10# The Short Film Of Slime

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Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo and Gun are in their class with their classmates and siblings. Michael, Calum, Luke, Shawn, Sheryl and Tanya should be with them since they are still using the classroom.

Nino: Alright, are you ready?

Aidan: Yeah.

Alex: 1, 2, 3 and action!

In the film, Milan and Aidan are preparing their guns to shoot the monster who is portrayed by Ivan.

Ivan: (scares Milan)

Milan: (screams)

Ivan: (takes off the mask) Sorry, I scared you Milan.

Chloe: Ha! Try your best coward as I am the star of everything.

Zoe: Chloe! This is why, I hate you so much.

Calum: Zoe, calm down.

Zoe: You are always calm in every situation, Calum. For once, that stupid snob Chloe, needs to get herself a life.

Nino: Ivan, put the mask back on, you're playing the monster and Milan, you need to stay in character, we need to complete this film so that we could complete this short film.

Ivan: Okay.

Milan: But I'm scared of that mask, it is so realistic and scary.

Ivan: Don't worry Milan, it is just me, Ivan, you don't have to be scared.

Milan: But I need to sing my happy song first, 🎵Smelly wolf, smelly wolf, stinky breath and slimy-(bumps into Aidan) Ahh!

Aidan: Chill out Milan, you are giving yourself a post traumatic stress breakdown.

Chloe: And the Oscar for best pathetic scaredy-cat afraid of its own shadow goes to... Milan! (laughs)

Sheryl: Oh my freaking god Chloe!

Without anybody noticing, Milan ran away from the classroom and into the school courtyard crying her eyes out. Everyone became worried about her except for snobby Chloe and her best friend Sabrina.

Zoe: Hey, has anybody seen Milan?

Michael: I think she just went outside.

Ivan: I'll go look for her, you guys stay here.

Thaiyo: Alright.

Gun: See you later Ivan.

Ivan left the classrooms and into the courtyard where Milan is sitting on the bench, crying her eyes out. He decided to go next to her and cheer her up.

Ivan: Milan, don't listen to these brats like that stupid Chloe, just believe in yourself. (Gives her a blink 182 pin) Here, it's from my favourite band. I mean it is from everyone's favourite band.

Milan: Wait, is this, blink 182?

Ivan: Yes, it's for you.

Milan: Thanks Ivan but... (runs away)

Ivan: Milan, wait!

Back in the classroom, the other kids are waiting for Milan and Ivan to come back.

Sheryl: Guys, when will Milan come back?

Zoe: I dunno, and it is like 30 minutes already.

Michael: Why don't we take a look, she might be in the bathroom.

Raphael: Good idea, c'mon guys.

Michael, Calum, Luke, Shawn, Sheryl, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe, Thaiyo, Gun and Tanya went out of the classroom to find Milan. Before they could knew it, they saw pink slime from the bathroom to somewhere.

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