Chapter three

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When I heard my door bell ring, I hastily took off my apron and turned off the gas cooker. Running towards the door and opening it, I was slightly surprised to see Desmond standing there.

"You're an hour early." I let him in and watched him give me a morbid expression.

"I just needed to tell you something important." He rubbed his fingers against the small stubble on his jaw. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that his actions were pretty much like that of a nervous man. Wetin dey happen sef?

"So important that you absolutely needed to see me an hour earlier than we planned?" I questioned and lightly tugged the edges of my hair.

He ran his hands through his dark hair and his eyes looked almost pleading. Beads of sweat ran down the moonlight dark skin of his face. It worried me how uncomfortable he looked "Yeah. Exactly."

"Well sit down or something. You're getting me all worried."

His jaw clenched. Instantly, his nervous demeanor morphed into something different, as anger trailed over his words. "No. I want to say this, while standing. It's important that I do."

From the way he looked, a part of me knew what he was going to say and it scared me. "Okay. What is it?"

"We need to break up." He stated, coldly. There wasn't a shred of remorse in his words and something about his behavior didn't sit well with me.

My whole body went still, but my eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Why?"

At this moment, his handsome face scrunched up and it somehow annoyed the hell out of me. Of course, I needed an explanation. I deserved that much. "Do I need a reason to break up with you?"

"Well I deserve better than that since I spent almost nineteen months of my life dating you." What was wrong with me? Why was I not crying or feeling heartbroken about this? I couldn't understand why I didn't feel anything but anger running through my veins.

Desmond spat out. "You want the truth. Fine. I met someone else."

My heart shattered, but somehow I couldn't bring myself to cry. I instead, found myself still seething. "You cheated on me?"

He sounded apologetic, but then again, I was too angry to care. "It's not like that. I've been miserable in this shitty relationship and I finally found someone that doesn't feel like a burden to me anymore."

"So I feel like a burden?" I tensed up immediately. How dare he say that?

"You have no idea how exhausting it is to be dating you. Your obsession with having a perfect life is too much pressure for me. When I'm dating someone, I want to enjoy myself. I don't need to be wondering if what I'm doing is good enough for you." He continued to rant. I knew how flawed I was, but it wasn't fair how he made it all to be MY fault. "You have no idea what it feels like, Nara. It's clear you don't love me as much as you claim. Our relationship has run its course and you know it."

Once again, his words stung. He didn't think that I loved him? That was bullshit. It was hard not to feel offended by this. "Obsessed with the perfect life? How dare you act like I'm some kind of control freak? I never made you seem perfect. If anything, I had to put up with your nags. It almost felt like I was dating a baby. But I looked past that because relationships takes work and patience. Too bad you never saw that."

"Say whatever you want but you know I'm saying the truth. You always wanted this perfect love life. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why you do so." Desmond paused, putting emphasis on his next words. "I get it. I understand why you want it. Your parents have a perfect and flawless marriage. Congratulations to them. But you have no right to shove your ideals and expectations down my throat. I'm not a spineless heap."

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