End of All Battles

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I guess I have left you all waiting long enough. Now on to the war!

It was complete chaos. Screams of men and dragons filled the air. The Alpha continued to bellow as more dragons hit it. Drago roared as the Alpha was pushed back. Suddenly he was knocked back. Before him stood Stoic the Vast and Dagur the Deranged. They charged at him as two large blasts tore two of the death grippers from the Grimmel's floating platform. Grimmel jumped to one of the two remaining death grippers and cut it loose before the other dragon and platform crashed into the icy waters.

A chilling screech filled the air as two blurs shot past. They hovered for a few moments before charging at Grimmel. The light fury flanked Grimmel on the right as Hiccup and Toothless took the right. They rose in the sky trading sword blows and plasma blasts. Suddenly a blast hit directly on the death gripper stunning it. Grimmel was knocked loose. Hiccup watched as he fell and disappeared into the sea. He turned then to where Dagur and Stoic still fought with Drago.

Toothless dove and tackled an armored dragon mid air. They continued on blasting some of the rear ships forcing them to hit the submerged rocks placed in the way. Men continued to scream as dragon flame burned more and more ships. The Wing maidens were taking care of many of Drago's men the many riders from the villages had already taken care of many of the armored dragons and turned their attention to the Alpha. Hiccup directed Toothless to land between Dagur and Stoic.

"Surrender Drago. You have lost."

"Never! I alone will control the dragons!" He turned then and roared at his Alpha. It gave a great bellow and blasted ice at the village covering the harbor and some of the low lying houses. Dragons and people had scattered and run when the blast had hit. Only those still in some of the lower defenses did not escape in time. Suddenly a roar shook the air. Valka flew above the combatants.

"I am sorry Hiccup. I kept him in as long as I could but that last roar drew him out!" The two Alphas began to battle. Everyone stopped and watched as the battle continued. They could do nothing as Drago's Alpha threw Valka's Bewilderbeast to the ground. Valka and Hiccup cried out as the battle ended. All the dragons landed and bowed to their new Alpha. Drago laughed as the dragons then turned on their riders. Hiccup rushed at Drago and tried to land a blow. Drago was expecting it and pushed him back.

"I will show you exactly what a dragon can do now." The Alpha began to focus on Toothless. Toothless fought the control as Hiccup stood and walked slowly to Toothless.

"Snap out of it Toothless. You are my best friend. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Your are stronger than he is. Come on bud. Come back to me. You are friend. My best friend."

Toothless gave a friendly warble and a gummy smile. Hiccup smiled and climbed on. He glared at Drago before they blasted into the sky. Dagur, Stoic, and Valka charged at Drago as Hiccup and Toothless dove toward the Alpha. The blast was huge and caused all the allies to cheer. Astrid smiled from where she stood next to the villagers. "Take him down Babe!"

They continued to cheer as Hiccup and Toothless drove the Alpha further and further back. All the dragons had stopped to watch as Toothless began to glow. The light fury gave a curious coo as Toothless gave a mighty roar. His final blast hit the right side of the Alpha's face. The large tusk hit the water as smoke curled up from the stump. The Alpha bowed its head and dove into the sea disappearing into the depths. Drago roared in denial as he was knocked down by Dagur. He was then pinned by Stoic. They knocked him out as the allies began to cheer. The dragons returned to their riders as the rest of Drago's men surrendered.

Time skip

Hiccup and the Chiefs all stood before Drago. The villagers and their dragons stood in audience. Drago was tied down and gaged. Stoic stepped forward until he stood directly before Drago.

"Drago you stand accused off murder and terror. You have slain leaders of tribes. You have raised arms against the allied tribes of the archipelago. We the Chiefs of the Tribes now sentence you to death." Stoic drew his sword. Silence filled the hall. Even the dragons dared not make a sound. Those gathered felt as if time slowed. The sword slowly swung down. The deed done Stoic turned and returned to where the other chiefs stood. Some guards dragged out the body as the celebration began.

"Now let's talk about your plans to expand the villages." Stoic turned to Hiccup

"Of course dad. The changes will help everyone in the long run including the dragons." He then started to outline some of the details he had come up with. "...and with this fire prevention system dragon fire is limited in the damage it can cause. I also think we should hold friendly dragon races between all the tribes. We can hold the race here every few months. We would send representatives and we could even hold other events during the races."

"That is a great idea son! It would be a great celebration like today. In fact we should hold a race on this day next year in honor of how we all came together to end the war between dragon and humans and the defeat of Drago!" Everyone began to nod enthusiastically.

A song began to fill the hall as everyone began to pair up. Stoic took Valka in hand and started to dance. Hiccup walked up to Astrid and held out his hand. "Care to join me M'lady?" Astrid smiled and took his hand. They danced for a time before sitting to join the feast. Dagur leaned over to Hiccup after having had a few mugs of ale.

"So, Hiccup when are you going to marry? I mean your dad did make you his heir again so you have to do your duty and get married. Hey maybe you can marry Heather! Ow!"

Heather had hit Dagur on the head so that Mala could drag him away. Hiccup however had turned red with embarrassment. Astrid sitting nest to him also turned red. Stoic having also heard the conversation turned to Valka with a smile as he pointed out the matching red faces. He stood then and walked over to them.

"Son I would like you to know I have already entered into talks with Astrid's father about her bride price."

Hiccup looked horrified and turned to face a fuming Astrid. She stood and stormed over to her father and mother. "Dad you really shouldn't have said that. She is going to kill me after chewing out her parents."

"Ha ha. Don't worry son Valka and I can see you are head over heels for each other so why not set the engagement so that you can spend more time together. Even Toothless and that light fury are getting closer to each other why not the two of you as well?" Hiccup shook his head as Astrid walked back to where they all stood.

"Well babe I don't think we have to worry about that anymore." Hiccup gave Astrid a confused look. "We can get married whenever we want."

Time skip

The villagers were gathered out side dragon village. Many small boats lined the shore. Shrouds covered the many bodies. Fire pits stood at the ready near the villagers. Silence filled the air as the boats were pushed out into the harbor. Many took up bows and lit an arrow. Tears fell from all eyes as fires began to rise. Astrid came up to Hiccup and took his hand. They stood proudly in their white wedding garb.

They had agreed that they wanted to honor the dead by living their lives to the fullest. They were the last ones to leave the beach and head to where Gothi and the other tribes were gathering. The Chiefs were already there and waiting. Gothi smiled at the pair as they took each other's hands and she placed the binding cloth over them. Everyone cheered as the two kissed. Dragons roared in jubilation and took to the air.


Hiccup lifted up his son as Astrid held their daughter. Toothless stood with them and his cubs romped on the ground in front of the family. The light fury stood next to Toothless while Stormfly stood to Astrid's left. The painter gave them a smile and began to paint. Hiccup smiled as he thought about all that he had gained. He was proud of what he had done and thanked the gods for giving back his memories. They were the memories of night.

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