Chapter two

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"We? Why do I have to get involved in your little scheme?" It was funny how easily Tife pretended not to care, especially since he was the one person who dedicated his life to protecting her.

"Because Imade's your little sister and you care deeply about her."

Tife grunted. "You've got to try a lot better than that."

"You know I love helping people with their love lives. It's my job. I can't ignore the needs of someone close to me and turn deaf ears." I admitted, shifting my gaze to meet his. He seemed unhinged by his stare down and it seemed like I was drowning within his dark pools.

"You can help me with MY love life. I have a thing for petite ladies, so I'd like that. Oh, and an excellent cook would do too." I knew he was joking about that. I hated to admit it but Tife was a great cook and loved showing off his skills to his then-girlfriends. He was just trying to frustrate my idea and I wasn't going to let him.

"I'm being serious here."

"You think I'm not?" His exasperated look made his mouth sag.

"Obviously. Imade needs our help. Even if she won't admit it."

A refined eyebrow arched up. "I still don't get why I'm being put in this equation."

I leveled the tone of my voice, hating the way our conversation was drawing the attention of guests. "Look around. You literarily put a lot of eligible single bachelors in this room for Imade's business opening. We can take it to our advantage and help her snag one of these men as her own."

Tife said, with a firm shake of his head. "This is ridiculous."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I've helped hundreds of people find love and helped people with their love lives. I just want to do one more good thing for someone I love."

"It's still ridiculous. I have my own life to live, but I'll help you. Just this once." He huffed. I already knew he was going to help. That was Tife for you. Always ready to drag every second of it, even when his opinions were altered. Besides, he couldn't say no to me.

I broke into a smile. Tife watched me softly. "Thank you. Thank you. See, we're getting along. It's a good step."

"Don't be too excited about it. Your plan may fail."

Determination coarsed through my words. "Fail? No. Never. I'm an expert at this. I just need you to look around here for any potential candidate. You know these guys pretty well. Right? Who do you think would be the best fit?"

His casual shrug didn't help. "I only worked or schooled with a bunch of them. I don't really know them that much in person."

"Who the hell invites a lot of people they don't really know, to their sister's shindig?" I was exasperated.

"Who says shindig in the 21st century?" I rolled my eyes at his words, then Tife shrugged again. "I was in a hurry. Imade and I don't really have friends, so I just invited just about anyone I used to know."

I felt a wave of exhaustion run through me. This was harder than I thought it'd be. "This is so frustrating. How am I going to pick the right person for Imade?"

"By minding your business." The mischievous lines in his eyes had him spreading his lips into a grin.

I shot him a look. "You're a real pain in my ass, Tife."

He winked at me. "You too, Nara."


Getting away from Tife as quickly as possible, I looked around Imade's store and admired the bottles of wine in the oval shaped wine shelves in front of me. I instantly picked out one and smiled. It was one of my favorite.

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