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I looked up at everyone's shocked faces. I stared at my mother and sister, who just looked down. I've never seen that amount of disappointment on their faces. I then felt my father take my headband of my head.

Anger suddenly stirred inside of me. Why did he care if I cheated or not. He doesn't give a damn about me anyway.

I yanked my head band away from him and ran out of the stadium. I ignored everyone's stares and wiped my tears away. The embarrassment I should be feeling was wiped away with anger. Anger at everyone who looked at me with pitty.

I heard my father shout my name, but I just kept running. I made it home and locked myself in my room. I would have never cheated if I was stronger. If my father would have trained with me and taught me more, I could have won.

Seeing the look of disappointment on everyone's face killed me. I'm a disappointment to be called my father's son. How can I be the son of the hokage if I'm weak. "Damn it!" I yelled smashing the mirror on the wall.

No one would look at me the same. My friendship with Shikadai was ruined. He was supposed to win that battle, not me. I feel stupid for realizing it just now.

I heard the front door open. I heard footsteps coming upstairs. "Boruto?" I heard my mother say, "Can I come in?" I didn't want to talk to anyone.

I could already predict what she was going to say, and I didn't want to hear it. But she's my mother, even if I said no she would still come in.

"Yeah," I said getting up from my bed and wiping my tears away. She entered the room and looked at with the expression I never thought I would see on her face. Disappointment.

"Your father won't be coming home tonight. He has work to finish up with the chunin exams." I know that's a lie. He just doesn't want to talk to me.

"Yeah, okay. Can you leave now, I want to be alone." She looked shocked at my harsh words, but just nodded and left. I didn't want to be mean to her, but I couldn't stand to see the look on her face.

I laid in bed, looking up at the ceiling. It was only seven but it felt like the middle of the night. I heard a pebble hit my window. I went to go look and saw a note. I opened it and said Cheater.

I teared it up and paced around my room. I needed to speak with my dad. I needed to know what he was thinking. I ran out the door and headed toward his office. I tried to ignore the stares I was getting, but they were eating me up.

I opened the door to his office and saw he sitting on his desk with stacks of papers around him. "Boruto?" He asked. His words laced with confusion. "What are you doing here." He said that a bit more harshly which caught me off guard.

"I need to talk to you." He didn't look up from his stack if papers. "Just look at me, okay! I know your mad at me, but at least look me in the eyes. I'm your son!"

"What you did, is not something my son would do. I did not raise you like that." Those words hurt me, like if I was being stabbed in the back multiple times.

"You didn't raise me! You were in here all the time. You never have time for me." I yelled back at him, walking up to slam my hands on his desk. "All the other kids have learned from their parents, but you- you just ugh!"

"Is that what you came to say. You blame me for all this. It's better if you just leave, Boruto." I was going to respond, but all the words were just stuck in my throat.

"Maybe it is." I whispered to myself, before I ran out of his office.

I walked home slowly. I took a trail that no one takes, so I dont have to see anyone. I am lost in my thoughts trying to think about what I do next. My mother is disappointed in me. My father can't look at me. Everyone in the village stares at me. And my friends probably don't want to speak to me.

I got home and locked myself in my room once again. I didn't want to be here anymore. I want to get stronger to prove to everyone that I'm not a disappointment. If I'm strong, my old man will look at me again...

Why do I even care! If he doesn't want to consider me his son, why should I give a damn about that.

I took out a bag and filled it with clothing and things I need. I looked at the family pictures, but then put them facing down. If I looked at them to long, I wouldn't be able to leave.

I don't have a plan on what I'm going to do. They can easily track me if I leave, so I'll go to place a built long ago. A place where no one could find me, not even my dad.

I waited until it was the middle of the night. I entered my sister's room quietly. I had to see her one last time before I left. Tears filled my eyes when I realized I would leave her too. I quietly shut the door and headed out of my house.

I made it to the gate and saw the guards mostly half asleep. I used this to my advantage to make a distraction and get past them. It worked and I left. That was a lot more simple than I imagined.

I headed toward the place a built a while ago. It was near a waterfall and a cave. I entered the cave and made my way toward the back. I had dug deep down and created a shelter.

I entered it and realized it was the same. I haven't been down here for years. The walls were filled with can food I have be saving. Enough to last me three years.

Their was enough room for me to train on my own. I had brought some books about new jutsus I could use. With enough training I will become strong.

I'll come back and prove to everyone that I'm not a disappointment.

Author's note: Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I know it's not the best, but I'm trying. If you see any mistakes, please feel free to comment them.

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