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Night POV

Night woke again to the sounds of industry. Astrid was asleep in a chair cross from the bed. Toothless was sitting looking out the open door. Gothi sat in a rocking chair petting a terrible terror. Dragons were flying around with riders carrying supplies to and from the hall. Astrid woke as Night sat up.

"Night! Thank Thor you have been asleep for two days!"

"Well at least I am still alive."

"Don't talk like that! If you are going to be an ally then you need to take better care of yourself. No more going on missions alone. We will help. I already talked to the chief he has agreed."

"Why would he agree like that? I thought he didn't like me."

"I think you remind him of his son. You are a lot like him."

"Well it is nice to know that I remind people of a dead person."

"It is not like that. Come to the banquet tonight. We hold it in honor of Hiccup and how we miss him. It would have been his birthday today. He would be twenty one if he was with us."

"All right if you put it that way I will come."

Gothi walked in and started writing in the sand as Night stood unsteadily on his feet.

"She says you need to take it slow. Bed rest for at least a week."

"Can I at least fly Toothless? He needs a rider to fly and I am the only one that knows how to work the tail."

Gothi thought for a moment then began writing again.

"Slow, no stunts, and only once a day. It could be worse she could have said no."

Night sighed and nodded. He fallowed Astrid outside as she began to walk around the village. She pointed out where the inventions that Night had on his own village were being placed on Berk. Gobber could be seen working in the forge. Meatlug and Fishlegs were close by making Gronkle iron for Gobber to work with.

"I see that everyone is taking to dragons quickly."

"Well it is hard not to when the chief and blacksmith have dragons. We have already started work on a new way to work with our dragons. We were thinking of calling it dragon racing. We plan to hold the first race next week. Would you like to join?"

"Well you will have to work out a way to even the playing field. Maybe make it where you have to collect something and the first one to collect the most points wins."

"Well we do have silent Sven's sheep. We can also make it to where the black one is worth more points."

"That could work and we can make baskets colored to match the dragons."

"I think we should make it family colors not dragon. It will allow us to use war paint."

"I can't I don't have a family to remember or share a color with." Night looked down with a sigh as Gobber walked up.

"Well that won't do laddie. We'll find you a color."

"Thanks Gobber. So Astrid says you would like help making saddles."

"Any input would be greatly appreciated."

Night nodded and continued on with Astrid. They were now walking through the forest and they came to the cove. Night froze as memories started to flash before his eyes again. He unerringly found the entrance and easily ducked under the shield. He walked to the water's edge and looked down. There he could see the small dagger buried under silt from five years.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing this just feels nostalgic. The first place Toothless and I met was in a place like this."

"Is it one of the few memories you have?"

"Yes and it is one of the happiest I have. We spent weeks together testing different tails and harnesses until we got the right one."

Astrid POV

Astrid paused and looked at the wonder filled look of Night. Toothless chose then to tackle both of them to the ground. They laughed as they made their way out of the cove. Astrid was thinking about how to ask Night to dance with her at the banquet when they started to hear music coming from the hall.

"Looks like the party has started."

"Yeah come on you should see some of the plans Hiccup made. We have them up along the far wall. We cover them when visitors are here but with you as the only visitor and the anniversary being today they should be out. You might get some ideas from them."

Astrid hurriedly pulled Night in the direction of the hall. Stormfly squawked as they passed by. Toothless paused and started to play with the nadder. They made their way into the hall to see vikings eating and drinking. In the back covering most of the wall blueprints and pictures were hung. Notes were hung along the bottom with wishes for peace in Valhalla.

Astrid turned to see Night staring at one blue print in particular. It was a bola launcher and notes were hung around it about smaller details.

Night POV

Night could barely stand strait. In front of him were the blueprints of the Mangler. How he knew the name of the bola launcher he did not know. Suddenly he fainted as images again flashed in front of his face.

....flash back.....

He raced to where the catapult was located. No dragons could be seen around it. The sounds of the raid started to die down.

"Come on. Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at."

He noticed a shadow blocking out the stars. He followed it as suddenly the tower exploded in purple light. He hit the trigger and fell back as the recoil tossed him to the ground. He watched as the bola flew and a screech rang out. He could see the shadow disappear over raven point.

"Yes! I hit it! Did anyone see that?"

Crunch. He turned to see a nightmare charging at him.

....end flash back....

....flash back....

"Oh I did it. This fixes everything! I have brought down this mighty beast! Ahh!"

He fell back as the dragon shifted. He pulled out his dagger and looked at the dragon's eye.

"I am going to kill you dragon. I'm going to cut out your heart and give it to my father. I am a viking. I am a VIKING!"

He lifted the dagger and closed his eyes. He could hear the dragon whimper as it accepted it's fate. He stopped. He couldn't kill it. It was just as frightened as he was. He looked back at the dragon.

"I did this."

He turned away to leave but stopped. He went back to the dragon and started to cut the ropes of the bola. As he cut the last rope the dragon lunged. It pinned him to the ground opened it's mouth and roared. It then dashed off trying to fly.

....end flash back....

Lost Memories of NightWhere stories live. Discover now