Chapter four

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"Mom?" I stood at the entrance of my door in shock when I saw my mom holding a large tote bag, standing in front of my house unexpectedly.

"Chinaraekene, dearie. It's good to see you." I winced when she called out my full name. Mom literarily squeezed herself in, before I could give a reply.

Not knowing what to say, I greeted her and replied. "I never expected you to visit. Is something wrong?"

Mom raised her eyebrow, raking her eyes all over my minutely decorated  living room. I didn't own much. Only a bright red sofa that looked like it needed to be replaced, due to the number of years I've had it and a not-so-large plasma TV, sitting at the center of the freshly coated pewter grey walls. "Do I need a good reason to visit?"

Knowing my mom, she always had a reason, but I wasn't going to tell her that."Not really. It just seems odd."

"Well, nothing's wrong. I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I should pop up and say hi." Her mocca skin, which looked almost like mine, glistened under the bulb.

"In the neighbourhood? Visiting who?"

Eyes as dark as moonlight softened, as the words escaped her mouth. "Most people would be thrilled to have their mother visit them."

"I'm thrilled. Just surprised too."

Changing the subject, Mom sniffed, then asked.  "Something smells good. What are you cooking?"

I groaned internally and followed my mom, who was practically prancing to the kitchen. "Just instant noodles."

Mom's nose crinkled. "Noodles? Is this how you've been eating? You this girl, sha. I'm concerned about you."

I switched off the gas cooker and sighed. I instantly lost my appetite to eat it anymore. I loved my mom. God knows I did, but she had a habit of caring too much. It's a good trait, but it could be kind of overbearing at times. "Thanks for the concern, mom."

Mom raised up the tote bag in her hand, that had caught my attention the moment she came in, and grinned. "Luckily for you, I brought you home made meals to keep you going for a couple of days or so."

I chuckled. "There's no way your visit was coincidental. You travelled miles to bring me food?"

"You're my only child, of course I did."

My incredulous look sparkled up an amused glint in her eyes. "It's been ages since you've done so. Naturally I'm guessing there's something you're leaving out."

Her lips twitched. "I'll be honest. Your dad's away for the weekend for some conference and it's boring being all alone at home."

"What about the Johnsons?" Imade's parents were Mr and Mrs. Johnson. They were our next door neighbours and our family's closest friends too.

Mom dusted the edges of her forest green dress, flaked with spots of mud that must have clung to her long outfit. "This weekend's their anniversary. I'd have to be the devil to butt in."

"How long are you staying here again?" I was careful to make sure I didn't sound like I wanted to get rid of her. Mom usually got sensitive about things like that.

Luckily, she didn't sound offended. "Till tomorrow hopefully."

"So the food was a bribe." I probed on, treading delicately with my words. 

Mom's smile turned cheeky. "A little bit."

Chuckling again at how funny she was behaving, I retorted. "You're in luck because I need all the company I can get this weekend."

"Because you're lonely?" Her eyes whipped up curiously.

I glared at her. I didn't want anyone to think of me as a lonely person. I was content with how things are, despite how quickly my relationship with Desmond crashed. "No, mom. Because I'm having a movie marathon tonight. Imade would be here in an hour or less. It's supposed to be a girls night out."

Mom clapped her hands in delight. "Wonderful. I'm in. It'll be a trio party. It's so lovely how you and Imade still keep in touch."

"Best friends forever, I guess. She has my back and I have hers. That's our motto." I said earnestly.

"That's wonderful. What about Tife? Do you still keep in contact with him?" Mom's questions made me wary of her intentions. She plopped herself on my sofa and gestured for me to join in.

Heaving a long sigh, I settled into the comfy couch. "Not as much as we used to. We run in different social circles now and he's a busy man."

Mom chirped on. "That's sad. You two used to be close. Remember when you once had a crush on him. You would follow him around. It was cute."

I blushed. That was something I hated to remember. "That's a lifetime again. I was twelve, he was fifteen. I hardly knew him then so it was easier to like him. It's over a decade now so it means nothing now in my memory."

Her wispy eyebrows drew together. "Hardly knew him then? You make him sound like a bad person."

I shrugged. "He's not, but he's also not the person to be involved with. Besides, we're practically family."

"Family-friend. Hardly anything." She waved her hand dismissively.

I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms. I knew mom well enough to know what she was up to. "I know what you're doing, mom. Your attempts to pair me up with any single guy you know, is not what I need right now. I'm taking a little break from dating and I'd love a bit of privacy."

"Why are you complaining?  You do it all the time." Mom retorted, with a shake of her head.

I was exasperated. "That's my job. Again, I need my privacy."

"I'm your mom. I'm a part of your private life." Mom's eyebrow raised. She was literarily acting like a typical Nigerian mother who wanted to know the ins and outs of my personal life and it was beyond exhausting.

I retired, into a simple sigh. "You're lucky the food you brought looks very delicious or we'd be having a different conversation from now."

"I just wanted to check on my baby girl. It's a mother's job to worry about their child no matter how old they are. Even if the child's now a stubborn twenty five year old entrepreneur."

"I do appreciate it. I'd be crazy not to. I'll just put the food in the freezer and get a shower."

"You haven't showered all day? Personal hygiene, honey." She said in a sickly sweet tone.

"I have. Jesus. I'm just taking another one because my hands smell like the fish I cooked minutes ago. You know how much I hate the smell of fish."

"Oh. While you have a shower. I'll go cook something for us to eat. There's no way either one of us is eating that noodles. It looks so awful."

I laughed and entered inside my room. I didn't mind that too. I already had plans to throw out the noodles anyway. Having someone cook for me felt relaxing. Benefits of having your mom around, I guess. Free meals.

Nara and her mother have quite the relationship.  Nara's mom cares too much apparently. What's the one thing your mom does that annoys the hell out of  you?

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