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Seungkwan, Vernon, Dokyeom;
"I can't believe what I saw!" Vernon said while driving. "Me neither, I didn't know Mingyu was gay!" Seungkwan added while blushing. Dokyeom stayed silent. He didn't wanna imagine that wonwoo guy on top of mingyu again. That image broke his heart every time he thought about it.

"Oh I'm sorry Dokyeom, I know you have a huge crush on Mingyu. Sorry about that." Vernon said while a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. An awkward laugh following his statement. Dokyeom shook his head and stared out the window.

"Why was Mingyu even with that Wonwoo guy? Isn't he dating minghao?" seungkwan asked. Just then Dokyeoms eyes widened and began to realize that wonwoo WAS dating minghao, and he was practically cheating on him with Mingyu!
"Oh my god you're right!" Vernon yelled.

"Shouldn't we tell Minghao that his boyfriends cheating on him?" Dokyeom suggested sternly. Seungkwan and Vernon's eyes widened. "But Mingyu's our friend!" Vernon and Seungkwan said in sync. "Who said we had to bring him up?" Dokyeom added with a smirk. "We'll just say we saw him with some other dude. Mingyu won't even have to be mentioned."

Dokyeom wanted to ruin Wonwoo's relationship with Minghao. Because if he wasn't with Minghao, he wouldn't be around their group of friends anymore, and he could stay away from Mingyu as well. The two would have no reason to see each other.

Wonwoo's POV;
Wonwoo sat on the couch in Mingyu's living room. He stared at the TV screen blankly. He then glanced over to the his jacket that rested on the coat rack mingyu had in his home. There he saw his hand gun, shining in the dim light. Just do it Wonwoo. If you do it now it'll all be over and you could just go home right?

Wonwoo knew he couldn't hurt mingyu even just a little. Something always stopped him before. Now it's just gotten worse. After that make out session the two had, wonwoo started to feel some sort of feeling for Mingyu. Though he wasn't aware of it himselfI , he felt something for him.

While he was in deep thought, he heard foot steps coming down the wooden stairs. "Still up?" Mingyu asked while yawning. "Yup. Can't sleep down here." Wonwoo replied while turning off the TV. "It's all good, y-you can sleep in my room if you want..." mingyu suggested while looking away in embarrassment. "Thanks." Wonwoo said while walking up the stairs to Mingyu's room.

Once he got up there, he saw Mingyu's giant bed. "So are we gonna share your bed or..?" Wonwoo asked awkwardly. "Only if you want too.." mingyu replied. Wonwoo just replied by jumping onto Mingyu's bed. "Goodnight?" Mingyu said. "Night." Wonwoo replied.

The rest of the night wonwoo still laid awake in bed. Thinking about everything that went on in his day. It's just one night with him, after that, you can just avoid him and act like this night never happened. Wonwoo told himself.

He glanced over at the clock; 2:00am. He sighed and looked out of Mingyu's window. There he saw the bright moonlight glistening through the window, shining onto his face.

He then took one last glance at mingyu and hopped out the window. I can't stay here...  wonwoo thought to himself as he hopped out of Mingyu's window. He then began to walk down the street so he can make his way to Hoshi's
30 minutes later:
Wonwoo soon made his way to Hoshi's apartment. Once he made it to the right door, he knocked aggressively. He knew Dino would be up at this time, and he was right. Within seconds dino was standing at the door with a bag of chips in his hands. "Where have you been?" Dino asked in an obnoxious tone.

"It was raining so I decided to stop by Joshua's place and stay there til the rain cleared. " wonwoo said sternly. "Oh okay, well that Minghao guy is still here and he was worried about ya." Dino said while making his way towards the couch. "Tch thanks for the heads up." Wonwoo said while taking his jacket off.

Wonwoo was just about to go to his room, but the He was stopped by Dino. "Hey uh, what's with the mark on your neck?" Dino said while pointing at wonwoos neck. "What mark?!" Wonwoo asked. "There." Dino said while holding a mirror.

Damn it. That mingyu guy gave me a damn hickey! Wonwoo thought to himself.

"Oh I bit by a spider earlier." Wonwoo said in a weird tone. "A spider eh?" Dino asked while looking suspicious. "Okay." Dino said. "Goodnight Wonu." "Don't call me that." Wonwoo said while walking down the hallway towards his room.

When he entered he saw Minghao, sleeping soundly. He was wearing one of wonwoos shirts. Wonwoo then lightly caressed Minghaos face. Minghao started to open his eyes slowly. "Hmmm?" Minghao mumbled while opening up his eyes. "Hey babe." Wonwoo whispered. "WONWOO??" minghao yelled while giving him a hug. "I was worried sick!" He added. Wonwoo simply just gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Let's go to sleep." Wonwoo said. Minghao nodded and fell back asleep. Just forget what happened today. Wonwoo thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

The next morning; (Mingyu's pov)
Mingyu woke up to the sun burning his eyes. "Ugh" He said as he slowly got out of bed. Once he was fully awoken, he noticed that wonwoo had left. "Where's-" mingyu asked himself.

Although he and wonwoo both wanted to forget about the events that occurred yesterday, part of him felt a little sad that wonwoo had just left like that. Then again, the two weren't even friends with each other. So why should he care right?

But that's the problem. He did care. He felt like he was starting to fall for wonwoo and he didn't know why. Why him... Mingyu thought. He then glanced over at the clock; 8:20am he sighed and got out of bed. He had to go to work soon.

I Hate Him// Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now