13# Origins Pt. 2

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The now formed team are in school talking about stuff. Meanwhile, Kim gave Ivan a note which talks about him and Milan. Kim then bullied him about his love for Milan.

Kim: So Ivan, you have a crush on Milan huh?

Ivan: Leave me alone Kim.

Kim: Oh yeah, then watch as I make dares for every single student in this school.

Then, Miss Caroline Brophy, the teacher of 7th Grade caught the 2 fighting so she told them off.

Ms. Caroline: Ivan and Kim, why are the 2 of you fighting?

Kim: It's because Ivan started this fight.

Ms. Caroline: Ivan, that is the worse idea made by somebody innocent as you, go to the principal's office.

Ivan: B-but-

Ms. Caroline: No buts, go to the principal's office, now.

Ivan: Yes, Ms. Caroline.

Ivan went back to the classroom, grabbed his bag and went to the principal's office with the crumpled note on his right hand. Then, an evil spirit came to him by landing on the crumpled note.

Rankora: Stoneheart, I am Rankora, I will be giving you the power to destroy your enemies. In return, you have to give me the amulets.

Ivan: I will Rankora.

Ivan transformed into Stoneheart. Michael, Calum, Luke, Shawn, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo, Gun and Tanya went back to their classes. Halfway there, they encountered a monster made out of rocks.

Zoe: What the heck?

Gun: I didn't know there was a monster.

Thaiyo: I didn't even expect that.

Michael: Guys, come here.

The younger kids met the older kids at their hiding spot which is the locker room so that they could transform.

Michael: Guys, we have to transform.

Shawn: How?

Sheryl: Yeah man, how?

Michael: Let's take a look, it says that we have to say these words but before you say it, you need to think of a team name.

Calum: What could we name our team?

Luke: '5 Seconds Of Summer'?

Calum: That would be cool.

Tanya: Are you serious? There is like 12 of us and you are thinking of '5 Seconds Of Summer'? Why not '12 Seconds Of Summer'?

Zoe: Tanya, don't take this so seriously, it is like we're in a band, we need to find a team name so we chose that name.

Tanya: Okay.

Michael: Anyways, let's say this, 5sos we are here today...

Shawn: What do we have to say?

Michael: Into the light we save the day.

All of them transformed unexpectedly and they figured out that they are now in their superhero suits instead of their own clothes.

Owlette: Guys, what happened?

Mike-Ro-Wave: Umm... I guess I said it by accident.

Catboy: Next time, please let all of us say that.

Carapace: Well, now that I am in this turtle suit, I guess it's time to save the day?

Owlette: Guys, you may not believe this, but Stoneheart is wrecking people's lives.

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