Chapter 15

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The next day I had woke up to my brother shaking me. "Rise and shine" he said. I sat up. "Hey" I said getting up with a stretch.

Zetsu and me stayed quiet on the way to school. "So what happened yesterday?" He asked as we walked. "Well. I almost kissed someone unconsciously" I replied. Zetsu chuckled. "Awe Catherine. Your to nervous to pull anything off consciously" Zetsu said patting my head. "Hey Zetsu are you a playboy?" I asked. "No. Goro always called me that since girls would be all over me for no reason" Zetsu explained. "Well that's prob'ly gonna happen here" I told him. "I'll get by" he said softly. I looked at him. We shared the hair and eyes from our mother. Yet my brother shared something I wish I had gotten. Her heart. Her knowledge of the world. I wish I had gotten to know her more. She always spent time with him. She rarely noticed me. She always loved him more than me.

We got to school and separated. He had already gotten a ton of girls surronding him. I just walked to my class. I didn't see Akira yet. I sighed in relief. We had a school meeting in the gym today. It was annonced at the end of the day yesterday. It had only been one day since Komoshidas heart change. Today would be the possible day for Akiras expulsion. I saw him and Ann walk into the class. I hid behind some of the other students. Ann sat in her seat and looked around. "Where's Catherine?" She asked. Akira sighed. "Hope shes okay. Yesterday she was freaking out a lot" Akira mentioned. Me and him locking eyes. "I think she's avoiding me" He added. I walked over. "I'm not advoiding you. I'm just worried" I said sitting in my seat. "About what?" Ann asked. "About wether the thing worked" I said. "Its has to" Ann said looking down. "If it doesn't" she said sadly. I look down as well. "I need to use the bathroom" I whispered leaving quickly.

I got into the bathroom and glared daggers at the mirror. "It better work. I only ever went back into that place to see if I could change that dumb teachers heart. If it doesn't work... What I did to avenge Anns friend and the people hurt by him would be A waste. It has to work. It better work" I said feeling so much anger. I left the bathroom. Heading back to class calmly. I sat in my desk. "Catherine you okay?" Akira asked. "Just fine" I said looking at my desk. "If you say so" he said dropping it.

The meeting came up and we all were in the gym. The principle was talking on and on. That's when Komoshida busted into the gym. He went on and on with his confession. Saying he should die for his crimes. Ann didn't agree with that. She wanted him to suffer in jail for it. It brought a smile to my face seeing that stealing his heart work.

When the meeting had ended. I walked towards my class for lunch. I was stopped by those girls again. "Sumi please stop bullying me" I said backing Away. "Don't you dare speak to me! I hate your stupid family!" She yelled punching me. I fell to the floor and Couldn't see well. "Your brothers an Asshole! Just like his pathetic sister! Your friends are all idiots for being friends with a weakling like you!" She said. She kicked my side. Pain shooting through me more. "Stop taking their abuse! Stop taking her shit! Stand up for yourself Catherine!" That man yelled. I looked at the blurry demonic figure. "Let that anger unleash on her! Stand up! Get up!" He said. I shakily tried to get up. "Your family and friends are useless!" Sumi screamed. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. All the sadness and pain turning into pure anger. I felt an adrenaline rush. I shot up onto my feet. "Fuck You!" I yelled. Sumi looking surprised. People gathering around. "What did you say bitch!" Sumi screamed back. I clenched my fist. "Thats it Catherine! Use my strength as your own! Use our strength to knock any enemy down with one fatal blow!" He yelled. Sumi sending a punch at me. I caught her fist. I heard shocked gasp. Sumis eyes wide. "Your the useless bitch here. Your the one that is stupid and pathetic" I said darkly. I pulled my fist back. Sending it full force into her face. I let go of her wrist. She collapsed to the ground out cold. I looked at her two little followers. They ran away terrified. The people who watched, shocked. I saw a teacher. "What happened here?" The teacher asked. The students to shocked to talk. I looked at my shaking hands. I felt tears roll down my face. I had hurt someone. I felt like I was turning into my father.

I backed up into a wall. I saw Zetsu burst from the crowd. His blue eyes widening as he looked at her then me. "Catherine did you?" He asked. "She... Was beating me up" I said sliding down a wall. I started to breath hard. "Breathe" Zetsu said. The teacher asking students to get Sumi to the nurse. "Mr. Raggon. Take your sister to the principle" the teacher ordered. "Come on Catherine. you dont want them to call dad" he said helping me stand. I started to feel my chest pounding. Tears pooring as I couldn't control my breathing. We walked past everyone. "Zetsu what happened?" Ann asked. "Can't talk" he replied quickly. He was trying to calm me. He couldn't though. Nothing could calm me. I had just hit someone. I had did that thing I promised myself never to do. I never wanted to become like my father. Hitting others. We got to the principles office. Zetsu not letting me from his arms. The princible looking at us. "What happened?" he asked.

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