16# Wildlife Invasion

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Michael, Crystal, Calum, Luke, Sierra, Shawn, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo, Gun and Tanya are in the school court talking to each other. They are planning to go to Wild Life Sydney Zoo together after school.

Crystal: So, we're going to the zoo right?

Michael: Yup.

Calum: In fact, I hope there aren't spiders because geez I don't like spiders.

Zoe: You're like our classmate, Kim.

Luke: So, Wild Life Sydney Zoo, 4 o'clock after school.

Sierra: Okay.

Crystal: Thanks for inviting us.

Raphael: No sweat.

After school that afternoon, Sierra and Crystal are waiting for their friends at the zoo. They soon arrived with their bags with some snacks and drinks.

Michael: Sorry we're late.

Crystal: Michael, we've been waiting for you guys for a few minutes.

Michael: I have to deal with my younger siblings.

Zoe: Seriously?

Crystal: Nevermind, I know you have lots of siblings but I also have alot of siblings, like Aaliyah, she is in your younger siblings' class right?

Raphael: Yup, she is.

Crystal: Okay, well shall we see that new panther that was in the zoo?

Sierra: Sure.

Raphael: Okay.

Calum: Yeah.

Luke: Yeah.

Crystal: Okay, now-

Crystal interrupted her speech when Kim and Max came.

Kim: Hey dudes, 'sup?

Zoe: Hey Kim, hi Max.

Max: Hey, how ya doin'?

Sierra: We're going to see that new panther, do you want to come with us as friends?

Kim: Sure.

Max: Okay.

Michael: Then let's go, we have a back cat waiting for us.

Raphael: A pussy?

Thaiyo: A Panther not Pussy like 🎵This is Wakanda🎵

Zoe: I like Marvel but let's go.

They went went to the exhibition where a zookeeper is feeding a panther some meat. They were so excited to see it.

Raphael: Hey, a man is feeding a pussy.

Thaiyo: It's a freaking panther.

Raphael: Oh sorry.

Zoe: Who's that?

Crystal: That's my dad, he is the zookeeper here. He doesn't like anybody disrespecting the animals here like the kangaroos and the koalas. Even the Emus and worst of all, spiders.

Kim and Calum: (in unison) Dammit I hate spiders.

Max: Luke, is Calum afraid of spiders?

Luke: Yup.

Max: Yeah cuz the spiders here in Australia are really dangerous like the black widow spider.

Calum: Max, you're giving me nightmares.

Max: Sorry, anyways I'm going to-

Kim: Whoa! Look at the size of that piece of meat it's eating!

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