Visiting Home

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Night POV

Night woke to see that he once again was in Gothi's hut. Toothless was sleeping at his side. Night smiled and reached into the saddle bags to pull out his journal. He started writing about what had happened and the images that had flashed before he had passed out. He had just finished when Heather, Astrid, and the gang came in.

"Oh! You are awake that is good. For a moment I was worried the Great Dragon Master was going to sleep the last of the day away."

"Nothing so drastic Heather. What can I do for everyone?"

"We were just coming to check on you and to see if you brought your book of dragons."

Night laughed as he reached again into the saddle bags. He replaced his journal with a book twice it's size and tossed it to Heather. Heather then handed it to Fishlegs. Fishlegs opened the book and nearly fainted upon looking at all the names in the book.

"You really have encountered all these dragons?"

"Yes, got into a few scrapes with the untrainable ones but that is a story for another time."

Night paused as he felt Astrid's gaze on him. She looked confused and unsure of what to say. Night sighed and stood up doing his best not to look at the gorgeous viking. He had been drawn to her since he had awoken the first day.

"So are the Chiefs still talking?"

"Yeah, but they are having a hard time believing all dragons can be tamed or maneuvered around considering there are so few on Berk."

Night sighed again. He highly doubted Stoick would allow him to bring more dragons to Berk. There was no hope for it he had to take everyone to Dragon Island.

Time skip

"We can't just take the lad at his word. There is no proof that all dragons can be trained."

"I agree with the Meatheads. Unless we see more trained dragons we will not stop killing dragons."

"We are not bringing more dragons to Berk. I have enough problems with the few that are already on Berk."

"I have your solution. We will go to my home. There are many wild dragons that wander the island and there will be a place for everyone to stay while at my home."

Night had walked in as Stoick made his proclamation. The Chiefs and their vassals looked askance at Night. He outlined his plan and asked that the chiefs consider it. After much debate it was agreed and the ships were readied. The next morning the ships set out. Stoick's ship led the way with Night and Toothless standing at the prow. They reached the thick fog at Helheim's Gate around noon.

Night stood at the prow of the ship and tipped his head back. Suddenly an odd roaring sound could be heard. Shortly there after chittering could be heard as a small white dragon flew up and landed on Night's arm.

"Hello Smidvarg, I have a job for you. I need you to help guide these ships into port you understand."

The dragon chirped and flew away with a screech. Night nodded and the boats began to head in. The vikings were astounded to see small black dragons just like the white one flying along the edges of the channel they now sailed in. The dragons marked each turn and helped prevent the ships from crashing into submerged rocks.

It was about an hour before they could see the shore where the skeletal remains of a gigantic dragon lay. On the far side of the island a small village of huts was spread out. Dragons were everywhere bathing in streams or sleeping in the sun. The volcano behind them glowing bright as it radiated heat. Some dragons were lounging in caves farther up the mountain. Trees and plants covered much of the area.

"Night your home is still a sight to behold."

"Thanks Heather. Stoick go ahead and dock at the pier."

Stoick turned the boat to the pier and looked up at the small village that was nestled before some caves. Many of the houses looked like those of Berk. It was odd and confused the vikings as Night made it apparent he lived alone with the dragons.

Night jumped off the boat with Toothless close behind. Dragons upon seeing Night rushed to greet him and Toothless. Night laughed loudly as baby dragons rushed around his feet. He waved for the vikings to fallow him.

"Stay in the houses of your choosing. Don't attack any of the dragons, if you do the others will surround you."

Night watched as the vikings spread out to explore the island. Night sighed and went to his forge. Gobber followed close behind with the gang looking around at all the inventions Night had made. Toothless went to his corner as Night petted the hotburple Grump.

Astrid POV

The gang fallowed Night as he wandered around the island before going to the forge. Astrid stopped in surprise. It was exactly the same as Gobber's forge on Berk. Even more astounding was the amount of blueprints covering every flat surface. Gobber had hobbled over and was looking at some of them with curiosity. As Darkness fell Night bid everyone a good evening and went to his cave above the village.

Astrid followed not seeing Snotlout close behind. Astrid looked in the cave to see a kitchen area with a pot filled with food. Night was sitting at a desk with a book out. Beside him a wall of book shelves stood silently. A small alcove to the far side of the cave held a bed and a large slab of rock. She walked in startling Night.

"Astrid what are you doing here?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to know more about you. It is not every day you meet someone that has tamed a night fury, trained dragons and shown you an island of dragons that are as gentle as kittens."

"Yeah your are right at that. I just wish I could tell you more. Other than the past five years everything is a blank. It is hard, I can't even tell who I am or where I truly come from."

Night sighed and put his head in his hands. Astrid walked over to him and hugged him.

"Whoever you are, you are amazing. You ride dragons, save people, and speak of peace. You are an inventer and care greatly about others. Everything else does not matter."

"Thank you Astrid."

Lost Memories of NightWhere stories live. Discover now