Staying Over ?!

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"Now that we're alone, what the fuck was that stunt you pulled while we were walking here??" Mingyu asked while shutting the door. Wonwoo stayed quiet, trying to find some clothes to wear. Mingyu saw this, he wanted his question answered. "Tell me!" Mingyu said while shoving wonwoo against the wall. "HEY!!" Mingyu yelled.

"I just...didn't know what I was doin alright? I mean I was just high..." wonwoo replied while scratching his neck. Mingyu backed up and ruffled his hair. "Alright, j-just get dressed.." mingyu replied while walking out the door.

Wonwoo sighed and began looking around Mingyu's room. Everything was so clean and organized. He had a legitimate home and family...unlike wonwoo whose family had fallen apart years ago.

Wonwoo was a slave to his father, he did everything he asked him to. Even if it meant killing. And that's what he was said to do ever since he saw mingyu 6 months ago.

Flashback (6th Months Ago)
Wonwoo had just woken up. He noticed that it was still pretty dark out, so he decided to close his eyes and go back to sleep. He was however, mistaken. Within seconds he was awakened by the loud of his door bursting open.

"WONWOO GET THE FUCK UP!" Wonwoo heard his dad yell. Wonwoo jumped up. "Dad? What's goin on?" Wonwoo asked trying not to sound intimidated. "You remember that family that we loaned money to?" Wonwoo's dad asked in a  lower tone. "The Kim's?" Wonwoo replied while swallowing his breath. "yes." His father answered sternly. "They won't fucking pay us back. So now we gotta we our hands dirty." He added. "I'll take care of the dad, he was the one who caused all this shit and he refuses to pay me back his debt. As for the wife and son, I want you to take care of them." His dad demanded. "It'll be a easier task, trust me." "Y-Yes d-dad.." wonwoo replied while looking down. "Good, good, I gotta go discuss business. So you can go back  to bed or do whatever the hell you want." His father said. Wonwoo nodded.

After his father left, wonwoo sat there in his bed. His dad had been running an underground business for years. This "business" consisted of his father loaning money to people who needed it. In return they would have to pay him back twice as much as what he gave them to begin with. Of course, people in need took this opportunity without thinking twice about it. And well, if they didn't pay him back within 6 months, they would be heavily punished.

Wonwoo was used to his father talking about murder, drugs, etc. wonwoo soon picked up his bad habits from his father. Although he hated being a gangster, it was just the way life was. And nothing could change that now. The whole weird part about this situation however was the fact that his dad demanded his help. He didn't think anything of it and just sighed and picked up the phone.

"Dino?" Wonwoo asked through the phone. "Yeah?" Dino replied. "Tell Hoshi I want you guys to meet me at the local convenient store on S Street." Wonwoo said. He had to talk to the only two people in his life that he could trust. "Okay, something up?" Dino asked in a reassuring tone. "I'll explain once we get there ." Wonwoo replied. He then hung up the phone and got dressed.

Once he got to the convenient store, he waited outside. After 2 minutes of waiting, he saw dino and hoshi running up to him. "What's up?" Hoshi asked while catching his breath. "Lets go in the alley." Wonwoo said while walking ahead of the two.

Once the trio figured they were alone. Wonwoo began to speak. "My dad wants me to...kill someone." Wonwoo said. "What the fuck are you??'" Dino said while sweating. "Who?" Hoshi asked while hushing dino. "His names...Kim Mingyu." Wonwoo said while in deep thought. "Who's that?" They both asked. "He's the son of some dude who won't pay my dad back." Wonwoo replied while sighing. "You know what he looks like?" Hoshi asked. "Yeah, my dad sent me a pic of him earlier today." He replied. "I just...don't know when to make my move..." wonwoo said. The three stayed silent. All of them were unsure of what to do.

End of Flashback:
"Hey! You done yet?" Mingyu asked. "Yeah." Wonwoo replied. It's been 6 months since his dad gave him his "mission" and he still hasn't fulfilled it. He felt different about Mingyu, and it started to bug him.

After he got dressed, he proceeded to go downstairs.

"Done already?" Mingyu asked while blushing. "Tch yeah." Wonwoo replied casually. He then took a seat across from Mingyu and began to eat the dinner Mingyu's mom had made. "Where's your mom?" Wonwoo asked while scanning the house. "She left for her business trip while you were getting dressed" mingyu
replied. Wonwoo's eyes widened. So he was gonna be here alone with mingyu? He thought he could kill two birds with one stone by staying over here, looks like he had to get rid of Mingyu first.

But something always stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Mingyu asked while looking at wonwoo's concentrated expression.
"It's nothing.." wonwoo replied. No matter what, he just couldn't kill mingyu. It's been 6 months since he was told to do it, and yet when he finally has the opportunity to do so, he doesn't.

Note; sorry if this chapter seemed lazy but I just needed a way to explain wonwoo's backstory.

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