26# Liar Liar You're A Liar

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Michael, Crystal, Calum, Luke, Sierra, Shawn, Niall, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo, Gun and Tanya went to their school and heard everyone talking about Lila. Suspicious, that girl gave them bad vibes.

Michael: Why is everyone talking about that Lila?

Zoe: I knew it, we don't like liars so everyone thinks Lila is cool because she lies alot.

Crystal: Go ask my sister, Aaliyah, she's in your class.

Zoe went up to Aaliyah and asked her about Lila.

Zoe: Aaliyah!

Aaliyah: Hey Zoe, what's up mate?

Zoe: Aaliyah, I have something to asky you, who is Lila?

Aaliyah: Oh her? She is a new girl from New Zealand.

Zoe: New Zealand? Hopefully she isn't from Auckland.

Aaliyah: She's from Auckland and I had an interview with her in my blog.

Zoe: God dammit!

Aaliyah: And she said that she is friends with the team.

Zoe: Friends? I wonder what she's up to. Welp, thanks Aaliyah, my mate.

The young girl went back to her brothers and friends who were waiting for her.

Zoe: Lila lied about being friends with us.

Everyone: What?

Zoe: That's true, plus we aren't even friends with her and who the heck she is. Mikey, did you bring the Book of Heroes?

Michael: Yeah.

Zoe: Good, now don't let Lila see it, she might lie about being a hero. For now, let's go to the library to study History.

They went to the library to study History and a girl, Lila sat with them.

Lila: Well hello, big family is it?

Zoe: Big family? I have 9 brothers, not 10 brothers and 5 sisters.

Lila: Who cares, I have like 20 siblings.

Michael: Liar...

Lila: What did you say, red headed Billie Joe Armstrong?

Michael: Nothing, just don't call me Billie Joe Armstrong, he's my idol.

Lila: Who cares? You are so handsome.

Michael: Awkward...

Crystal: He's mine, Kiwi girl.

Lila: Oh, so you must be Crystal Leigh.

Crystal: Of course I am.

Lila: Well I am glad studying History with you guys.

Raphael: Even if you're some liar.

Lila: Who cares.

Yuto: Is she narcissistic?

Thaiyo: I guess.

It is soon time to go so everyone stood up but Michael dropped his bag. Lila offered him to help but he refused politely but without him looking, she took the book. They soon left the library and Lila looked at the book and she was surprised to see every hero in that book. She was interested when she saw an image of an Ancient Chinese version of a superhero with a blue and white suit and a blue Chinese head piece and she is carrying ice knives.

Lila: That hero shall be more powerful than Mike-Ro-Wave, Cal-Pal, Dr. Fluke, Carapace, Queen Bee, Catboy, Ninja, Gekko, Owlette, Armadylan, Scarlette and Genocider. She will be perfect for me.

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