Chapter 4

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I got to class. I sat down and felt dizzy. I was in extreme pain but I managed to stay awake. Within the class people atarted to yell about a girl on the roof. Everyone running to look out the windows. There stood a volleyball player. She was so beat. I knew it was because of Komoshida. I clenched my fist when she jumped. I wish I could have saved her. Everyone rushed outside as an ambulance soon arrived. I watched my blonde haired classmate leave with the girl. It must have been her best friend. I walked towards the vending meachines and heard Ryuji and Akira. They were talking about what happened and how they should change Komoshidas heart. I clentched my fist again. If it is possinle could I change my fathers. I ran off looking for a place to hide from the girls when I saw them approaching. I hid somewhere as I listened to all the commotion. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Komoshidas palace" I said. The bell rung and I stopped hiding. I pushed my glasses up. "Thats probly how their gonna change his heart" I whispered.

After school was over I was running towards the hospital. I got there and walked past the front desk lady. "Hello ms. Raggon. If you plan on staying again please let me get you food and blankets" she said. "No its fine" I replied with a smile. I walked past a room and saw the girls from earlier. Looked like the one who jumped fell into a coma. The other crying. I walked to my brothers room next door and sat by him. "Someone tried to die today Zetsu" I said. "She's right next door actually... I feel terrible. I know that teacher did it. Made her want to end it all... I just can't believe the schools really not doing anything... So I decided. I'm going to" I said. I had my hands balled into fist again. "I hate watching people have to suffer as I do. So I'm gonna change that. I'm gonna make this world a better place. And when I do. You better wake up. You have to" I said. I walked out the room and looked at the room next door. "That girl deserved better, and because she did. I'll do it for her. Ill go back to that place and learn who I am again" I said whispering. I walked past and paused. I stopped and walked into the room. "I'm sorry about your friend" I told my classmate. I pat her shoulder. "I'll do anything I can to help you two get away from that bastard of a teacher" I told her. She looked at me shocked. "W-Why would S-Someone who's so rich W-Want to help?" She asked. "Because. This is what my brother would want. He'd want me to help those who have suffered pain like I have" I said. "Brother?" She asked. "Yeah. He... He pretty much did what your friend here did" I said. She hugged me. "Your so nice. I always thought you'd be mean" she said. "A lot of people do. Now. I have to go. But if you plan on visiting your friend here everyday. I'll walk with you. Because I think she needs all the support she can get" I said. "Thank you" she said. "Names Catherine. What are yours and hers?" I asked. "I'm Ann Takamaki" she replied. "Oh yeah. We met at school. You sit next to me" I said. "What's hers?" I asked. "Shiho" she replied. "Alright. Well Ann. Shihos lucky to have a friend like you" I said walking away. "I really hope she wakes up soon" I said before closing the door behind me. Part of me feeling terrible. I made my way towards the school.

Once there I looked at the eye thing. "Komoshida. Shuji. Castle" I said. It let me enter as I stood there. I put my phone away and hide my bag near the entrance. I ran towards the castle and looked around. "Need to sneak in" I whispered. I saw an opening and went to it. I crawled through and dusted myself off. I opened the door and looked around. I snuck around hiding behind things. That's when I saw some people. I saw a cat that reminded me of one I used to know. I saw a man with a white and black mask. He had black eyes and black hair. the other had brown eyes and blonde hair. His mask like a skull. They walked past and I stood up from hiding once they passed. "Who are you three?" I asked. They turned around shocked. "How did she get so far inside the castle without being caught!?" the blonde one asked shocked. "Is that really your first question?" I asked. "Catherine how did you get here?" The other guy asked. "So you know me? So you two really can go inside of this place" I said. I sighed "Well Ryuji and Akria. I simply followed you" I said smiling through the lie. "Have any shadows seen you?" Akira asked. "Nope. I get past those things easily. After all they look like a danger so I avoid them" I answered. "You have to leave. Its to dangerous" Ryuji said. I felt something coming behind me. I turned and got grabbed by a shadow. "Whoa that's a strong one!" The cat said. I looked into its eyes.

"Now just look into it eyes catherine" the shadow told me. The rouge shadow looked into my eyes. It hesitated as I looked it in the eyes. "Now attack!" It said as I kicked it. I then punched it and it disappeared. "Very good Catherine!" The shadow said smiling. "Now let's pratice with a weapon" he said. I heard a cat meow and I smiled. "Almost done mormor" I said giggling. I pet my pets head as I smiled. He purred as I grabbed my fake sword and got ready to fight.

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