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The Next Morning:
Mingyu woke up and glanced out the window. He saw that it was still dark out. He sighed and got out of bed, with the cold air hitting his bare skin.

He then grabbed his phone from the night stand, and saw that he had a voicemail from Wonwoo. Mingyu decided to listen to it anyways.

"Hey Mingyu, it's me Wonwoo, I know you're probably not gonna hear this or even bother listening to this voicemail but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Please; give me another chance, I promise I won't fuck up this time. Just please talk to me."

Mingyu's brows furrowed. Did wonwoo think that he was just gonna go back to him like that? No. He wasn't going to. He didn't need wonwoo, and wonwoo didn't matter to him. Whatever happened that night meant nothing to mingyu, or at least that's what he wanted to believe.

Mingyu grabbed his phone from the stand and began getting ready for school.

Wonwoo's POV:

Wonwoo woke up to the sound of yelling outside. He didn't think anything of it since Hoshi lived in a pretty ghetto neighborhood. He then glanced over and saw minghao sleeping peacefully next to him. Wonwoo rubbed his hand against minghaos cheek.

"Morning." Wonwoo said with a slight smile. Minghao yawned and looked at the clock. "Oh god! I gotta go to school!" Minghao said while getting up and quickly getting ready. "Calm down." Wonwoo said while getting out of bed.

"Sorry, I have to go though. See ya! Love ya!!!" Minghao said while blowing a kiss. Wonwoo sighed and went on his phone to see if he got any messages from mingyu. And well, he didn't. Wonwoo ruffled his hair and put on a sweatshirt and some sweat pants. He then walked out to living room and noticed that minghao had left already.

He only saw hoshi and Dino eating breakfast at the table. "Wow you're up." Hoshi said while eating an apple. "Yeah no kidding." Wonwoo said while putting his hands in his pockets. Dino snorted and started eating Froot Loops out of the box. Hoshi sighed and began scolding Dino. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT SHIT LEE CHAN?!" Hoshi yelled while grabbing a wooden spoon and slamming it on the table. "First of all, you know better than anyone that I'm lazy, second of all, calm your tits, and third of all DONT CALL ME LEE CHAN!" Dino said while standing on the couch and pointing down at Hoshi. Hoshi sighed and said, "its to early to argue."

Wonwoo face palmed and grabbed a piece of bread from the fridge. "Hey wonwoo, I have some errands to run today, so can you take care of this thing for me?" Hoshi said while pointing at dino. "IM NOT A -" "Sure." Wonwoo said while cutting Dino off.

"Good, and oh yeah, be sure to take him wherever you go because Dino said that you left him alone all day yesterday." Hoshi said while cocking his eyebrow. Wonwoo nodded and waved goodbye to hoshi as he left.

"So? What are we doin today?" Dino asked while laying down on the couch. "We're gonna go to school." Wonwoo said as he patted dinos knee. "SCHOOL?! DO I LOOK LIKE-" "DINO CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONCE?! I have to take care of some business there, plus we have like 5 spare hours. So like we can just chill here until 12 or so" wonwoo said while punching Dino's stomach.

"Alright alright. Gosh. You are hoshi are so abusive!" Dino said while glaring at wonwoo. Wonwoo laughed and took Dino's Froot Loops. "HEY! WHYD YOU FINESSE MY FOOOOOD!" Dino yelled. Wonwoo snorted in response.

Mingyu's POV:
Mingyu knew that he would be walking to school alone today. It seemed like all his friends were mad at him for what happened with Dokyeom. But he didn't mind. They had all the reason to be mad at him.

As he was walking down the street, he saw Seungkwan approaching him as if nothing happened. "Hey!" Seungkwan said while running up to mingyu. Mingyu faked a smile. "Hey." He said. "Sooo how ya been?" Seungkwan asked while leaning towards mingyu. Mingyu shrugged and stayed silent. "Hey..mingyu. I know you think that were all mad at you right now. But just know that we aren't. We're your friends and well, we're always here to support you no matter what. It's just that, Dokyeom is just a little upset right now, but he still really cares about you." Seungkwan said in a softer tone. Mingyu nodded and gave Seungkwan a hug. "Thanks man." Mingyu said.

Once the two got to school, they saw Dokyeom talking to Jun. "hey guys!" Seungkwan said while waving over to the two. Jun just glared at mingyu and Dokyeom turned away. "hey." Jun said to Seungkwan.

Before mingyu could walk up to the three, he saw minghao running towards them at full speed. "HEY GUYS SORRY IM LATE!" Minghao said while catching his breath. "It's okay, where were you last night I was trying to get a hold of you but you didn't reply." Jun asked with a hint of concern in his voice. "I'll explain it all at lunch!" Minghao said while grabbing onto Juns shoulder. "O-okay.." jun said while walking to his class.

Time Skip (lunchtime)
"So yeah, that's what happened to my bike." Vernon said while holding his lunch tray. Mingyu nodded in response. To be honest, he was kinda sick of Vernon's lame stories but he never actually told him that.

"Hey friends." Vernon said as he took a seat next to Seungkwan. "Hey." Everyone said in sync. "Good you're all here." Minghao said while looking around them. "I have some news!!" Minghao said with a slight blush in his face. "SPILL THE TEA SHISTER!" Seungkwan yelled. "I am no longer a virgin." Minghao said with a slight whisper. Everyone gasped, mingyu included.

"W-What a-are y-you s-saying.." jun stuttered while looking down. Mingyu noticed that jun looked upset, but he didn't say anything. "Oh please tell me it wasn't with that wonwoo guy." Jeonghan said while rolling his eyes. "Well it was." Minghao said while crossing his arms. Everyone was speechless; except for Jun. "XU MINGHAO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! T-THIS ISNT LIKE YOU AT ALL!" Jun yelled while slamming his hand on the table. "Jun are you okay?" Dokyeom asked while getting up from his seat. "I-I have to go..." jun said while getting his stuff and leaving. "What's up with him?" Minghao asked with a shocked face.

Before anyone could say anything; mingyu saw the last person he wanted to see.

It was wonwoo...

I Hate Him// Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now