22# The Puppets

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It was a nice day and Nadia, dropped off her daughter, Mandy at the Irwin house where Tanya lives. She is one of Tanya's classmates and one of her best friends.

Mandy: Hey Tanya.

Tanya: Hi Mandy.

Nadia: Alright, I'm going to the TV Station, you 2 have fun.

Mandy: Okay Mom.

Mandy entered the house and met Tanya's host family. She was curious so she asked her if that is her family.

Mandy: Tanya, is that your family?

Tanya: Actually they're my host family, Michael, Calum, Luke, Shawn, Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe and Thaiyo are biological siblings, Sheryl is Shawn's girlfriend, Crystal is Michael's girlfriend, Sierra is Luke's girlfriend and Gun is another host sibling. She's an exchange student from England.

Mandy: Oh I see, well let's go to your room.

Zoe: Actually we sleep in the same room because it's really big, bigger than our parent's bedroom. If you want to come, then follow me.

The kids went to their room so that Mandy could play with them.

Mandy: So, what are we going to do?

Tanya: We are going to play, A Crazy EX Battle.

Mandy: Cool, are there new characters?

Zoe: Actually, I'm stuck at Season 1 but Gun is working on Season 2. Then it goes on and on.

Mandy: Hopefully we won't leave any spoilers.

Gun: Like Crystal being part of-

Zoe: Woah spoilers! Don't tell Mandy.

Gun: Oh okay.

Zoe: Oh, I've got some action figures I made, do you wanna play with them?

Mandy: Aren't action figures for younger boys?

Thaiyo: Oh c'mon, I still play with them.

Mandy: You know what, let's do it.

They started playing with action figures until Mandy's mum, Nadia came to pick up her daughter.

Nadia: Mandy, time to go home.

Mandy: Oh c'mon, I still want to play with Tanya.

Nadia: You can do that next time, I need to head to the TV Station.

Mandy: Can I get the Genocider figure?

Nadia: Mandy, c'mon you're 10 and you're turning 11 so it's best if you just do what teenagers do.

Mandy: Ugh, fine.

Nadia and Mandy were about to go down until Mandy realized that she forgot her bag so she went back up again.

Nadia: Mandy? Where are you going?

Mandy: I forgot my bag upstairs.

Mandy went up to the kids' room and found her bag. She picked it up and asked Zoe if she could get Genocider.

Mandy: Zoe, can I have Genocider?

Zoe: Okay, but make sure to return it.

Mandy: Thanks.

Michael: Is the Genocider figure safe with her?

Zoe: Yup.

Meanwhile in the TV Station, Mandy was playing with Genocider until her mum caught her playing with one of Tanya and Zoe's action figures.

A Crazy EX Battle Season 1(Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now