A Special Fact Chapter

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So this chapter is gonna be for some unknown facts for some of my characters I have in this story. I also am making this chapter to say that from now on. I'll be uploading this story once to twice a week. I'm thinking its gonna be Monday and Friday for twice if I do it. Or just Wednesdays. So now onto the facts

Facts about Kino:

I'm sure everyones a little skeptical about the new guy I added in. Which is understandable considering I randomly added him.

Well fact 1:
I added Kino in because for the people who have known about him. He has been a fan favorite. Everyone who knows about Kino has adored and loved him even if they didn't at first. A lot of people have also gotten mad because I don't use him often enough and don't give him the glory he deserves.

Fact 2: Kino originally was created to be a villain in one of my stories. But because I made him so smart and young. I decided I'd make him good. Considering that his aunt is one of the good guys as well.

Fact 3: I originally was gonna kill Kino off from many things but I couldn't find the heart to do it since he became a loved character by many.

Fact 4: Kinos original name wasn't even Kino. It was Savon. I still use Savon for Kino but its no longer his birth name. Savon is his 'Codename' in a way.

Facts about Zetsu:
Zetsu is another loved person by many so I decided he would definatly be a key player in this story specifically. Also because Zetsu is just one of my all time favorite males I made.

Fact 1: Zetsu has split personallitys. Well just one. And his name is Shim. Shim originally had white hair and red eyes. Hence my reference to him by changing Zetsus hair and eye color from his natural blue and black.

Fact 2: Zetsus one of my strongest and over powered characters. So to fix that Zetsu is actually almost completely blind in his eyes. Well Shim is to be more precise.

Fact 3: Zetsu was orignally just Catherines brother and nothing else. I saw persona 5 when it first came out and made Catherine. Zetsu was nothing more than a brother figure who was never going to be mentioned much. That changed lol.

Fact 4: Zetsu is actually Bisexual. Well once again Shim is actually the culprit. And Shim is totally gay for Kino specifically. You can usually find Shim/Zetsu hitting on girls but when it comes to Kino. He will change completely and flirt with the poor boy. I originally made that for comedy reasons and I still use it till this day because its just funny putting those two together like that. Also because I know deep down people low key ship the two since their so alike in many ways.

Facts about Catherine:
We all love Catherine right? The annoying teenage girl who knows a little bit too much about stuff but pretended she doesn't.

Fact 1: Catherine originally was made specifically for Persona 5. Her original Codename was Mace. Her original and only persona was Keath. And she was just plain ol shy and introverted to the max. Well that's not the case anymore. I still reference all that sometimes though.

Fact 2: Catherine is actually Desire itself in the story she's actually mainly part of. (Kino and Zetsu are both in the other story as well.) I make a reference to 'The Queen of Desire' in this story a lot. I will try to die it down I swear.

Fact 3: Catherines main persona, Reaper, is actually a direct reference to the fact that she is a descendent of Death itself. In my main stories, or actual stories that aren't fanfictions, her and Zetsu talk about it from their ancestors dairies and stories.

Fact 4: Catherines backstory was a little different than it is now. Originally Zetsu and her mother both died and she was left with her father who eventually got pushed out a twenty story window by her reserected brother. Yeah I didn't really like that idea.

Facts about Oliver and Liam:
Here's a duo of weirdos just for you guys lol.

Fact 1: Oliver was originally made for Catherine as a love interest. I referenced that by having him call her his girlfriend in that one chapter. Yet I changed that because I decided I wanted Oliver to have someone more like him when he's not putting up that front.

Fact 2: Liam is actually a reference to an anime character that I love. I made Liam specifically like that character because my oc for that anime is in my main story and she had no love interest. So now she does. Also Liam's job is another reference to another anime all together.

Fact 3: Oliver originally had a persona and everything. Decided I didn't want that. I just wanted him to be there because he was originally made to be Zetsus best friend as well. Gotta keep them old times alive somehow.

Fact 4: Liam is a somewhat a strange guy. I never really made him for anything too specific. He was never even going to get any story time. But I felt that in order for me to fully develop and understand him, I felt that writting him in a story could be useful for later use.

Thats should be it. I really actually liked writing this chapter. Gives a little more insight to all the characters.

Bonus facts.

Kino is the smartest and youngest of all my book characters.
Zetsu isn't really a ladies man. He just takes up that persona because he was never taught other wise.
Olivers name wasn't even originally gonna be Oliver.
Liam was gonna be an only child. but I felt as though there should be a group of just brothers. Its obvious by now I usually do brother sister pairing.
Last fact is that I use anime characters as a look reference when I get to lazy to acctually discribe the character. Yeah I know. I shouldn't do it but who cares. So people who get upset over one of my characters 'looking' like an anime character. They acctually don't. That's just the best I am willing to do. I won't put much detail into a story if I feel like It doesn't need it at that moment. Also it just stands for what the character could possibly look like at the time or whatever. I did it to make things easier for people who have hard times imagining from descriptions.

Well thanks for reading and understanding that the updates are gonna be slower until otherwise!

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