Chapter 21

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I let go of Akiras face and I sighed. He must have been to distracted by the mess my outfit was. Everyone had full body outfits and mine was just weird. "This is one reason why I ran away earlier" I mentioned. "Speaking of which. We aren't mad at you Catherine. Like you said you didn't remember this place completely. You kinda are like Morganna" Ann said. I smiled. "Guess your right Ann" I replied. "We need to give her a new code name" Akira said with his back to me. "She no longer looks like a princess so, makes sense. Let's change it" Morganna said. "How about Mace" I said. "Mace? Like a spray?" Ryuji asked. "No. I mean as in a weapon from a long time ago. I believe they called it a Mace. Prob'ly not. Not to sure but I think it was" I explained. "We will go with that then" Akira said. "Lets head back for today alright guys?" He asked. Everyone agreeing with our leader.

We got back to the real world. I smiled and waved to everyone as I began to walk away. "Wait. Catherine can we talk?" Akira asked grabbing my hand. "What about?" I asked. "You. You've got all these secrets. I want you to tell me at least something. That way I can trust you" he said. "You don't trust me?" I asked. "You just told me and Ryuji that you knew we were in Komoshidas palace. You just showed us that your not who we thought. So, I lost my trust a little for you" he said. I gripped his hand and dragged him away. I stopped in front of Aketchis. I dragged him inside and sat him down. Crossing my arms over my chest.

"When I was a young girl I fell into the Metaverse. I fell in there because of all the currupted desires around me. When I did I was confused and lost. I had no idea what to do. Then I obtained my persona. With that the persona taught me the ways of that place. I always mistakes my persona as a shadow in my memories. My persona taught me a lot about that world. Even helped me change the heart of my mother... Right before she died... She died because of me and that's why I started only staying in mementos and learning how to get along with shadows" I explained. "You got along with shadows?" He asked me. I sighed. "I used to. I used to control them. Used to set the imprisoned ones of palaces free" I said. "So do you know anything about the mental shutdowns?" Akira asked. "Yes I do... Its... When a persons shadow dies inside their palace. They have a mental shutdown. Thats why I instinctivly stopped Ann from killing Komoshida" I mentioned. Akira stood up. "You have a lot of Knowledge on the metaverse that the rest of us don't" Akira said. "Thats because I belong there" I said. "What?" Akira asked. "My outfit. What happened to you boys when you saw it?" I asked changing the subject. Akiras cheeks getting slightly red. "Why are you asking?" He asked. "Cause I thought you guys didn't like me" I said crossing my arms. "There's a difference between like and attraction" Akira said. I walked to him and got in his face. "Akira are you okay? Your awfully red?" I asked. "S-so" he stuttered. The door opening. I quickly backed away and sighed. "Welcome home Goro" I said. "Excuse me Catherine. But who's this?" He asked. "My best friend! He's here to talk to me and make me feel better!" I said. "You better not be flirting with the poor boy" Aketchi said shaking his head. "I'm offended you think id do such a thing" I said giggling. "I better get going" Akira said awkwardly. "It's getting late. Nice to meet you anyway" Aketchi said to him. "Nice to meet you too" Akira said shaking Aketchis hands. Akira walked to me. "Bye Catherine" he said hugging me. He then left. I heard Morganna say goodbye from his bag. Aketchi sighed. "Your such a weirdo. But since its your best friend I'll give you a pass this time. But no more boys without asking" Aketchi said. "Of course Goro. You really must want to be the only boy in my life" I said poking his shoulder. His cheeks getting pink again. "Will you stop that" he said. "Stop what?" I asked. "Saying things like that" he said walking away. "But I like embarrassing you" I said following him. Aketchi turned and grabbed my shoulders. "You need to stop that alright? Your playing with others emotions when you say things like that" Aketchi said. I looked away. "Sorry... I just don't know what to do anymore... I mean I'm sorry... I just am so used to others messing with me... Guess I finally became just like them" I said sadly. Aketchi made me look him in the eyes. "Your nothing like other people Catherine. You are a women with so much more potential. With so much more talent in you then others. Remember that time you had to stay at the orphanage with Zetsu? You were playing the piano and you were only six. You were singing and even played the violin" Aketchi said. I blushed looking into his eyes. "Well yeah I remember that. But that was only because I watched the teacher play that song at my school" I said. "You might have a photographic memory" Aketchi said. "What?" I asked. "Or just a talent to learn things extremely quickly. How are your grades at school?" He asked. "Well. They are all As" I said. "How easy are the classes?" He continued asking. "Fairly easy" I replied. "Yup you might have a slight photographic memory" he said. "I don't. I'm just a quick learner" I said. "Could be true" he replied. "Stop questioning me. I'm not one to be interrogated" I said. "One day you might just end up being interrogated. You need to be prepared no matter what" Aketchi said. "Even if I was" I said. I took a confident step. "I can handle myself" I said with a strong voice and plenty of confidence.

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