Chief Summit

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Night POV

Night woke just before dawn. He looked to the harbor to see Johann's ship pulling up to dock. Night nudged Toothless to wake him. They rushed to the docks just as Johann was lifting up a crate.

"Johann you found it thanks."

"Not a problem master Night. Just make sure to have the additional weapons when we meet again."

Night nodded as Johann got back on board and set sail. Night opened the crate to see the saddle and tail. He took his time and strapped on just as the sun was rising above the horizon. They took off into the dawn light. They flew quickly to the fog bank. After a few minutes Night was pleased to see home in sight.

The volcano still glowed with the ever present lava but the once black shores were now green with trees and plants of many types. Stables were dotted all around the island. Toothless dove for one of the caves and set down gently. Night gave him a pat then went to his desk. He pulled out a journal and wrote down some of the new memories he had rediscovered.

Once he was done he went to a shelf and pulled out his book on dragons and training techniques. He then went to his forge to grab more canisters of zippleback gas and monsterous nightmare gel. He also grabbed his spare leg and another tail for Toothless. By the time he was ready it was noon. The Chief summit was about to begin.

Astrid POV

He was gone. Night and his dragon had disappeared sometime during the night and that had left Astrid confused as to what to do. She now stood with Stoick as the Berserker ship pulled into dock. Dagur jumped down then turned to catch the blond woman as she jumped to the docks. A girl with brown hair waited for a plank to be placed on the boat and walked down.

"Stoick it is good to see you again. I would like to introduce my wife Mala." Dagur held his hand to the blonde woman in black armor. "And this is my sister Heather."

"Welcome to Berk. I hope the journey was not to taxing for you."

"Not at all Stoick. Have the other chiefs arrived?"

"Yes, the only boat we have not seen is that of the dragon master. Did you happen to see any other ships during your trip?"

Dagur, Heather, and Mala all started to laugh.

"He doesn't need a ship he rides..."

A loud screech filled the air. Suddenly a black shadow shot over the docks and did a flip over the village. A cry of joy could be heard as the dragon did a summersault mid air before arrowing strait up. A figure detached from the black dragon and extended some sort of wings with the dragon right beside it. They slowly descended before the person remounted the dragon and landed in the plaza.

"Dragon Master! I knew you would make an entrance. You and Toothless like to show off too much."

"Thank you Heather for pointing that out. How is Windshear?"

"She is fine doesn't like the accommodations but hopefully it will not be for long. I hear you are going to give a speech today."

"Yup should help make peace possible for vikings and dragons."

Astrid walked up to where Night was standing rolling up the sides of his armor. She punched him in the side. Then knocked him to the ground.

"That is for disappearing and that is for not telling us who you really are."

"Sorry M'lady there were some things I needed to grab before the summit. The only way I could get them was if I left as soon as Johann brought the spare saddle and tail."

"Whatever just get up to the hall for the summit so that we can hear how there can be peace between vikings and dragons."

Time skip

Night POV

As he walked into the great hall Night stumbled as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Toothless caught him and they went to sit with the other chiefs. Stoick came in and stood before all the vikings gathered in the hall.

"We have gathered here today at the request of the Dragon Master to speak of peace. As he is the one to make the request he shall speak first."

Night stood and walked to the front of the hall. He then took off his helmet to the gasps of the other chiefs. Toothless stood beside him proudly.

"I am Night. Many of you know me as the Dragon Master. I am here to tell you that killing dragons is wrong and not necessary. They are intelligent creatures that once you have gained their loyalty will do anything for you. Many of you may think I am mad to say this but I have reason to say this."

"I have no memory of the time before I came to live with dragons. I woke on the island I now call home with no memory and no leg. Thankfully Toothless and many supplies were with me in the cave so I have survived. I am here to say dragons can be trained."



"Cast him out before he kills us all!"

Before more could be said a scream could be heard outside. Everyone rushed to the training arena to see a young boy had trapped himself inside with the deadly nadder. Vikings were about to jump in when a cry stopped them and the dragon in their tracks.


Night jumped down and slowly walked between the nadder and the boy. The nadder squawked in question before running up to Night.

"Stormfly? I thought you were dead girl. Where is everyone else?"

The nadder nudged Night toward the other cages. By the time Night started opening the other cages the boy had been pulled to safety. The chiefs watched astounded as Night talked to all the dragons including the monsterous nightmare and even petted them. He walked out of the arena with a terrible terror sitting on his shoulder.

"Night what were your team doing here? I thought for peace conferences you left them on Dragon Island."

"Yes, Heather normally I do, but they had been captured by hunters. I was told by one of them that they had been sent to an auction far to the south and that I would never see them again. I don't know how they got here but I am glad they are here."

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