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Astrid POV

She was holding his hand as he slept. His breathing was shallow and staggered. Gothi walked in and checked the bandages. She added more herbs to one, loosened another, and gave a satisfied nod. She walked out to where her terrible terrors were basking in the late spring sun. Toothless lay at the foot of the bed staring at Night.

"Don't worry Toothless he will make it through this. I know he can."

Astrid thought back to the evening before Night went scouting.

"Don't worry M'lady I will come back. You are my reason for coming back everytime."

"But what if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing is going to go wrong and if it does I know you will always be there to get me out. I know it is not much and that I can't offer much but I love you Astrid. I have loved you from the first day we met."

Astrid leaned up and gave Night a chaste kiss. They leaned back and looked into each other's eyes before leaning in for a longer kiss.

Astrid was disrupted from her thoughts as a groan filled the space. She looked up to see Night thrashing his head in the throws of a nightmare. She placed her hand on his forehead and he calmed a little.

Time skip

It had been a week and Night still had not woken. Dragons and riders now filled Berk. Sentries now flew from sea stack to sea stack on the lookout for Drago and his forces. Astrid still sat beside Night. His fever had finally broken and Gothi had great hopes for a full recovery.

Astrid stirred as Night once again began to thrash in his sleep. She grabbed a wet cloth and dabbed at his sweat as he slowly calmed. His eyelids fluttered.

"Night? If you can hear me you are safe. Toothless is safe please wake up. I love you. I can't go on without you."


"Night! Thank Thor! I was so worried about you. Don't ever do anything like that again."

"I will try M'lady. What happened?"

"Well you passed out on the flight back. It has been a week and more dragons and riders are flying in every hour. Women and children have been sent to dragon island for safety."

"How bad were my injuries?"

"Broken leg. Three cracked ribs. Multiple cuts and burns, and another head injury."

"Oh great and I was so hoping for more black outs."

"Not funny muttonhead. You should be up in about another week from what Gothi says."

"And no stunts I take it."

"No stunts and no patrols either."

Time skip

Night POV

It had been three weeks since he woke. In that time he had built a new tail for Toothless as Drago had taken the previous saddle and tail. He checked the auto feature he had built in and felt satisfied. He walked out to where Toothless was sleeping in front of the forge. He strapped in and they took off.

On the far side of the island they found some sea stacks to practice around as they flew. Night then arrowed Toothless up loving the feeling of the win rushing by as they climbed. They reached the top of the climb and Night felt himself come loose from the saddle. They started tumbling spinning in the air. Night was able to get back in the saddle after a few whacks to the head.

They pulled up just as they were entering a fog filled area full of hidden sea stacks. Acting on instinct alone Night and Toothless slalomed through the stacks perfectly. Once out Toothless shot a blast in delight.

Night woke on a small island. The same island he and Toothless had landed on the first time they flew together. He pulled out his dagger and looked again at the inscription. He started to laugh.

"Toothless you are amazing bud! Come on we need to get back."

They flew back and landed in the plaza. He jumped off Toothless and ran to the large torch pole and placed his hand upon the scorched wood. He could remember the nightmare blasting it and being saved by dad. He sat back against the pole and started to laugh. Gobber, the gang, Stoick, and Valka walked up with worried expressions.

"What is wrong with ye lad?"

"First day you said 'I believe in learning on the job.'"

He turned then to Snotlout.

"Hiccup already killed a night fury so does that disqualify him. You Fishlegs were listing stats as Gobber named the dragons. Tuffnut you were looking for some serious burns. Ruffnut you were hoping for some mauling along your shoulders and lower back. Astrid you said it is only fun if you get a scar out of it."

The gang was speechless. It was the first day of dragon training. He turned to Stoick and laughed harder.

"All those years of the worst viking Berk has ever seen. Odin it was ruff, I almost gave out on you. Oh Thor oh mighty. Not the nicest thing to say dad."


Hiccup stood and took his helmet off again. Valka walked up to look deep into Hiccup's eyes. She looked at his face and found the scar left by Cloud jumper's claw. She hugged him as the rest of the village started to gather. Dagur and Heather walked up with their dragons behind them.

"Just to get this out of the way. Everyone I have regained my memories. My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third."

Stoick walked up to Hiccup and hugged him in a crushing embrace. Stoick had just let go when Gobber crushed him in another embrace.

"Night you defeated the red death, lost your memory, and now you expect us to believe you are the son of Stoick the vast? I am sorry I have a hard time following that."

"Dagur when ever we would meet up you insisted on calling me brother and one time you broke my arm when you knocked me into a boar pit. You even tried to drown me once."

"Wow it really is you. Congrats on getting your memory back."

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