Chapter seven

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I couldn't help peeping through my door, when I heard chattering from the other side. A few of my workers were huddled together next to Yvonne's table, looking at something that seemed to catch their attention intensely.

I walked over to where they were and leaned closer. "I wonder what's so interesting that has all of you so distracted."

They all jumped in alarm, at first and gave relieved sighs when they saw me.

Tanto placed her hand over her chest and gave another sigh. "I almost had a heart attack. You scared me, ma'am."

I offered an apologetic smile. "I was just intrigued what you were all looking at."

Nome answered. "Just pictures from Yvonne's cousin's traditional wedding. Everything looks amazing. You should see it too."

Yvonne's cousin was having her traditional wedding at their hometown in Asaba and Yvonne had asked for permission to miss work that Friday, which I granted. It seemed like she was back with pictures from the ceremony and everyone seemed interested in it.

I hesitated for a while, then finally gave in, when I saw the hopeful looks on their faces and leaned closer to see the pictures. I let Yvonne scroll through her phone, as she zoomed in and out to let me see every corner the wedding had to offer. I had to admit, it looked like it cost a whole lot of money to afford the wedding.

Something unusual caught my eye, as Yvonne showed me a particular picture. It was a regular picture of Yvonne taking a selfie outside the house, with people surrounding her, but there was someone I spotted from afar, that I couldn't mistake. "Who's that?"

Yvonne's nose crinkled. Pointing at the person's face in confirmation. "That?" I nodded. "Oh, that's my cousin's neighbour. He was just about to buy something down the street, but I forced him to join us and take the picture."

I repeated her words, firmly. "Your cousin's neighbour?"

She looked confused by how intense I had gotten, but still continued speaking. "Yes. But he's only around for the weekend. He works at a big law office in Lagos and makes huge money there, but he's a really good man. He always makes sure he's back at home with his wife and child, and always spoils them with love. I've only met him twice before, but he's pretty friendly."

My right fist tightened, as she spoke. Anger burned through my body that instant. "Is his name by chance Victor Akin?"

Her face lit up. "Oh, so you know him. That's great."

Of course, I knew the bastard. Victor Akin was a married man? And he was dating MY best friend. The man I set her up with was MARRIED. How could I have messed up so bad? That man needed to be dealt with. Severely.

I plastered a fake smile on my face, trying to hide my rage. "Excuse me for a second. I need to make a call."

Trotting back to my phone and made a call to the first person I could think of. "Hello."

Soothing deep voice answered. "What's up, Nwankwo?"

"Can you come over to my place by 5? It's important. I hope you're not busy by then."

Tife's voice sounded disinterested in what I had to say, but I needed to convince him in what I have to hear me out. "I'd be free by then, but what's it about?"

"It's about Imade and the situation is dire. I can't say it on the phone. We need to see in person first."

That seemed to sober him up. Tife loved his sister, just as much as I did and the words I spoke, had quite an impact on him. "I won't be late. Don't worry. But honestly, what you have to tell me, is it that bad?"

Not wanting to give him the chance to do something crazy, I said. "You'll find out soon enough, but it's really messed up."

Tife came just in time. Not even a minute late. He sprawled himself on the red sofa in my living room, having  one of my teal cushions wedged in his arms  and wearing a stressed look on his face. He rolled up his sleeves and hard muscles bulged from his arms. His tie was loosened and wasn't even wearing his fancy jacket that always completed his usual three piece look.  His eyes travelled across my face, and landed on my eyes intensely.

I rubbed my palms together and gnawed on my lower lip. "You came on time. I'm surprised."

He sent me a hard look. "Stop stalling, and talk."

He clearly looked like he didn't have any patience anymore, and I couldn't blame the poor guy. "Victor's married. I just found out today."

His expression changed instantly to a darker look. His fingers were clenched and his eyebrows drew together. "Victor? Imade's boyfriend?"

"The one and only." I grimaced.

"Does Imade know? How did you find out?"

"Imade doesn't know. I only found out by accident. Through an employee on mine. He was in her picture. To cut the long story short, he's married."

Tife jolted up. "That son of a bitch. I'm going to break him into two."

I jumped up too and moved in front of him. I needed to calm him down or what I had in mind wouldn't work. "Stop. No."

"Don't try and stop me. He had it coming."

I grazed my hand on his arm and sent him a pleading look. My fingers tingled at the feel of his lean muscles against his white polyester shirt. The puzzled yet vulnerable expression in his eyes, had me dropping my hand in haste.

His voice had calmed down, but the murderous look in his eyes, didn't falter. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't look for him and beat the shit out of that scumbag."

"Because I have a plan."

"I'm done with your plans. It's your damn plan that caused this in the first place." His words came out harsher than I expected.

My face fell slightly, but I managed to sound unaffected by what he said. "This time I'm undoing my mistake."

An eyebrow rose. "How do you want to do that?"

"We're going to break them apart, without them realizing it."


After two weeks hiatus, I'm glad to be back. I missed you guys so much.

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