Chapter 12

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I was still trying to figure out what it was that I had sensed. It was odd and nothing like I've felt before. What surprised me the most was that I sensed new chakra from almost extinct clans. I could tell it was two people, and I needed to go see for myself who it was.

As I was about to leave, my partner came up to me. I debated asking him to come with me or not. I don't know much about what I'm going into; I might as well play it safe. "Do you want to go investigate some unknown chakra with me?"

He seemed puzzled by what I asked but quickly shook it off. "You sensed some unknown chakra is this area? Well... I'm bored anyway, so why not." I nodded my head in response and headed out.

I have determined that the chakra I sense is different; not something from our time. It's hard to explain, but it just appeared out of thin air. I would have noticed it before, especially if I was coming to my range, but I didn't.

As I headed toward where I sensed it, I noticed more familiar chakra. I knew whose it was, but it wasn't like his. This one was different as well and came out of nowhere. I continued to make my way there as more familiar, but not odd chakra came my way. Two of those people had the same chakra, except you could actually tell they were different.

I slowed down once I was getting close. From this distance, I could see the people. I was confused as I looked at them. There were three odd chakras, but they are familiar. I finally understand what it was, someone from the future messed with time. I confirmed this when I sensed the familiar man active the sharigan.

There was only one person who it could be... Sasuke.



I didn't know what was bothering me as we walked. I just felt as if we were being followed. The chakra I sensed was not coming from us but seemed similar to Sarada's. I turned and saw that Sasuke had activated his sharigan. He must have noticed someone following us too. 

I continued on for a bit more but I couldn't take it anymore. If they were good, they would have come out and said something already, not hide. I activated my eye and turned towards the trees.

I let out my gust of lightning jutsu and ran toward where they were. The others, except for Sasuke seemed confused, but they would understand soon enough once they saw.

Just as I thought, two people came out of the trees. They had dark cloaks with what seemed like red clouds. I looked at them closer before realizing who it was. The other tied up Sasuke was trying to free himself, he seemed extremely agitated.

"Ouch! What was that?" A weird shark guy said.

"Uncle Itachi?!" I heard Sarada yell. She went over toward where he was. The other Sasuke starting yelling at her to get away, but our Sasuke just let her go to him.

"I knew I would eventually see you. Do you know who I am?" Our Sasuke said going toward the man again. "The one thing I looked forward to was seeing you again. Although we didn't really get along in this time period."

"So time was messed with, Sasuke. You're all grown up now. It's weird to see you not trying to kill me, I'm assuming you know everything." Itachi said.

"Yes, I was told at around this time period. However, it seems that my younger self has still not found anything out. I tried to explain myself to... Myself. But he is just so stubborn." Sasuke told Itachi while the other just looked at them in shock.

"I don't know, and I don't care! He killed my whole clan. He's not a good person. He has most likely manipulated you in the future." The other Sasuke was really going crazy. I know that Sarada told me that he was in a dark place at this time, but this is just too much.

"Calm down already, Sasuke! If your older self trusts him, then I trust him too. Stop being so stubborn for once." This surprised everyone since this came from Sakura.

That definitely shut him up. He just put his head down and didn't move. "What are you doing here?" Itachi asked Sasuke. 

"I came to get my daughter and the Hokage's son." Itachi's eyes then landed on us. "That's your niece Sarada and Boruto." I turned to see that Sarada was extremely nervous.

"So that's why she called me uncle. I never thought that I would be called that..." Sarada finally looked up at him. She seemed really happy to see him, I mean, who wouldn't. I can relate to what she's feeling since I meet my uncle recently too.

"I've always wanted to meet you, Uncle Itachi," Sarada said to Itachi. Itachi had a smile on his face as he met the Sarada. How partner, however, seemed extremely confused.

"What is all of this, Itachi. I thought that you and your brother didn't get along, is there something you need to explain to me." The Shark dude told him. "What the hell, I know you won't, so why do I even try."

"I'll explain later if I get the chance. You can return if you like, I'll be occupied for a bit. Oh, and don't tell the rest about this, it won't end well for any of us." Itachi told Shark dude in a warning tone. This, however, didn't bother the other guy, since he just laughed it off.

"If you say so. If you need me, I'll be busy." With that, he vanished.

"What was that jutsu you released, I barely managed to dodge it. I've also never seen it before." Itachi asked me. And to be completely honest, I didn't really know how to explain the jutsu, I just kind of do it.

"I mixed wind style and lightning style and created a sort of cloud of thunder... Or something like that." I almost forgot to mention my eye, "Oh, and I'm able to do this because of my eye."

"Mixed lightning and wind, and what do you mean by your eye?" This would be a long story that needs to be explained properly.

"Come with us and I'll tell you. Besides, I'm sure Sasuke and Sarada want to catch up with you." He laughed and agreed to it. However, he earned only a protest from the one tied up.

"The Hokage's son... You look a lot like Naruto. I'm guessing that he is the Hokage in the future." Itachi said, and I was about to answer but was cut off.

"Believe it!"

Authors note: Sorry that I'm so slow at updates!! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Remember to vote and comment.

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