Chapter thirteen

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I quietly crawled out of the room and shut the door as silently as I could. Like a deer caught in headlights, I froze when I heard a familiar voice call out. "Nara? What were you doing in there?"

I glued a fake smile on my face, when I realized who it was. "Oh, hi Mrs. Simbiat. I forgot my necklace in Imade's room, so I decided to take since she's busy with her mom at the gazebo."

Mrs. Simbiat pursed her lips and sharp dark eyes swirled around with intent. "Naturally I would have believed that, if I didn't see you sprinkle something in Victor's food yesterday."

My eyes widened, as I dragged her to a corner and hushed her. "Please lower your voice."

Mrs. Simbiat cast me a doubtful look. "My voice is low. What's going on?"

Opening my mouth to speak, I tried to explain. "Well,  he actually—"

Mrs. Simbiat stopped me before I could say anything. Her head shook firmly. "You know what? I don't want to know anymore. I have a bad feeling about it and I don't think I can stomach it. Just tell me one thing. Does he deserve it?"

"Every single bit of it. Including what I've done and what I'm still intending to do. He's a very bad man."

After giving a slow nod, her lips tipped up slightly. "What did you do inside there just now?"

I giggled and pulled out the bottle of itching powder from my bag. "Just a little magic from this."

Mrs. Simbiat read the label on the bottle, then she broke into a grin when it dawned on her. "Oh my God, where did you put it?"

"In his clothes. In his shoes. Just picture anything he owned and I put a dose of it in them. Just to teach him a little lesson."

Mrs. Simbiat bubbled into heaps of laughter. "Imade's my precious darling, so whatever he got is what he deserved."

"And it's only a tip of the iceberg."

"I want to help too. Count me in." Her words shocked me in ways that I didn't expect.

I frowned at her. That wasn't what I had in mind. "I don't think you should risk pu—"

"I've made up my mind already. You need someone like me around, so no one would suspect you whenever you leave."

"I wouldn't want to get you in trouble, if it goes wrong."

"Then I'll be careful. Trust me. It's what we need." She pressed on, stubbornly.

With a loud sigh, I gave into her words, "Fine. Just make sure her parents never find out."

"Before nko. I'm not a kid. I know how to do this. Just do what you can."

I gave her a small side hug. "Thank you, ma."

"I'm not just doing it for you. I'm doing it for Imade, who has been through so much and deserves better."

The insistent look on her face darkened her moonlight dark skin and it made me concerned. "Are you sure you don't want to know what he did?"

"I already have an idea, but no, I'm fine like this. The lesser, the better. I know that." She said, firmly.

I nodded. If that was what she wanted, then I was willing to accept her choice. "Okay. I should get back downstairs, before they notice that I'm gone." Sending her a quick smile, I climbed down the stairs and to the living room, and met things exactly how I left them. My parents were still chatting up with Victor, Tife was just quietly using his phone, and Imade and her mom were still enjoying their peaceful time at the gazebo. Mr. Johnson was nowhere in sight, and I was pleased that no one noticed my absence.

Tife whispered, when I sat next to him. "Is it all done?"

"Locked and loaded. Yeah." I lingered my gaze over his face, longer than I expected.

His eyes captured mine. A magnetic look settled on his face, making it harder for me to look away. Drawing me in, without realizing it. "That's good. What took you so long?"

"I got held up for a while, but don't worry about it", I paused, to add. "Yeah, also. Mrs. Simbiat now knows about our little secret."

Tife's jaw dropped. "What? How did that happen?"

My smile turned smug. "It's actually quite the story. A good one too."


"Do you have your dress ready for tomorrow evening's dinner party?" Imade asked me, when we hung out that evening.

"Are you kidding me? Hell yeah. It's the one thing I look forward to, each time I come home for easter." My excitement matched hers.

"I haven't picked out a dress yet. Can you follow me tomorrow morning?"

I joked. "An excuse to go shopping? Count me in."

Despite her eye roll at my lame joke, glee spun around her dark irises. "Great. I just wish I could save my money on something that's actually worth it. The party's a waste."

"You say that every time, but I know you secretly love it. Why wouldn't you? It's fun and pretty exciting."

Imade rolled her eyes. "It's pretentious and also vapid."

"That's not how I remember it." My long lashes fluttered underneath my eyes. All I remembered from their lavish Christmas and Easter parties were dancing, laughter and delicious food.

"That's because you're always a guest there and we're the hosts. For my family, it's a chance to show off our pointless achievements and also the opportunity for my parents to see people I dread the most. My other family members." She grunted, in disdain. "They are nosy and arrogant snobs. My parents unfortunately, feed on their pride and tolerate the crap shit they say. So I end up listening over and over, to what those snobs had to say and hear them boast about their lives. It's exhausting."

I stared at her, not knowing what to say. I always loved the Johnsons' annual Easter party, but I had no idea why she really disliked going there. How was I just knowing this after many years? She always avoided talking about it whenever I asked, so she opening up so easily, made me wonder why.

Trying my best, to ease whatever awkwardness I felt by her revelation, I replied. "If it makes you feel any better, I think your family members are snobs too. Especially Aunt Bola."

Imade laughed. "Definitely her. She's also obsessed with Tife's life. I always feel bad for him."

""Feel bad for Tife? Um, no maybe next time." I retorted, with an eye roll.

Imade's smile widened, and I felt relief seeing her smile. She really needed that at the moment and I felt contented watching that happen.

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