Memories Lost

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Astrid POV

Astrid heard Gobber call out as the man collapsed on the ground in a dead faint. Astrid ran for Gothi's hut and led her back to the forge where Toothless was crooning in worry. Gobber had the man leaning against a post as Gothi took a look she wrote in the dirt at Gobber's feet.

"He will be alright the blow to the head has aggravated an old head injury and more black outs should be expected. Well tha' isn't very helpful you old bat. Ow! Stop 'itting me just stating a fact. Astrid do ya think you can help Night onto his dragon so they can go back to Gothi's hut?"

Astrid nodded as she slowly walked up to the dragon. At first he hissed until Gothi hit it on the head. Then it calmed down and let Astrid maneuver Night on it's back. It then waddled out fallowing Gothi up the hill to her hut. Astrid grabbed her axe and walked to the woods. She needed to blow off some aggression and practice her skills. Not wanting to be found by Snotlout or the twins she walked in a new direction.

While Astrid was thinking about the dragon and how it appeared so loyal to Night she nearly fell into a cove. Tree roots hung down the sides framing a water fall and small lake. Astrid looked for a way down when she came upon an odd sight. A shield was stuck between two of the boulders. She slipped under it to see scorch marks and black scales scattered around. She picked up a few to show the others and left the cove.

Time skip

"Hey Gobber do you know what dragon these scales came from? I found them in a cove just off ravens point."

"Tha' would be Night Fury scales. If yer want proof look where the beast was sleeping all day. Some o' its scales shed off."

"That is weird why would a Night Fury be in that cove? What was really odd was I also found an old shield looked like it had been stuck for a while as well."

"Don't know but considering this beast doesn't have all of its tail I doubt it is the same beast that was in that cove. I found that cove once when I was younger. Only way for a dragon to get out would be to fly. Oh the chief was looking for you by the way."

"Thanks Gobber see you tomorrow."

"See ya lass."

Time skip

"Astrid just the person I was looking for. As you know we have the chiefs coming tomorrow and I don't want any panic. I need you to keep an eye on the boy and his beast for me. Make sure they don't cause trouble."

"Yes sir, I just hope the Meatheads won't get in an all out war with the Bog Burglars."

"Oh I am more worried about the Berserkers apparently Dagur recently found his long lost sister and is very protective of her. He also recently got married and his wife is coming as well. She is the leader of a group called the defenders of the wing whatever that is."

"What of the Visithugs?"

"They are coming as well. I hear we also will be getting an appearance of the Dragon Master. He is the one who first proposed this meeting to some of the other chiefs. I think he approached the Peaceables first to spread the news that he would be coming."

Astrid nodded as she went to check on Night. The dragon was watching Night rest when she came in. She placed the basket of fish that Gobber gave her as she was passing by next to the dragon. It gave a warble then started eating the fish. Suddenly it backed away giving an odd growl. Astrid was confused by the dragon's actions as she was about to move forward a groan redirected her gaze.

"What happened?"

"You passed out just as you finished with my axe. Gothi said it was because the hit to the head you got aggravated an old head injury. She says to expect more black outs for the next few days."

"That explains a lot. Toothless what's wrong bud?"

Toothless growled again at the fish. Astrid could not tell why. She looked at Night and could see a perplexed look on his face.

"Are there any eels in with those fish?"

"Yeah a whole smoked eel. Why?"

"Dragons don't like eel. I don't like eel much either bud. Can you please remove it he really needs to eat the hunters had been starving him as an attempt to make him more docile."

Astrid nodded and found the eel. She placed it back in the basket as Toothless dug into the remaining fish. Astrid looked again at Night who still had a perplexed look on his face.


"I've said that before. Agh why does my memory have to be so elusive!?"

"Your memory? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Except for a few small bits I only have the last five years of memory. Everything before that is fuzzy. Look thanks for bringing the fish. Toothless really needed it. What is your name?"

"My name is Astrid. Is that why you have the name Night?"

"Yeah Mala gave it to me when we met on Caldera Cay. How pathetic is that can't even remember my own name. Even after five years of searching I am no closer to figuring it out. Now I have even lost some of my greatest allies."

"Is that why you were running from the hunters? They killed your allies?"

"They may just as well have. Where they were being sent I have no way of fallowing. Especially without Toothless's saddle and tail. It is why we used the boat to escape instead of flying."

"You have something that makes up for him not having a full tail? Why would you help a dragon fly?"

"Because he saved my life. He and the gang have been with me from the very beginning and from what little I have been able to remember even from before I lost my memory."

"How did you loose your memory?"

"That is something I wish I knew." Night yawned as Toothless finished the last of the fish. Astrid sighed as well.

"The Chief wants you to remain here tomorrow. He has guests and doesn't want them getting upset at seeing a dragon."

"We will stay out of the way. Thank you again Astrid for your help. Have a nice evening."

"You too Night."

Lost Memories of NightWhere stories live. Discover now