Chapter eleven

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The moment we were done with dinner, I studied Victor carefully, hoping to see if what I did, had an effect on him.

When I saw his face crumble and the tight grip of his hands on his stomach, reaffirmed that everything was going on as I hoped.

Mr. Johnson inquired. "I heard you're a lawyer. What law firm do you work in?"

Victor tried to give a confident smile, but it was hard to, with the way he clutched his stomach and how much beads of sweat ran down his face. "I recently resigned. I decided to float my own firm."

Tife and I shared a concerned look. Neither us seemed to like the possibility of him not having a job. What if he did this to make money out of Imade?

Tife's question held a strained tone inside it. "So you're unemployed now?"

Victor nodded, not looking bothered by my icy look. "Temporarily."

Tife frowned, but he said nothing. Annoyance flashed in his eyes, every moment Victor spoke.

Mrs Johnson chipped in. "Maybe while you're still gathering the resources for your new firm, you could work with Imade's father and Tife at their firm."

I stiffened and whipped my head to Tife's direction. Anger was all I could see around him. His jaw ticked, as he spoke. "Let's not jump into a decision like that, so hastily."

Mr. Johnson sent his wife a wry look. "That's another discussion for another day."

His wife muttered. "I was just trying to help."

Not replying her comment, Mr. Johnson turned his head back to Victor. "How long have you—" He squeezed his face and covered his nose, when he smelt something malodorous. "What the hell is that smell?"

I gripped my nose just as well, but I already knew who the culprit was. Victor. I let my gaze linger to where the culprit uncomfortably sat, trying to pretend that it wasn't him.

He let out another flatus. This time it was louder and everyone instantly knew who it was. His face heated, when everyone's eyes turned to him.

Victor stuttered. "I-I'm sorry, I j-just don't know what happened."

Tife's eyes locked with mine. A slow smile dragged across his face. I wanted to smile back, but I didn't want anyone to notice. One thing, for sure. Tife knew it was my handiwork and it seemed like he was enjoying it, more than I did.

Since I knew Imade was not around when the food was cooking, I took up the chance to execute my plan. To douse Victor's food with some diarrhea medicine, so he could turn to a farting machine when he would meet the Johnsons. As crazy as the plan seemed, it was the only one I knew would irk Mr. Johnson so much. It was much more easier because I helped Mrs. Simbiat to dish out everyone's food and I was content with the outcome. Imade's parents shocked looks was the result I wanted. Unfortunately, the sad look on Imade's face, made me hesitant to continue with my week long plan. I shook off my thoughts. It needed to be done. It's the only way she'd be forced to get rid of him.

Victor let out another one and he jumped up. He coughed uncomfortably. "I need to use your toilet. Please, it's urgent."

Mrs. Johnson looked like she wanted to laugh, but she masked it, by clearing her throat. "Go through the hallway. The first room on the right."

Victor hastily thanked her and darted off. Once he was out of ear shots, Mrs. Johnson burst into a fit of giggles. "I can't believe he farted. Continuously and loudly. Immy, can you believe it?"

Imade frowned slightly. "Excuse me for a second." In a beat, she stepped out of her seat.

My eyes trailed to her retreating figure walking towards the balcony. I sighed, then said to the rest of the Johnsons. "Excuse me too."

I followed Imade, to where she sat, and settled myself into the chair next to hers. "Hi. Can I stay?"

Imade's lips twisted. "I don't mind that. I'm still mad at you, though."

My lips curled up "I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you what to do."

"I know you care, but he matters so much to me. I just can't let him go, because of some intuitions."

"What if you have proof that he's not worth it?"

"I know he is." Imade said firmly.

Frowning slightly, I instead retorted. "Okay. Are we good now?"

Imade's chuckled. "Better than ever," then she gave a long sigh "I can't believe he farted in front of my parents. You know how much first impressions matter to dad."

"I can't believe your mom finds this humorous."

"It's so embarrassing."

I rubbed her back gently. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

She leaned her head on my shoulder. "I'll need to talk to my dad after this. I'm hoping I'd be able to overlook this disastrous moment."

"I'm always on your side, no matter what."

Imade muttered. "Thank you. You're truly the best."

I squeezed her arm gently. "You too, hon. Let's go back in. Everyone's expecting us."


"So that was your plan. To make him fart his eyes out." Startled, I turned around to meet Tife's amused look.

Everyone was back upstairs and I was relaxing at their balcony. The view here was always breathtaking and I wanted to enjoy the moment a lot longer, before I head home. I thought Tife was already in his room and didn't expect him to be standing there, looking so distractingly attractive. He had changed into different clothes and his entrancing eyes stared at me. His aquiline nose complemented his cheekbones, and he leaned against the wall, as he spoke.

"It's the first step."

"I can't wait to see what other plans you have." He teased.

"I'm just afraid it would hurt Imade."

"The truth would hurt her more. You said so yourself."

"You're right. I'm just hoping it works. Today was a success. Your dad clearly hates him. It's naturally hard to please your dad, so this is going to last a lifetime."

"You just need to figure a way to get my mom against him too."

"That's all part of the plan, trust me."

"I do." My eyes linked with his briefly, I noticed how long his eyelashes were. It suited him well. Made him look quite fetching. Realizing how long I was looking at him, I immediately blinked my gaze away.

Wanting to get the hell out of here, I hastily replied. "I should get going. It's already late. See you tomorrow."

His voice sauntered above my ears, and flipflopped my insides. "See you tomorrow, Nara."

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