."

"Well that explains the head ache. I'm fine thank you for helping me but your chief has made a point he doesn't like my dragon so I have to find food for him."

"An' you 'ave n'thin to trade as yer ship went down. Do you have any skills?"

"Actually, I am a fairly good smith if I do say so myself. Most of what I trade Johann with are gronkle iron weapons. A few saddles here and there as well. Why do you ask?"

"Well as the resident smith I have had a hard time keeping up with the demand ever since my apprentice disappeared. I could get you a basket of fish for yer dragon if you help out at the forge."

Night thought for a moment then nodded. He walked out of Gothi's hut with Toothless fallowing close behind. They walked to the forge where Gobber pointed out where everything was. Toothless scorched a small patch of land outside the forge and fell asleep.

"That dragon fallows you everywhere don't it?"

"Yes, he does. He has saved my life so many times I don't know what I would do without him."

Night looked at Gobber as he began gathering materials for the weapons that Gobber needed. The forge started getting hot as they worked. Night took off his armor and shirt to continue working. Gobber stopped for a rest and notice Night's leg.

"So what happened to yer leg and who crafted that bit of handy work?"

"Long story and I made it myself. If Johann gets back on time I can show you how it works."

"Aye lad would be nice to see what you can do when you have yer own tools."

Night smiled unaware that Astrid and the gang were watching. Night work and wondering about some of the scars he had. The night fury tattoo was clearly visible across his muscled chest and he hammered with a steady strength. Night became ware of the attention when some vikings walked by the forge and complained about Toothless. He looked over to see Snotlout scowling beside Fishlegs. Fishlegs was writing observations in a book glancing often at Toothless. The twins were pulling each others hair in the middle of another argument. Astrid had started to walk over.

"I need my axe sharpened."

"I can handle that for you M'lady."

Night took the axe felt the weight and balance of it as he went to the grinding stone. He carefully sharpened the blade before checking the grip. He then looked for leather finding it in a back room full of drawings and pieces of strange objects. Suddenly his head started hurting more. The objects and drawings looked familiar. Before Night could think anything else he blacked out.

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