Prepare for War

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Hiccup stood on one of the last remaining sea stacks that surrounded dragon island. Around him dragons were flying with supplies and war machines. Some with vikings on their backs were attempting to knock down the sea stacks and create a rock barrier that would sink unwary war ships. Hiccup looked up to where the small village he had built had grown.

Many of the tribes had come and taken up residence in the hope that with more people it would be easier to defend against Drago. Many of the caves now held the women and children safe with young dragons beside them ready to defend in an attack. Gobber now spent all his time in the forge with grump by his side making weapons and tools to aid in the coming battle.

Hiccup smiled as he heard the sound of waves crashing and ice spreading. The bewilderbeast that Valka had spent time with was creating large ice barriers on the far side of the island. Many of the dragons that came with it were already taking up residence in the volcano. He heard flapping near him and called out.

"How goes the plans M'lady?"

"As expected. You would think with this many failings in one place there would be fighting but surprisingly enough everyone is working together."

"Not really Astrid. Everyone knows how dangerous Drago is. The only thing that is causing a problem is that Light fury. I think she might be a trap that was sent to us."

"Who do you think sent her to us?"

"Probably this Grimmel person Eret mentioned. I was able to talk with some of the other chiefs and they confirmed that Grimmel only hunts night furies and that he is probably the reason there is only Toothless left. He is probably using the Light fury to distract Toothless and make him easier to hunt. I just hope that the fact we have an alpha will help throw his plans for a loop."

"Well there is not much more we can do sitting around here. Come on Hiccup lets head back we should check on the rest of the battle defenses before it gets dark."

Hiccup nodded and with that Toothless dove off the sea stack. The Light fury close by flew around them and cooed. They landed in the square and went up to where the Chiefs were gathered talking about further defenses.

"At this point we have all the defenses we can possibly need. Now we need supplies in case a siege situation breaks out. Dragons don't need to eat as often as humans do but we should still try to provide them with some food. What I suggest is that we have groups of dragon riders go out on scouting missions with the added incentive of hunting or fishing after their patrol is done so we can then have more food constantly coming in."

"Good idea brother Hiccup and we can even bring in the food from our individual islands as well! That way if Drago thinks to attack any of our islands he will find no one to fight him and no food to take!" Everyone turned to look at Dagur. "What it would give us a larger food supply and prevent Drago from getting any additional supplies."

Everyone nodded and began to make preparations. Within a week supplies were being flown in everyday by dragons. Scouts had yet to spot Drago again but everyone remained vigilant.

Hiccup was up in his personal forge working when Astrid came in. He had been working nonstop since Drago had disappeared. Tentions were rising and the dreaded internal fights had begun. Hiccup was trying to think of a way to end this war but nothing came to him so he continued to work not paying attention to what he was doing.

"Hiccup you need to stop worrying." Hiccup jumped almost hitting his hand with the hammer.

"Astrid! Don't do that you scared me to death."

"I called out to you before I came in. You have been so worried it is distracting you from truly taking charge. It is making me worry too."

"I'm sorry Astrid. I just don't know what to do. Drago really hurt me when he had us. I don't know if I can face him."

"Hiccup you have overcome so much. You tamed a dragon, killed a monster, taught us to ride dragons, and have found your memories after finding your mom. You are not one to quit and you face whatever is thrown at you. You can and will defeat Drago and Grimmel."

"Thank you Astrid. I needed that just as I will always need you."

Scouts found Drago three days later. Hiccup and the Chiefs stood around a map of the island.

"Mom I need you to keep the alpha in his home. He will need to keep our dragons from being taken by Drago's alpha. Our dragons will cary warriors to Drago's ships to fight. Our catapults will target Drago's rear ships force them to come forward onto the rocks. Dad will take Drago with Dagur's help. The wing maidens will help act as surprise attacks. Mala and the defenders of the wing will work with the wing maidens and act as healers. Astrid will lead the dragon riders against the armored dragons and will also attempt to take out as many ships as they can. I will take Grimmel. Any questions?" Everyone shook their heads. "Good Drago will be here at dawn. Let's give him a battle that none will ever forget!" Everyone cheered and went to take their places.

Time skip

Drago stood at the head of his war ship. Grimmel floated over head with his Deathgrippers. He could clearly see the new ice nest and the many war machines lining the sea. He chuckled and roared swinging his hook. His Alpha rose from the ice waters with a great below. Suddenly dragons dove from the skies launching fire balls at the alpha and ships. Men screamed as fires began to grow. Warriors dropped from the sky and attacked the men on the boats. Huge boulders flew overhead and crashed into the back lines of ships. The battle had begun.

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