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Dokyeom's POV;

Dokyeom decided to get some fresh air outside, to maybe clear his mind a bit. He sighed and took in the fresh air.

He hoped that mingyu was safe and that they would be able to find him somehow. Dokyeom closed his eyes and took deep breath. "Hey." Dokyeom heard someone say.

He opened his eyes and saw Seungkwan scratching the back of his head. "Mind if I join you?" Seungkwan asked with a chuckle. Dokyeom moved over and stayed silent.

"Hey Dokyeom, I'm sorry about the whole scene I pulled earlier. I didn't mean to stress you out. It's just that, Jun was being a total dick!" Seungkwan said with a scoff. Dokyeom turned over and began to speak.

"It's fine." Dokyeom replied briefly. "I'm just really worried about mingyu..." Dokyeom said. A tear drop fell down his cheek after wards.

"Hey don't cry.." Seungkwan whispered while giving Dokyeom a hug. "What if Jun is right? What if he is dead?" Dokyeom asked while hugging Seungkwan and crying on his shoulder . Seungkwan looked down and comforted Dokyeom as best as he could, while fighting back his own tears as well.

"All we have to do is pray.." Seungkwan whispered. Dokyeom began to cry and breakdown.

Wonwoo's POV;

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Wonwoo yelled while holding up his gun and firing bullets. Wonwoo's father dodged the hits and began firing bullets as well.

"Wonwoo, you have no one to blame but yourself." His father said with a smile. Wonwoo paused and held up his gun in defense. "You asshole! What makes you say that??" Wonwoo asked while clenching his fists.

"You couldn't fulfill your mission. You're a failure wonwoo." His father said while firing his bullets. One of them hitting wonwoo in the leg.

"Fuck!" Wonwoo yelled while falling to the ground. "Tch, you get so distracted son.." his father whispered. His father then began kicking him repeatedly. "DAMN IT!" Wonwoo yelled while coughing up blood. Wonwoo laid his head on the ground.

He pretended to be unconscious. He noticed that his father pulled out another gun and aimed it as his head. Wonwoo them quickly grabbed the gun and shot his fathers leg.

"What the fuck?!" His father yelled while falling to the ground. Wonwoo held himself up, and aimed the gun at his fathers head with the little strength he had left. His vision had gone blurry, and he felt light headed. This was all because he was losing so much blood.

"Die." Wonwoo said in a raspy voice while shooting his father in the head. Wonwoo sighed and fell to the ground. He then looked over  at mingyu, he looked like he barely had any life in him left. Wonwoo crawled over to mingyu and began to speak.

"Mingyu..." wonwoo whispered while touching Mingyu's face.

Everything went black.

Dino's POV;

Dino sat on the couch, staring at the TV screen. "Dino, please relax." Hoshi said while sitting next to dino.

"I'm just worried..." Dino whispered while ruffling his hair. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Dino got up and opened it.

It was Joshua who was breathing hard. "Come with me. Now!" Joshua yelled while dragging Dino and Hoshi.

"What the fuck?! I don't even know you." Dino said while pulling away. "It's wonwoo. I know where he is.." Joshua said while driving frantically.

" how can I trust you?" Dino asked while crossing his arms. "Dino. He's involved with wonwoos father. He should know." Hoshi said with a reassuring tone. Dino sighed and looked out the car window.

He hoped wonwoo was safe and okay.

Wonwoo's POV;

Wonwoo laid on the ground, unconscious. Blood squirting out of his arm and leg. He thought it was over.

He could briefly hear the door open, and he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "WOWNOO!" He heard Dino yell. "Oh god no please don't be-." Hoshi said while holding wonwoo up. "I-Is that mingyu?" Dino asked while glancing over at mingyu, who was laying on the ground. "HOSHI CHECK HIS BREATHING, NOW!" Dino yelled. Hoshi ran over to Mingyu and held him up. "He's breathing, barely though."

"Call the ambulance!" Dino yelled while holding onto wonwoo. Hoshi nodded and called the ambulance.

Wonwoo slowly opened his eyes, and saw Dino hovering over him. "Wonwoo!" Dino yelled while crying onto his chest. "I'm so happy that you're alive!" Dino said while wiping away his tears.

"Dino...?" Wonwoo asked while touching dinos face. Dino nodded and smiled. "You'll be okay. Help is on the way." Wonwoo smiled and fluffed dinos hair. Wonwoo looked over at Mingyu who was resting on Hoshi's lap. "Hoshi! Is mingyu okay..?" Wonwoo asked while moving over. "Yes he's fine. But don't move." Hoshi said.

Suddenly they heard sirens. "Ambulance is here." Dino said while trying to hold wonwoo up. "Who's that man anyway...?" Hoshi asked while pointing at the dead body.

"M-My father.." wonwoo said while swallowing his breath. "Oh god." Dino said while looking at the body.

Suddenly the ambulance came and took Wonwoo and Mingyu. "Will he be okay?" Dino asked while hugging himself. "The mingyu kid has a 50/50 chance of survival. As for wonwoo, he should be fine within a month or so." Dino nodded and looked over at Hoshi. "I need to notify Minghao so he can tell Mingyu's friends." Hoshi said while taking Dino.

Minghao's POV;

"Junhui~" minghao moaned as jun bit his neck. Minghao was laying in the back of Jun's car, completely naked and heated. "Oh minghao, you don't know how long I've been wanting this." Jun said while thrusting into minghao. Minghao moaned and shook his head and took in the pleasure he was receiving.

"JUN!" Minghao yelled while clawing Jun's back. Jun hissed and began catching his breath.

Suddenly Minghao started getting a ton of messages.

"Ah fuck, why now?!" Jun asked while pulling out and putting on a jacket. "Oh God." Minghao said while looking at his phone. "They found them." Minghao said while putting on a hoodie and getting out of the car. Jun followed.

"Guys!" Minghao yelled running through the doors of Seungkwans house. "What?" They all asked in sync. "GO TO THE WAREHOUSE NOW! HOSHI SAID THEY FOUND THEM." Minghao yelled. "W-What..?" Dokyeom asked while standing up.

"No wasting time. Let's go!" Jun yelled while everyone rushed out of the door. "Wait, why don't you have pants on??" Vernon asked while pointing. "And jun, where's your shirt I'm-" "SHUT UP AND GO!" Jun yelled while throwing a pillow at Vernon.

I Hate Him// Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now