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Wonwoo's POV;

Wonwoo woke up in the hospital. "Huh..?" He whispered while looking around. He noticed that he was alone. He turned over at the clock and saw that it was 4 in the morning. He sighed and looked at all the bandages wrapped around him.

"Damn it." Wonwoo whispered as he turned around. He noticed that he could barely move. He also felt a sharp pain in his leg and shoulder.

Suddenly a nurse came in. "Oh! Wonwoo! You're awake." The nurse said while walking over to wonwoo.

"Can you talk?" The nurse asked while holding a clipboard. "Y-Yes.." wonwoo said while looking around and getting up. "Woah, woah stay down." The man said while holding wonwoo down.

He recognized this nurse, it was nurse Kihyun. The man who discharged him last time. "The doctor will see you shortly." Kihyun said while writing on his clipboard.

"Shownu, there you are. Mr.Jeon has just woke up, AND he's capable of speech!" Kihyun said while walking up to Shownu. "Great, now Wonwoo, I need you to slowly get up..."

Minghao's POV (4 hours ago)

"Guys! We have to go, now!" Dokyeom said while hopping into his car, with everyone else following.

"Guys wait!" Minghao yelled while running over to the car. Jun grabbed Minghao's arm, stopping him.

"Please stay, for me..." jun whispered into Minghao's ear. Minghao huffed and stopped. "Y-You Guys can go without me..." minghao whispered while walking away with jun.

"Minghao wait!" Jeonghan yelled while walking out of the car. "We can't waste time. Let's go." Dokyeom yelled while pulling Jeonghan into the car.

"Jun...why didn't you wanna go?" Minghao asked with sad eyes. Jun sighed and crossed his arms.

"Minghao. We went over this. It's just about you and me now.." Jun said while grabbing Minghao's shoulders.

Jun leaned in and gave Minghao a kiss. Minghao kissed back. "Jun...why...?" Minghao asked while pulling away. "What?" Jun asked while holding minghao...

"You always push people away! I get you and me are together but...why? You don't own me Junhui! I love you but I can't be with you when you're like this." Minghao said while turning away.

"Minghao..." Jun said while reaching out. Minghao stood up and began walking away...

Wonwoo's POV;

"Looks like you're good!" Shownu said with a bright smile. "Do try and get some rest." Shownu said while walking out of the room. Wonwoo nodded. Kihyun walked out of the room.

Suddenly wonwoo saw Dino running through the door of his room. "WONWOO!" Dino yelled with tears. "I was so worried.." Dino whispered while hugging wonwoo tightly. Wonwoo smiled. "You're always so worried about me.."

"You're such an idiot." Dino said with a chuckle. "Why would you do that?" Dino said while pulling away. Wonwoo sighed.

"When you love someone, you'll understand." Wonwoo said while taking Dino's hand. Dino blushed and looked away.

Dokyeom's POV;

"What do you mean we can't see him?!" Dokyeom asked while slamming his hand on the table. "He's not eligible for visitors at the moment." The man said while scoffing.

"Dokyeom, take a breath." Jeonghan said while comforting Dokyeom.

"Listen um...Hyungwon?" Vernon said while reading the mans name tag. Hyungwon rolled his eyes. "You guys are gonna have to sit down and wait. Kim Mingyu is still in bad condition. You might not be able to see him for a few more hours." Hyungwon said while going back on his computer.

Seungkwan sighed. "Thanks anyways." Seungkwan said while sitting down in the waiting room with everyone else.

"What if he doesn't make it?!" Dokyeom asked while crossing his arms. "Calm down." Seungcheol said while patting Dokyeom. Dokyeom sighed and threw his bag aside.

Seungkwan sat there, looking at Dokyeom who was stressed. A tear drop fell from Seungkwans eye. He couldn't help but worry about Mingyu. He'd been trying to stay strong this whole time. But seeing Dokyeom and everyone else break down, just ate at him. "Damn it.." Seungkwan whispered while wiping his tears away.

"Seungkwan..." Dokyeom said while patting him. "Let it out..." Dokyeom said while hugging him.

Suddenly they saw hoshi walking up to them. "H-Hi." Hoshi said with a bow. "Hello...hoshi right?" Dokyeom asked while comforting Seungkwan.

"Yes, sorry we had to meet this way. I just..thought you guys needed some company." Hoshi said while crossing his arms. "Oh well, we aren't exactly at our best right now." Dokyeom said. "How's wonwoo..?" Dokyeom asked again. "He's doing great." Hoshi said with a smile. "I wanna see him." Dokyeom said while getting up.

Seungkwan looked up. "Why..?" Seungkwan asked. "I'll be right back!" Dokyeom yelled while running to wonwoos room.

Wonwoo's POV:

"I feel like I do love someone.." Dino said while looking away. "Awww baby Chan has a crush~" wonwoo said with a smile while pinching his cheeks. "S-Shut Up!" Dino yelled while backing away. "You're lucky you're injured or else I would've whacked you so hard!" Dino said with a huff.

"So adorable! Who is it?" Wonwoo asked. "It's um—"

Suddenly the door opened. "Hi.." Dokyeom said while peeking through.

"Oh, hey." Wonwoo said while waving. "May I come in?" Dokyeom asked with a smile. Wonwoo nodded and Dokyeom walked in.

"I'm glad you're okay." Dokyeom said while patting wonwoos shoulder. "Thanks dude" wonwoo said while looking at Dokyeom.

"I'm sorry we had to meet this way haha..I know you probably don't like me but, you saved my best friends life. I owe you one." Dokyeom whispered as he looked down at his feet.

"Mingyu means a lot to me. I love him...a lot.." wonwoo said while scratching his neck. "And for the record, I have nothing against you Dokyeom." Wonwoo added with a laugh.

"This is the first time I'm actually talking to you." Dokyeom blushed and turned away.

"Well wonwoo, Mingyu's crazy about you too." Dokyeom said with a sad tone. "Don't lose him." Dokyeom added with sigh. "I'll be going now, we can talk when you're, not here." Dokyeom said with a laugh.

Wonwoo waved.

"He didn't even say hi to me! Dino yelled while looking at wonwoo. "Well it's cause you're so small. He probably didn't see you." Wonwoo said.

"Shut up!" Dino yelled.

"Hey Dino." Wonwoo said in a serious tone. "Huh?" Dino asked while looking up. "How's mingyu holding up?" Wonwoo asked in a raspy voice. "Oh. Hoshi said he's not eligible for visitors yet. He's still in bad condition." Dino replied while scratching his neck.

"I see.." wonwoo said while looking at his arm. "Don't worry though! He will live!" Dino replied while waving his hands.

Wonwoo pulled Dino closer and hugged him. "Thank you dino..." wonwoo said while sucking up his tears.

I Hate Him// Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now