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Mingyu's POV:

"Just another day at work..." Mingyu said, letting out a heavy sigh. "Hey Mingyu!" Dokyeom said while walking in. "Clocking in already?" Mingyu replied while cocking his eyebrow. "Yep! I figured you'd be lonely so I decided to clock in extra early so you won't be!" Dokyeom said while putting on his apron. "Yeah thanks." Mingyu replied while gathering all the dishes. "Hey mind washing these?'' Mingyu asked while holding out the dirty dishes. "huh? oh hehe sure.." Dokyeom said while slowly taking the dishes.

"hey Mingyu what's poppin?!" Seungkwan yelled while walking in. Seungkwan was Mingyu's closest friend, he felt the need to tell him everything. "What's up?" Mingyu replied while fist bumping Seungkwan. "Ey nothin much, just wanted come chill here for a while." Seungkwan replied while taking a seat. "I figured you'd be lonely so I thought I should come by and give you company" Seungkwan added. Just then Dokyeom slammed his way out of the kitchen. "What the hell are you talking about?! I can assure you that Mingyu isn't lonely since I'm here with him right?" Dokyeom asked while giving Seungkwan a death glare. "Hehe.." seungkwan laughed. "tch, whatever." Mingyu replied while going back in the kitchen.

"Hey, Dokyeom." Seungkwan whispered. "Why don't you just tell Mingyu how you feel already?! I mean it's obvious.." Seungkwan added. "S-Shut up! I'm just not ready!" Dokyeom shouted. "Not ready for what?" Mingyu asked while approaching them. "N-Nothing.." Dokyeom replied blushing a deep red. "There's always something going on with you two I swear.." Mingyu said while chuckling. "W-What do you mean by that Mingyu?!" Dokyeom asked. "Nothin."Mingyu replied. "Anyways, Dokyeom we should get back to work." Mingyu replied. "o-okay.." Dokyeom answered while going to the cash register. "How bout helping us out today Seungkwan?' Mingyu asked while holding an apron. "sure why not." Seungkwan replied.

~A Few Hours Later~

"Hey guys, todays been a slow day, maybe we should close up soon?" Mingyu asked. "Sure why not? I'll help you!" Dokyeom replied. "Aww man, sorry guys, I gotta go, Dino texted me and said that there was an emergency back at the dorms." Seungkwan said while packing up. "hey its cool, thanks for helping us out today." Mingyu replied. "No problem." Seungkwan replied while walking out.

"So...M-Mingyu..." Dokyeom said while getting closer to Mingyu. "I've been meaning to tell you something.." Dokyeom said while blushing. "Wait. Do you see that?" Mingyu asked while pointing out the window. There was a man, with a black leather jacket standing outside the restaurant. Before any of them could say anything the man walks in.

"W-Who are you!!" Dokyeom yelled while pointing his finger. "Relax man, I'm just here for a snack." The guy said with his deep yet powerful voice. "We don't have snacks here dude." Mingyu said while crossing his arms, "plus we're closed." Mingyu added while pointing at the sign hanging on the window. "Well.. the door was unlocked.. so I thought I'd stop by and get some cash." The guy said while walking over to Mingyu. "Tch we're no bank. can't you see this is a restaurant." Mingyu replied while shoving the guy. "Hey Mingyu stop!" Dokyeom yelled while jumping infront of Mingyu. Just then the guy pulled out a gun and took hold of Dokyeom. "I didn't think I'd have to do this tonight. Give me the money, or your friend...well lets just say won't make it out alive." Mingyu's eyes widened, he quickly ran over to the cash register and threw it at the guy. "Take it, and let Dokyeom go." Mingyu said while giving the guy a glare. "Tch pathetic." the guy said before walking out.

"Dokyeom are you okay?!" Mingyu asked while helping him up. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm glad you're okay Mingyu.." Dokyeom said while slowly getting up. "I'm glad you're okay." Mingyu replied. "let's go." Mingyu added.

"Aren't you gonna call the cops?" Dokyeom asked while glancing over at Mingyu. "theres no use reporting  a robbery when theres no evidence." Mingyu replied. "Oh I see.." Dokyeom answered. "Oh looks like we've arrived at my place...thanks for walking me home!" Dokyeom said while giving Mingyu a hug. "It's no problem, also weren't you gonna tell me something?" Mingyu asked. "O-Oh... it's nothing Mingyu don't worry." Dokyeom said while glancing down. "Get home safe!" Dokyeom replied while smiling. Mingyu just simply waved back.

"damn it dokyeom...why can't you just tell him how you feel?! why's it so hard...?" Dokyeom thought to himself as he laid in bed.

Minghao ∞❤️
hey dk...wyd?

-nothing much you?

Nothing, just wanted to see how you're doing. I need to tell you something...

Dokyeoms eyes widened. What could Minghao possibly tell him?

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