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Snotlout POV

He couldn't believe Astrid was showing affection for that guy. Snotlout knew she was in love with him. She was his princess and he would not let anyone take her away from him. He was also confused by how much the village that Night had built resembled Berk. He couldn't stand how Night was changing everything. He was just a fish bone! He would get back in good graces. He knew just how to do it.

Time skip

The chiefs were meeting again in a large house that looked a lot like the great hall at Berk. Night sat with that dragon beside him as the chiefs were talking and asking how best to integrate dragons into daily lives. Suddenly a terrible terror screamed in through an open window. It landed near Night.

Snotlout watched as Night pulled a roll of parchment off the dragon's leg. He read it for a moment before standing. He looked panicked and Snotlout knew it was his chance.

"What you got there fish bones?"

"It is none of your concern."

"As the heir of Berk and as a concerned dragon rider I think we all deserve to know."

"A contact of mine is warning me about an up and coming dragon auction. I need to get ready to stop it."

"With what? I doubt you could even beat a dog in a fight much less somebody larger than you. Heck you couldn't even defeat me."

"Snotlout, Night is the best fighter in the archipelago. He bested Dagur."

"It is fine Heather he wants a fight and I need to blow off some steam. How about this, pick a weapon and we will meet in the training grounds in an hour to see who is better."

"Fine by me fish bone."

Time skip

Vikings and dragons gathered around the small depression. Wood targets lined the walls. A stone floor had been made with the help of gronkles. Snotlout stood at one end while Night stood at the other. Night had no shield and only held a sword handle. Snotlout had a mace and shield. They began to circle the arena.

Snotlout charged first. Night dodged to the side tripping Snotlout as he passed. Snotlout turned and in rage swung his mace to the side. Night stopped it with a clang. His sword close to Snotlout's neck making him feel the heat of the flames racing the length of the blade.

Snotlout pushed Night off and started making calculated swings trying to knock the sword from Night's hand. Night kept him at bay not getting close. Snotlout charged again only to have Night run at the wall behind him. He used the wall to flip over Snotlout as he slammed into the side of the wall. Dirt rained down on Snotlout as he turned to face Night again. Snotlout rushed in again as green gas started to swirl around him. Suddenly Snotlout was blown back into the wall as the gas ignited.

Night POV

He watched as Snotlout staggered and fell down again. Night walked over and put his sword right next to Snotlout's face.

"Now I know this is just about showing off in front of girls so why don't you tell everyone why you wanted to duel me."

"Never fish bone."

"Then you will stay like this and Hookfang will not be staying with you. I can't leave him with someone who hates what I am doing so either talk or loose your dragon."

"Alright it is because you shamed me about the dragons and then you started talking to Astrid more. She is my princess and I didn't want you to steal her away."

Night stood back as Snotlout stood up. He turned just in time to see a blond viking swinging at Snotlout. Astrid stood back with a glare. She stepped on Snotlout pining him to the ground.

"I am not your princess and I swear Snotlout if you do anything like this again I will kill you instead of just breaking your nose."

"Ouch beaten by Night and a girl now that is pathetic."

Dagur stood on the edge of the pit looking down at Snotlout as Night walked out of the arena. Astrid had left shortly after making her declaration and went to the woods. Night fallowed and was just in time to see Astrid throw her axe at a tree in rage.

"I get the feeling he does this a lot."

"Yes and even though I am going to be a shield maiden he can't get it through his thick skull that I hate him. The only one I might have loved is dead."

"What happened?"

"We don't know. He was ahead of me in class and had even earned the honor of killing a nightmare. Then he disappeared. Shortly after that the dragons were taken from the arena during a raid. Then the raids stopped altogether. We never saw him again. He is presumed dead and we had a funeral."

"I am so sorry."

"It is okay it just still hurts. He was a lot like you actually. He was constantly making contraptions most of which didn't work or when the did work backfired and destroyed more of the village than the dragons did. He was kind though. He made my ax and gave it to me for my birthday. I never told him thank you and I regret it every day that I didn't pay more attention to him."

"I am sure that if he were here he wouldn't want you to be sad. He would want you to remember him and think of the good things. Astrid I..Agh!"

A terrible terror darted in between the pair and plastered itself to Night's face. He pealed the dragon off his face as Astrid laughed. He gave her a look then pulled the parchment from it's leg. He read the note then sat down with a confused look on his face.

"What is it?"

"Someone or something destroyed the place where the dragon auction was to take place and took the dragons."

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